Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic

A Fine Sativaday to you Rico.
I never saw as many folks use a double screen as I have lately. not real sure of why either but I might learn something.
Mc is right about the supercrop. Just like jumping out of a airplane for the first time. if you make it to the ground alive the first time you will be doing it over and over.
grow a pair:)
A Fine Sativaday to you Rico.
I never saw as many folks use a double screen as I have lately. not real sure of why either but I might learn something.
Mc is right about the supercrop. Just like jumping out of a airplane for the first time. if you make it to the ground alive the first time you will be doing it over and over.
grow a pair:)

Hi, my name is mcloadie.....and I'm a supercropper.....LOL....oooooeeeeewyaaaaaaaaa! Hey fishy!
1.A poet, traditionally one reciting epics and associated with a particular oral tradition.
2.A slice of bacon placed on meat or game before roasting.

Double SCRoG, Mind Blow
Sometimes my smoke is EPIC
I do love Bacon.

A Fine Sativaday to you Rico.
grow a pair:)

Are these big enough, Fishy?

Supercropped + tied with garden wire

I cut single ladders out of the mesh and fixed them with garden wire

Ladder scrOG


I re-arraigned the lights and added the 6500K 125 watt Cfl

From the top

There you go.

I got a 21Amp timer as well, finally. Proper 12/12 here we come!

Good Weed all :)
OMG you Killed them!!
just kidding it looks just like they do it on TV:welldone:
OMG you Killed them!!
just kidding it looks just like they do it on TV:welldone:

They do this on TV?

I should watch TV :high-five:

I only snapped 2 heads off (and put them back on with insulating tape)
They do this on TV?

I should watch TV :high-five:

I only snapped 2 heads off (and put them back on with insulating tape)

Pinch the stem flat, smash it between your fingers, start rocking it a little in the direction you want it to go...and in the opposite direction, it will snap a little, a little cracking feeling, then just let it go where you want it........gently let it down. The point is to break the fibers at the site....those are what will make it snap off if they don't get loose. After a couple hundred it's second nature.
Indeed :)

The broken stems were clumsiness and little rico running in shouting interesting facts.

My concentration is easily startled :)

I saw the broken stems after I tuned back around to the plants :straightface:

I just taped them up and LST'd them lower down the stem.

defol is best at around the 3 week mark of flower and again at the 6th week.
I really am not keen on the 6th week tho. I just let them be after 3. but others do it then.
I am more liking a leaf here a leaf there untill the fourth or fifth week and then only if it just has to go:)
Hey RICO I snapped my main stem 5" from soil level at 14 days old. Shit myself and taped it with electricians tape. It's thicker than my porrk sausage thumb now. Every set of piks is lookin better than the last mate I think us conquer with a hps after looking at ur results with cfl
I hope I have your success with the tape :)

I think us conquer with a hps after looking at ur results with cfl

Sorry, Alex I can't figure this out. :circle-of-love:

Is this for or against hps?
Sorry RICO my retarded spelling again :) I was basically trying to say I think u could do amazing things with hps. Cfl growing isn't as easy IMO and u done a dam good job of it

And incase any confusion when I said every picture looks better than the last that was directed at u. I wasn't bigging myself up lol
Thanks for that, Alex.
It would be a lot less hassle with only one light.
And I didn't think you were bigging yourself up,
I hope the day never comes that the pics start looking worse than the last ones :)
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