Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restrained

Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Hey trich just stopped by to say hello and see how you are doing. See you had a bit of a moth issue. I'm trying to by a house which is taking all my 420 time and also I have to contact a mod as I no longer get email updates to my subs. My fluxs are doing good and coming along fine with the assistance of the modest one LA. LOL

when do you plan on flipping/12/12 her lb?
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

I flipped them last Thursday 4/17 so a week and a day. I am using 1 600 MH and one HPS dimmed to 400 because of heat issues.

on one plant!??!

you don't mess around! (pound, lol) hope your landlord pays for that power bill,

no wonder she tripled in size in 10 days! :thumb: i like it!
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine


How thoughtless of your computer manufacturer.

Write to their head office immediately.

Oh and please put the drill down and step away from the machine.........


lmao, huge smile, thanks BB:thumb:

Gateway, it's been a good lappy, but as you see everyday, I need that light.
Thought of the day

Thought of the day:

"My plants don't have Problems,

It's always me that's the Problem"

plagiarized, copied & pasted here,

just to make BB smile, my show of thanks for the chair :high-five:

(with blatant disregard for signature etiquette, from a fine 420 crossponder):circle-of-love:
Re: WTF! Watch This Flux, 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing, presents "Fluxy Lady" fully restra

SHE'S VERY SCARED OF THE "HOLE" I am considering the hole or the pot or a grow bag, the pot will not stay in the hole, that is just for hole size scale.


Have you made a decision? Or are you still sitting on those sharp fence pickets???
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

LOL, I'm going to treat the soil in the next few days, based on her vitals. Thanks so much for asking, no stars tonight, she's working out in gusts of up to 30 mph, very windy. I was just out in the moth-chair, provided by BB, it just started raining. Fluxy is having her first shower, that does not contain water with organic nutrients or bug deterrents. Her leaves are perking up more today and the new growth tops beneath her canopy are looking healthier everyday. The tip/tops of her limbs, to the brunt of her trauma. You can see brown tips on the newest growth, you'll also see that their is excessive curling of these new growth top-shoots. Hopefully, they will look happier in the morning.

Guess what M&Ms? YOU ! yes, YOU!

could be in trouble






timing of this post? :scratchinghead:


that's not your style,

this is to make you smyle!

CONGRATULATIONS MagicMediwana!!!!!!

REPS & :thanks::thanks::thanks:

:green_heart: You are the first poster, on our 200th page!! :thanks: MagicMediwana :thanks::thanks:
Re: Thought of the day

Thought of the day:

"My plants don't have Problems,

It's always me that's the Problem"

plagiarized, copied & pasted here,

just to make BB smile, my show of thanks for the chair :high-five:

(with blatant disregard for signature etiquette, from a fine 420 crossponder):circle-of-love:

:thanks: LMAO :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

You sure it's only 200 pages I've read? Seems like all I do............:high-five:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Congrats on your 200th page!!! :welldone: No pre-planning on my part, but.... Woo-Hoo anyway!!! :woohoo: :tommy::rocker:

I noticed that the new growth was still curling. Or twisting, it seems. I did some reading and there are so many different answers, it's hard to know. I've seen everything you've all been discussing in addition to simple 'accelerated growth but still perfectly healthy.' Long story short...I got nothin'! :loopy: If she is better today then she will be even better the next! My best to Fluxy and Muxy!!
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

no transplant in the very near future,

we will treat what is in the pot now, first,:thumb:

and consider a transplant later, if need be.:love:

:thanks: all for showing me all your 420 Fluxy love!:green_heart:


UH, Now good Ole Sabo is just completely confused? 1st decide to transplant, dig hole, make Fluxy scared, now no transplant??? What happened? Did LA come over & spank your A** again for not listening? :ciao:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

on one plant!??!

you don't mess around! (pound, lol) hope your landlord pays for that power bill,

no wonder she tripled in size in 10 days! :thumb: i like it!

I actually have 3 lady's in the tent. 2 WW fluxs and 1 WW auto. As for power bill included in rent.:rofl:
Your tread moves at the speed of light but I think you are trying to many solutions to your lady. Just a word of advice give her a chance to recuperated and then see what results you get.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

I can't keep up with this. 200 pages in 5 weeks. :nomo::thedoubletake::cheesygrinsmiley: Nice grow trichromes
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Hope your ladies survived the night, it was real windy last night and still is , 30 mph gusts nearly ripped my tent apart. Had to go out at 6 AM and straighten things out. Luckily the skies are clear and blue with pure Sun coming through, the plants are so happy to see the Sun this morning.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

I'm trying for post 3000.

I did it....small things can make me happy. And Trics.....Where the hell are you....did I done good. Yep, Yep.
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