Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic

First the good news.


Non-pointless-ex-seedling is pregnant!




Mr. Squirryl's ex-seedlings are doing fine.

The newest arrival

one of the two other late arrivals

The old-hand-ex-seedlings





Lil Juanitabud

My Christmas/new year present

Baby Wappa


My Hash (or what's left of it)


The last of the cloneaboutohecans


She is out of the UB waiting to be chopped tomorrow.

And finally, a sneak peek at my new cloning project (Thanks for the idea, Jimmy 6K) :thumb:


To be honest, Jimmy, I just cut that leaf off and it fell into the tub like that :bigblush:

It reminded me of your pic on Reg's thread, so I photographed it :laughtwo:

Ever since you showed that pic with the rooted fanleaf,

I haven't been able to stop thinking about the concept.

Googles hasn't given me much, apart from some "claims" and loads of ridicule.

I don't think a normal fanleaf from a flowering plant would work anyway.

But you know how sometimes you get those weird fanleaves?

Like your one with the bud forming on it?

I think those sort of fanleaves might just work

Please do, Sir :thumb: (y r u so syrius?:scratchinghead:)

Edit; For my notes, do I put them in the pointless or non-pointless category?

Everything intentional is non-pointless.

Everything else is pointless.

So being intentionally pointless would be totally pointless then :hmmmm:

Being intentionally pointless is what's known as a pointularity.

Our common understanding of the cosmos and human behaviour breaks down in a pointularity.

There is a theory (rope theory) that may explain a pointularity,

however the calculations are so complicated that no-one can be bothered trying.

Rope Theory

I want to introduce you to the greatest physics concept of all time, called ropes. These are pieces of durable hemp from which all the particles of quantum electromechanical universe are created. This concept solves various problems that have arisen in string theory and the standardized model which I need not remind you are only theories. Where these theories fail to tell us why certain particles are electronic while others are not, rope theory, which I have been working on for over a decade now, explains where the electricity goes as we pass from protons to neutrons. For instance, consider the following thought experiment. we resolve an electron with its one unit of electricity and invert its state on the rope. Presto-chango, we get a positron which has anti-electricity. This is why Einstein never endorsed string theory. As he said, physics as we know it is FUNDAMENTALLY misguided.

Although I lack the math ability to write the equations for this theory, which is a paradigm shift comparable to Galileo's discovery of the pendulum, I hope that physicists will abandon their self-serving inquisition against this theory and work out the details. I point out that they laughed at Hoyle too.

One of the problems with string theory is the unbelievably small size of the strings involved. However, ropes are a couple of inches or so, the so-called "Snyder length". Instead of needing galaxy sized particle accelerators to see them, we can use ordinary telescopes.

It is no secret that Feynmann in his later years was leaning towards repudiating QED. I'm sure he would have endorsed rope theory against the hidebound reactionaries in the physics community. And if you read between the lines of Einstein's works you will see that he despised relativity theory. I think he probably would have come up with rope theory before I did if he had only lived longer. This is why I have rejected the advice of my psychiatrist to divulge this secret theory, which I obtained from the aliens during my last abduction, to you and you alone. I hope you will not publish it before I give permission for fear that others will try to steal it.

Yours in science,

Jimmy Snyder.

Read more: Physics Forums

Ropey physicists are a small but growing force in the world of physics.

One day they may explain the reality behind Intentional pointlessness.

Until then we have a choice;

To point or not to point. That is the question.

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to rope in

The slings and arrows of intentional pointlessness,

or to smoke bongs against a sea of troubles,

And by pointing end them? To vape: to smoke;

To smoke, perchance to get high: ay, there's the bud.

Being intenionally pointless is what's known as a pointularity.

Our common understanding of the cosmos and human behaviour breaks down in a pointularity.

There is a theory (rope theory) that may explain a pointularity,

however the calculations are so complicated that no-one can be bothered trying.

Ropey physicists are a small but growing force in the world of physics.

One day they may explain the reality behind Intentional pointlessness.

Until then we have a choice;

To point or not to point. That is the question.

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to rope in

The slings and arrows of intentional pointlessness,

or to smoke bongs against a sea of troubles,

And by pointing end them? To vape: to smoke;

To smoke, perchance to get high: ay, there's the bud.


Hi Rico :ciao:

:thumb::rofl:great post
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