Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine
Dude, dude, geeze which thread am I in....
Trichs, your friend has a worm farm...perfect. You need worm wee. I was gunna suggest it before but most people havent got access to it.
I agree with every ones input yes give fluxy a rest.
Also she's got a reasonable amount of development, and leaves, so is gunna start to get hungry soon.
If she's recovering obviously then we need to tread carefully.
Regardless of whether you go in ground, stay in current or relocate to different pot, you need worm wee to balance to media bacteria, give good general low strength nutrients and minerals, to keep that onward and upward movement progressing.
Now Trichs, I only cut and paste as a proof of my haven't seen me grow, can't prove it, so don't take my word for it...and I use cut and paste to back up my argument ok?
One handfull of worm castings in a sock or stocking agitated in a 5 gallon bucket of rain'd chemical free water I guess for you. Agitate the daylights outta it until the water stops changing colour any more...10 mins maybe. Ideally the resulting tea should be aerated or agitated for 24 hours at room temp to get all the bacteria working....circulating of small children...dilute half strength and water her.
That's it. That's my dime spent. I gotta get on with my day mate...good luck....what does everyone else think?