Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restrained

Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Good Morning Trichs (or whatever it is in Cali)

The rock wool block will work fine as long as you keep it moist (NOT SOAKING WET) also you need to cut the end of the stump off at a 45 degree angle and score some of the sides where it goes into the rock wool i would also recommend you use some rooting gel as this helps form the new roots faster. Last you want to snip your leafs in half this tells the clone to concentrate on root formation.

I went out and did a clone this morning so you can more or less see what i am talking about, Please note I am not saying that this is 100% right it is how i have always done it and it has never failed me yet.

Here is the Photo of the one i did for you.



Hope this hepls...

Happy Grow and Smoke


Insane thank you for the explanation of why we clip the fans. Knew there was a why but I did it because everyone else did it...yes I would jump off the bridge if everyone else did it...especially if it looked


Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

You cut the leaves when cloning indoors under a dome, to stop the plant transpiring through the leaves and drying out. :) (although Im with BAR and kill a clone at ten paces) :)

Ok, so let's just take this question one step

Let's see hydro or soil, hydro or Need to make sure I get this right since I keep asking the wrong questions for the wrong

Cloning indoors under dome, does it matter if it's soil or hydro? What about clones that ever done?

Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Because the clone cutting has no roots, it has to absorb water and nutes via leaves until root hairs develop. I've used aspirin dissolved in about quart of water with the angled end dipped in honey. The aspirin is made from willow which has some regenerative properties, the honey is nutrition. You place under humidity dome to prevent dry out because as I said, the leaves are supplying the plant. Now, one caveat; I have only done this on veggies and flowers: I have never grown marijuana; I'm just reading all this so when the time comes for legalization - OK Johnny Law.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Clones can be made outdoors if the temperatures are not much hotter than 75 ambient degrees. Definitely in the shade and under a dome. For that, I'd use rockwool, peat pots with mix, or sterile seed starting mix of vermiculite only. I don't like using coir for rooting, too much saline. Aspirin has salicylic acid and stimulates root development, but rooting hormone is much more adequate. If using powder, make sure you dip and shake it off. Don't put a big clump of it on the rooting tip of the clone...which is cut on a 45 degree angle UNDER water so no air bubbles can get trapped in the water tension.

I don't know that cloning machines are necessary for home growers. It's a little overkill, if you ask me. But give me a year of doing this and see what sort of paraphernalia I start to buy, so I'll probably eat every word!

BTW, sisters and brothers in canna, two of my newly planted seeds popped this morning. One more to go and I think maybe I'll be able to salvage two seedlings which are now under the CFLs in the closet again. Do you guys think I should have the lights on 18/6? That's how it is set, but we don't have that condition outside right now, so when I put them outside and if it is not 18/6 will they trigger a flower?


My husband started his job today. I'm really pretty blue and I miss him already.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

You know GF, I don't know about that transition from indoor 18/6 CFL emf to outdoor springtime solar emf. I am interested in the answer to this also. It might be a push: indoor is 18 hours of weaker light and limited spectrum; outdoors is less time (spring is equinox half day light) but stronger and full spectrum. I think the PAR is equivalent, therefore the plants don't freak out. And it gets longer each day passes. Sounds logical, but could be completely wrong.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

You know GF, I don't know about that transition from indoor 18/6 CFL emf to outdoor springtime solar emf. I am interested in the answer to this also. It might be a push: indoor is 18 hours of weaker light and limited spectrum; outdoors is less time (spring is equinox half day light) but stronger and full spectrum. I think the PAR is equivalent, therefore the plants don't freak out. And it gets longer each day passes. Sounds logical, but could be completely wrong.

Yes, I considered the CFL differential in spectrum, but this is only veg. Still, I will have to acclimatize the seedlings to sun once again after being under the lights. I just want to stave off any more bs if possible. With the winter we've had here down south I cannot believe even one insect is alive. Oh well, they're loving my greenhouse this year. This has never, not ever once happened to me.

Interestingly enough, the Lemon Kush (not haze as I said before) is the one which came through the best...with Money Maker being the second best (cheapest seed too BTW).
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

While on the topic of light and switching to outdoor; I have a street light that now shines it's orange/red HPS light all night into the area I use for my garden. I wonder what effect this will have when I transplant my vegging seedlings there. This horrible winter will relinquish itself eventually. There was a big oak tree that used to block that street light that snapped in half and came crashing down on my power lines. My utility lines got fixed but now that light shines through.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

While on the topic of light and switching to outdoor; I have a street light that now shines it's orange/red HPS light all night into the area I use for my garden. I wonder what effect this will have when I transplant my vegging seedlings there. This horrible winter will relinquish itself eventually. There was a big oak tree that used to block that street light that snapped in half and came crashing down on my power lines. My utility lines got fixed but now that light shines through.

The street light is of no concern during vegging, but it is going to affect the flowering. You'll need to cover it up, so that it isn't exposed to the light at night .
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

I have a street light also, but it is at least 30 feet from the spot. I don't think it will be very hard to build a screen out of 1x2" firring strips and buy some shade cloth by the yard or foot at Home Depot. Get the most UV screen protection and cover a structure you build like a big giant box which fits right over the top of everything. You can cover that with something on top, but I would not cover the sides because it is at night when we get mildew and fungi diseases.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

I have a street light also, but it is at least 30 feet from the spot. I don't think it will be very hard to build a screen out of 1x2" firring strips and buy some shade cloth by the yard or foot at Home Depot. Get the most UV screen protection and cover a structure you build like a big giant box which fits right over the top of everything. You can cover that with something on top, but I would not cover the sides because it is at night when we get mildew and fungi diseases.

Your idea is similar to a outdoor budding box :)
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

you cut the leaves when cloning indoors under a dome, to stop the plant transpiring through the leaves and drying out. :) (although im with bar and kill a clone at ten paces) :)

Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Mornin all, hope all is good and green! Hows this for size? :)

Thanks LA, :rofl::rofl::rofl:my first outburst of laughter! You are the 4th conversion!!

Rooster, thanks for the clone tips, I used the gel/clonex, shaved a little bark & did not get the cube too moist.:high-five:

Big Green :welcome: to HighAsHell!

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