Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restrained

Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Get one of those electric bug killers they had at all the drive ins way back when. Moths go right to them and zzzzzzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaaaaaappppppppppp :idea:
The culprit? - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

The autopsy of Fluxys' pot just came back.

The culprit?


(some of this post is from pasted edit & mess w/ my general disarray)

3 HOLES! , holes added to the pot, that I failed to ever mention here. The sludge at the bottom of the pot, made flushing, fruitless. The sludge built up from upper soil leaching thru the coco, and building up over time on the bottom of the pot, below the extra holes, kept the flush water, above the sludge, the water ran off, thru the (stupid holes).

After i cut the pot open to get her out & into the ground, I saw an inch of "sludge" that built up at the bottom of her huge pot, the sludge blocked the very bottom drain holes, this did not allow for good drainage. I collected a few scoops of it and filled a 6" pot with a big hole in the center of the bottom. I left an inch or more room in the pot below the top rim, I packed the sludge down a bit like it was at the bottom of Fluxys' pot and topped it off with water, an hour later NO water had drained thru the sludge.

What this means is, all that flush water last week (and a few weeks ago), did not got out the bottom. Reason being, 2" above the bottom drain holes, I had added 3 extra drain holes (big mistake) so all my flush water failed to remove the sludge build up at the very bottom, the flush water all went out the 3 holes that were above the sludge.

The 3 high holes added to the pot, above the original drain holes, was a HUGE mistake, had I realized that the very bottom holes were clogged, I could have easily cleared them, and the sludge would have ran out the bottom. I think this was a big part of her big decline in health that snowballed on me. There were signs of fatigue almost a month ago, this shit was accumulating at the bottom of the pot, since she went into it.
I believe these holes were a big part of the horror show.

who's idea for xtra holes? I will say it was umm,,:scratchinghead:,errrr, it was, ,,:scratchinghead: uhhh, ,,, my friends? :idea:

nope, all my stupidity. must have been on good dope when I thought the holes were a good idea for better drainage, I never thought to wonder why every other pot I've seen since birth, never had side holes, what a mistake. If only I had mentioned these holes that I basically forgot about until a second look at the corpse aka the pot below

The holes in the very bottom, were ALL 100% clogged.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

This is a SHOUT OUT, to ole SABO &/or those with a creative mind when it comes to deterring small flying critters.

I was just sitting in moth obersvation chair, enjoying our warmest day in quite a while. Turns out that the "bad moths" noticed the warm weather and they were out in force, for the first time, in my yard this year. I am now HORRIFIED by this sighting. The 10 foot bait net is a joke, they are laughing at me, they are landing 5 feet in front of me, one here, then one over there. I deployed the nets on my flowering girls, Purple Muxy included.

SABO, can we dig up some hill-folk ingenuity and built a device that has a 4 to 8 foot range, that (quietly) shoots debris, like sand or any similar matter, that will deter, wound or forever, scare off, these pests? Seriously, these moths love nothing more than the "sticky" when it comes to the best place for them to lay egg, after egg, after egg, etc. I need a quiet device that can act like what a shotgun does to any bird from 10 feet.

But, with out the noise and without that range. I don't want to hurt anything but the moth. Any ideas like a James Bond type device or a Spiderman web-shooter, something? anything that will capture these killers, pop into ole SABO's noggin? Anybody else that invents creative thoughts, please share 'em.

Otherwise, I'm gonna be spending hours on ye old moth egg, removing, stool, with my egg removing, tweezers.:thanks:

There actually is a kind of fly swatter that shoots a spinning perforated disk with a range of about 10 feet, and it would knock a moth out of the air. It might be amusing. I don't think would make much difference.

Hard question when the solution can't involve light. But I just remembered they make citronella 'punk stick' thingies - look like cattails and burn like incense. And there's mosquito coils, and all kinds of incense. I don't know about them in particular, but smell seems like your best approach
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

\Thanks slogro :high-five: I'm looking for the disc shooter now! Great idea, childrens toys, that launch any projectiles, will be sought!

Rest assured, the projectiles will be modified for greater chance successful, moth eradication.

Also you mentioned light, I will not be aiming the projectiles at my girls, the moths land in bushes & trees all around, I see most of them just after sunset. THEY LAY EGGS FROM SUNDOWN TO SUNRISE.

I will be orderring another mosquito bed net tonight as well. Great ideas, :thanks:
Re: The culprit? - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

The autopsy of Fluxys' pot just came back. The culprit? the holes added and I failed to ever mention these holes. The sludge at the bottom of the pot, made flushing, fruitless. The sludge built up from upper soil leaching thru the coco, and building up over time on the bottom of the pot, below the extra holes, kept the flush water, above the sludge, the water ran off, thru the (stupid holes), who's idea for xtra holes? I will say are,,,errrr, were, ,, uhhh, ,,, my friends bright idea.

I believe these holes were a big part of the horror show. The holes in the very bottom, were ALL 100% clogged.

Ah, my dear sir,

I just can't let you say such bad things about those holes. The problem was that the bottom holes got clogged, and what was that goo. Maybe the pot was too tight to Dolly, even for just a few days - once they clogged, it just built up. If the bottom holes hadn't been clogged, the side holes would have continued to be a good idea. The lesson to be learned here is not that the side holes were a bad idea. I think the lesson is that the bottom holes were too small, and needed clearance. Those side holes allowed the problem to go unrecognized - they were not the problem, nor did they cause it.

Everywhere I go in these journals people are talking about getting air to the roots, air pots, air pruning, fabric pots, perlite, bubblers - anything and everything to get air to the roots. Once the bottom clogged those side holes were her only source of air, keeping her alive. Another way they masked the problem, but were not the problem. My guess is that 20 big holes in the bottom and a hundred little ones all around the sides would have been just fine with her.

Thank you for the opportunity to rant!

Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

That slowgro, was a great rant :high-five: You nailed it, good summation, now,

how can we find out a different guy to blame for not mentioning this omitted, & CRUCIAL evidence, lol.

sorry folks, it's all on me, can we agree that this is the most likely contributing factor?

The good part is, she should now be on the road to recovery, with,

another chance at surviving this world we create for our:circle-of-love: plants:green_heart:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Get one of those electric bug killers they had at all the drive ins way back when. Moths go right to them and zzzzzzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaaaaaappppppppppp :idea:

my first thought beemerbill :high-five:, I will never forget throwing green grass, pulled from the ground, into those things, as a child!

what fun hear ing that (you nailed it) zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sizzle & smoke.

BUT???? is there a chance this light will just bring every moth in my neighborhood into my yard???

then they will be close enough to smell their absolute favorite thing to lay their eggs on,

my sticky!
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Ok yep, on topic....would the little nurf arrows tear and break stuff when you miss? :)

A super soaker would water the plant for you at the same time... :)
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

those extra holes I drilled was 3rd grade material, in hindsight,

I just wished I had THOUGHT OF THAT & shared the extra holes, in my summaries, turns out it was critical info, that i realized, only after, the pot was split open when we saw blemishing 4 weeks ago DOH!

ok, i'll say it for you, what a dope!

We sure could have done with that info.

The constant high pH is starting to make sense, good luck.

You probably done the right thing.

Best wishes.

Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

I am ashamed of myself BB,:passitleft: solo this in front of me, I will just watch you enjoy watching me suffer, one more time.

i APOLOGIZE FOR NOT EVEN REALIZING THE IMPORTANCE OF (doh!) my omission of a crucial detail.

All I can say is "I know that won't happen again" Shame on me, but, I'm not afraid to admit I'm still a novice.

I'll just have to call it a valuable lesson, in proper drainage 101.

I hope my visitors can forgive me, I'll say it again, I'm very grateful for all the members (like yourself):thanks:,

that show they really care for fellow 420 members!:circle-of-love:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Ok yep, on topic....would the little nurf arrows tear and break stuff when you miss? :)

A super soaker would water the plant for you at the same time... :)

thanks Tassie :passitleft: please solo that in front of me, I'm still punishing myself.

I would not aim the nurf projectiles at my girls & I think shooting them with a super-soaker might not scare them enough, to make them tell their cousins,

to stay away from that yard, lol Glad you like slowgros' idea,

all I did was type childrens toy guns in a search box,

that baby came up first.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Next time ya'll need some more holes in your plastic pots, just holler, I'll back off a good distance and pepper the pot with that ole shotgun a bit, saves some time drillin. :)

It's early here, into the woods I go, need to fetch up some good breakfast, might get a squirrel!:high-five:

Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Hey Trichster,

We all learned something here.

That is what this forum is all about !

Stay cool dude, single malt on the way this w/e to celebrate. Sabo is on the bar.

Under my strict watch.

(That will be stuffed after 2 or 3) :cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

my first thought beemerbill :high-five:, I will never forget throwing green grass, pulled from the ground, into those things, as a child!

what fun hear ing that (you nailed it) zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sizzle & smoke.

BUT???? is there a chance this light will just bring every moth in my neighborhood into my yard???

then they will be close enough to smell their absolute favorite thing to lay their eggs on,

my sticky! is a light...................:idea:

Think that's what you said about citronella candles....:slide:

Earlier I was wondering about something that smolders like incense,
making a moth-repellent and hopefully non-toxic smell

Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Earlier I was wondering about something that smolders like incense,
making a moth-repellent and hopefully non-toxic smell

Round these parts they're called mozzie coils...burn like incense, and help to keep mosquito's away...smells like...stuff...

dunno if it works on moths though...
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

we call em mosquito punks or mosquito coils
green and stink not the kinda stink I like either so it works on me too :rofl:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

we call em mosquito punks or mosquito coils
green and stink not the kinda stink I like either so it works on me too :rofl:

Yeah, those are a bit nasty, but maybe something along those lines
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