Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restrained

Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Hiya Trichs,

Finally got some time, was tending to Marilyn & prepping the other "Ladies" for my first harvest, so that ya don't be forever calllin me a "Noob" no mores. Ya know what I mean City Slicker? Well, Ole Sabo went a thinking about Miss Fluxy and all of the problems that you're having with that lady.

Ya'll City folk are a strange sort sometimes, but in Ole Sabo's honest opinion, Miss Fluxy just might be getting too much of all of the pampering & being fussed over all of the time. Out where Ole Sabo lives, right in that shack over yonder, all of my darn plants need only 3 things, good light, good CO2 & some good ole Hillbilly mountain water.

I know you got the light, looks like you have some good CO2 also, but you might be missing out on this. How's about going out and gettin some purdy water, with lots of crawdaddy, fish, beaver and duck poop in it. I heard in my parts, that it is the best water you can find for your Fluxy. Lots of good minerals & other goodies in it too.

I took a picture for you,in case you never saw a spring fed creek (I call it a crick). I'm a hoping that instead of that City water that you've been forcin her to drink, that this is something she might take kindly to. Hey Bud, it's my secret only, but I'll share it with ya, I draw my water for the contents of the mason jars here also.

Think it over a spell & maybe give it a try! Might spruce her up a lil quicker!

Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Well I'm all up to date now, shame you're not around Trichster.

Here's an on topic pic, it's a cannabis plant. :cheesygrinsmiley:

"Dresney" out of the net.

4 weeks into flower

Edit: For all the Coco doubters, she's in just 3 litres of the stuff, that's less than 1 US Gal.

Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

About 7 pages back, peeps were saying the price of Coco is too much in the US.

In the UK I can get properly matured with beneficial fungus present for less than $20 for 12 Gals (50 ltr)

What's going on over there ?
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

great share SABO, you win today, 420 is a lot closer to having a replacement for our blessed Rico, he's still here, he's still the funniest human I have encounterred here at 420. But you! you,

with the likes of you around now, Rico can now smile more,

I am so glad I found that still while I was lost in the hills,

it was worth that beating i took from ole Jed Clampett, he shared a picture of that there same crick, right after I convinced him I would never tell a soul, what I saw him a'growin & a'brewin .

only my picture shows something that crawls from the crick and slithers up on ye ol' flat rock, looks a lot like your capossum,

don't it? eh? :high-five:

Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

So you went for the transplant my friend.

Now we got more questions than answers, still high pH, got me thinking for sure.

Snapping branches ?

Was she poisoned or maybe a virus ?

I sure hope she gets through this.

I know you'll keep us up to date.

Best wishes.

Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Permission to post a drool pic please Mr. Trichster ?

I'm still back on 203.

BRING IT BB!:high-five: perm granted furr wun picature!

be tuff to beat ol SABOs crickpic, then agin, ol' BB shares sum mighty fine pics from cross the big crick

im likin' this new hilltongue im a pickin' up
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

One for the Ages, Don't know what to say, "Ole Sabo" tried to contribute on a 420 theme abouts them waters and a cure for Miss Fluxy, but now, I'll have to scratch that noggin of mine & figure a way to get my Ole Buddy out of them waters! That varmint is gonna go after my brown trout, he's a already killed once!

Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

So you went for the transplant my friend.

Now we got more questions than answers, still high pH, got me thinking for sure.

Snapping branches ?

Was she poisoned or maybe a virus ?

I sure hope she gets through this.

I know you'll keep us up to date.

Best wishes.


Thanks BB,:thumb: she most likely was sippin on accumulated caca, that was at the bottom of her pot. I'm guessing the soil matter, leached thru the coco and collected at the bottom, that matter was keeping her appearing happy, but with every feed, her substrate was "shiting" down, thru the coco & out the bottom. Are you with me? does that any sense? There was "mud" at the bottom of the pot, it was nothing but gravel, that I put at the bottom when the coco was added. Thanks for coming to help!! whatta ya think?

I think she will gradually acclimate to her new environment which should be much more stable.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

:popcorn: :passitleft:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

what up slowgro :high-five: are you feeding anything special?

as you get towards the latter stage of budding? maybe molasses or poo?

how long do you think before she goes on straight "crickwater"? or your case, you have geese poop and fish turds in your pond.

Ever fed your girls w the pond water? SABO learned me that wild water makes for happy girls. Me, I am in a dessert on the beach.

No wild water, just a feww drums of collected runoff from the rain we get for or five times a year.:circle-of-love:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Another thing to add about the change in Fluxys' health, the "sludge" that built up at the bottom of her huge pot, did not allow for good drainage. I collected a few sccops of it and filled a 6" pot with a big hole in the center of the bottom. I left an inch or more room in the pot below the top rim, I packed the sludge down a bit like it was at the bottom of Fluxys' pot and topped it off with water, an hour later NO water had drained thru the sludge.

EDIT: so what this means is, all that flush water last week, did not got out the bottom. 2" above the drain holes (above the under side holes), I had added 3 extra drain holes, so all my flush water failed to remove the sludge build up at the very bottom, the flush water all went out the 3 holes that were above the sludge,

The 3 high holes added to the pot, above the original drain holes, was a HUGE mistake,

oh well, we learn from our mistakes, this one will sting for while.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

hope you get that resolved Trichs that wont be good if the water doest drain
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

hope you get that resolved Trichs that wont be good if the water doest drain

thanks chron:thumb:, since then, she has been transplanted into the ground.

Now I'm working on her recovery and rehab, after being exposed to the muckpot, that she used to call home.

nother thing to add about the change in Fluxys' health, the "sludge" that built up at the bottom of her huge pot, did not allow for good drainage. I collected a few scoops of it and filled a 6" pot with a big hole in the center of the bottom. I left an inch or more room in the pot below the top rim, I packed the sludge down a bit like it was at the bottom of Fluxys' pot and topped it off with water, an hour later NO water had drained thru the sludge.

PASTED EDIT: so what this means is, all that flush water last week, did not got out the bottom. 2" above the drain holes (above the under side holes), I had added 3 extra drain holes, so all my flush water failed to remove the sludge build up at the very bottom, the flush water all went out the 3 holes that were above the sludge,

The 3 high holes added to the pot, above the original drain holes, was a HUGE mistake,

oh well, we learn from our mistakes, this one will sting for while.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

those extra holes I drilled was 3rd grade material, in hindsight,

I just wished I had THOUGHT OF THAT & shared the extra holes, in my summaries, turns out it was critical info, that i realized, only after, the pot was split open when we saw blemishing 4 weeks ago DOH!

ok, i'll say it for you, what a dope!
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

This is a SHOUT OUT, to ole SABO &/or those with a creative mind when it comes to deterring small flying critters.

I was just sitting in moth obersvation chair, enjoying our warmest day in quite a while. Turns out that the "bad moths" noticed the warm weather and they were out in force, for the first time, in my yard this year. I am now HORRIFIED by this sighting. The 10 foot bait net is a joke, they are laughing at me, they are landing 5 feet in front of me, one here, then one over there. I deployed the nets on my flowering girls, Purple Muxy included.

SABO, can we dig up some hill-folk ingenuity and built a device that has a 4 to 8 foot range, that (quietly) shoots debris, like sand or any similar matter, that will deter, wound or forever, scare off, these pests? Seriously, these moths love nothing more than the "sticky" when it comes to the best place for them to lay egg, after egg, after egg, etc. I need a quiet device that can act like what a shotgun does to any bird from 10 feet.

But, with out the noise and without that range. I don't want to hurt anything but the moth. Any ideas like a James Bond type device or a Spiderman web-shooter, something? anything that will capture these killers, pop into ole SABO's noggin? Anybody else that invents creative thoughts, please share 'em.

Otherwise, I'm gonna be spending hours on ye old moth egg, removing, stool, with my egg removing, tweezers.:thanks:
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