Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic

I am happy for you, Alex :)
It's always better when the sun shines:circle-of-love:

I guess superman lives near you :high-five:

I would be happier with 10 degrees lower tbh
For the girls sake and it feels like thes "no air" in this house when it's hot
Those shots are sweet :) I was amaze at the way mine would be tied down one night and been back up the next. Scrogin is the way forward RICO
you have done well grasshopper! the girls always love the bad boys that treat them bad and love them at the same time:)
A fine Skunkday to you and the folks that follow.
Good weed Rico,Alex and Fish. :):) Did you think pre-teen girls would listen if you tell them to do something?? Its just like Fish Cake said, if you want them to get really big, tell them to be small!! :rofl: The chaos scrog is looking well. Hell, its ll looking good Rico. Hows the window lickers?
Do the snozberries taste like snozberries?? ;)
Good Weed Spring and Crimbo :)

Good News...

The Freak Lives !!!



Window-lickers, just watered,


And the Chaostonic Scrog



Thanks, Backpack :)

Water Curing (No drying, no smell)


What is the water cure? Why would I want to do it?

Water curing uses osmosis to flush out the chemicals, chlorophyll pesticides, pests, and anything else you would rather not be smoking. The water cure is very fast (about 7 days) with optimal quality (as compared to 30 days air curing), and as well does not stink like an air cure does. Water-cured buds are also more potent than air-cured (however there is proportional weight loss to potency increase).

THC is not water soluble and the bud is protected from air/light, enabling potency to be maintained at it's highest levels, while the nasty chemicals are flushed out. Some growers report being able to add nutes all the way up to their harvest date because the water cure takes care of the built up chemicals.

Because of its speed, stealth and clean taste, water cure is very inviting to most non-commercial growers. The commercial grower might not be attracted to the water cure, as the weight of the bud is diminished.

SOGgy Daze Ahead For Mr. Krip!
Yeah, I want to try that out as well and over on BID and Curso's journal, they're using a wash before air dry that seems to be a "partial water cure" type thing. It looks interesting as well, they're doing a hot water and baking soda wash, followed by a cold water rinse. Then hang to dry... a lot like blanching when canning or dehydrating foods. Apparently it pulls dust, dirt, some chloro, etc. off and intensifies colors and flavor.

I think I'd like to try all 3... maybe next grow split a plant at harvest in 3 parts and try each with 1/3 of the plant and see the outcome of each.
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