Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restrained

Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

No my friend, I meant I remembered to use large font for our man Jaga

The title Trichster is borrowed from OZ and used with great gratitude by me.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

We learned this the hard way. Ocean growers should be very careful as to when/if they are spraying their plants. Mold becomes a humongous issue. That is why I recommend the granular version of Bt. Although, Bt is only a small line of defense. We know that several lines of defense are the only way to minimize worm damage, and maximize yields. Bait plants, companion planting, tenting, netting, Bt or spinosad, all of that can fail completely, the worms can get inside the inner buds, and from there no BT drenching or fairy dust is going to kill them, the only way to do it is to literally open up the nugs and pick them out with an ice-pick! It is especially brutal if they go un-noticed, and they do. Lady bugs help, but predator mites would help more by devouring the eggs. Praying mantis are too large, and aren't very good at eating worms, but they do a good job with the other bugs. Can never hurt to have some lady bugs out there though :thumb:

Great share RL & GF, this topic instantly pops your (very horrifying) picture of what that "corn borer worm"' did to your bud. I think everyone should see what I'm talking about. Click this post specific link to see the horrifying picture of what was, Lesters' delightful bud.

Les, LMK if you'd like the link edited out here, I have NP w that, thanks again.:bravo:

Be Aware of the European-Corn Borer
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Hey Buddy! :) just checked out that link lol :) Your doing a fine job indeed, yet as she is outdoors and beastly perhaps let her build a tiny bit more foliage at ends of each arm.
That said, there's a number of ways to tighten node spacing. My old mate Donpaul had a great method; simply nip off the top set of fans on a regular basis.
Also gently squeezing/nipping at a chosen node point will help stacking up of nodes. Yet the one you mention of just opening up the hearts on a regular basis is the simplest and can be really effective! :)
Hell its all just common sense.
Your lucky for a purp, especially outside! Im tempted to do purps. Got em in my seed store? Just wanna find some rair top shelf strains now! Something not the norm! Part the reason I got robin onto Tutt :)
Best of buds Trichster :) Ill give OZ your best!
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Subd! I just had a lil obsession say hi to this big bad world and she has no idea whats in store for her...flux!! Ive read both LAs and your journals start to finish. I know im a bit late here but im ready to learn nonetheless :)
Hope you dont mind me invading your circle trichster :). :peace:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Hey Buddy! :) just checked out that link lol :) Your doing a fine job indeed, yet as she is outdoors and beastly perhaps let her build a tiny bit more foliage at ends of each arm.
That said, there's a number of ways to tighten node spacing. My old mate Donpaul had a great method; simply nip off the top set of fans on a regular basis.
Also gently squeezing/nipping at a chosen node point will help stacking up of nodes. Yet the one you mention of just opening up the hearts on a regular basis is the simplest and can be really effective! :)
Hell its all just common sense.
Your lucky for a purp, especially outside! Im tempted to do purps. Got em in my seed store? Just wanna find some rair top shelf strains now! Something not the norm! Part the reason I got robin onto Tutt :)
Best of buds Trichster :) Ill give OZ your best!

For Jaga :cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Hey Buddy! :) just checked out that link lol :) Your doing a fine job indeed, yet as she is outdoors and beastly perhaps let her build a tiny bit more foliage at ends of each arm.
That said, there's a number of ways to tighten node spacing. My old mate Donpaul had a great method; simply nip off the top set of fans on a regular basis.
Also gently squeezing/nipping at a chosen node point will help stacking up of nodes. Yet the one you mention of just opening up the hearts on a regular basis is the simplest and can be really effective! :)
Hell its all just common sense.
Your lucky for a purp, especially outside! Im tempted to do purps. Got em in my seed store? Just wanna find some rair top shelf strains now! Something not the norm! Part the reason I got robin onto Tutt :)
Best of buds Trichster :) Ill give OZ your best!

Yoo da man LA, I'm trying my best to a big hole left in 420 :thumb:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Subd! I just had a lil obsession say hi to this big bad world and she has no idea whats in store for her...flux!! Ive read both LAs and your journals start to finish. I know im a bit late here but im ready to learn nonetheless :)
Hope you dont mind me invading your circle trichster :). :peace:

No problem Canuck, :welcome:I like your style, got a chuckle just reading "invasion!" First time the word was not bug related! You can have DocBs, seat up front, he's out back bogarting a fatty! jaga, BB & I :passitleft: want to see lots of FONT thanks, I converted my first today.

Re: WTF! Watch This Flux, 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing, presents "Fluxy Lady" fully restra

Front row seats! Cool beans. And a link Mr Miagi which I had never seen. It's like Christmas around here!

Bob ;)

I gave your seat to my new friend that does not come late, smelling like cron.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Well, i cant be smelling like chron as im at work right now lol. I can smell like mud and grease tho right? :)
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Well, i cant be smelling like chron as im at work right now lol. I can smell like mud and grease tho right? :)

Mud & grease? lol,heck yeah. DocB just showed & gave me some wax, so he get's his chair back, you can move up front with the girls, one thing Canuck, don't wipe the grease off that chair you just ruined with grease & mud, let Doc sit on it, he's got his new hemp pants on.:thumb:

jaga 2 converted! Canuck gets big font reps.:goodjob:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

No problem Canuck, :welcome:I like your style, got a chuckle just reading "invasion!" First time the word was not bug related! You can have DocBs, seat up front, he's out back bogarting a fatty! jaga, BB & I :passitleft: want to see lots of FONT thanks, I converted my first today.

Hey now, I resemble that remark :tokin:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Will this work if kept at recommended rooting conditions/temp/humidity, etc? It's a bit makeshift, any tips from successful cloners please jump in here, BAR?, you're a good cloner right? or was that someone else? thank you:thanks:


Good Morning Trichs (or whatever it is in Cali)

The rock wool block will work fine as long as you keep it moist (NOT SOAKING WET) also you need to cut the end of the stump off at a 45 degree angle and score some of the sides where it goes into the rock wool i would also recommend you use some rooting gel as this helps form the new roots faster. Last you want to snip your leafs in half this tells the clone to concentrate on root formation.

I went out and did a clone this morning so you can more or less see what i am talking about, Please note I am not saying that this is 100% right it is how i have always done it and it has never failed me yet.

Here is the Photo of the one i did for you.



Hope this hepls...

Happy Grow and Smoke

Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

High Trichs
Mate you make my days:passitleft:Phew I needed that now got lot to do again myself best of days I will try an pop by when you is into a better time it can be difficult getting the times right its early morning I got a headache an loads to do but haven't had my orders yet :thanks:
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