Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic

Hi Trichomes :ciao: Well spotted :laughtwo:

Hi Mick :ciao: Welcome aboard.

This is the last of the Cloneaboutohecans.


The penultimate Cloneaboutohecan


Last Family Portrait.
I figured we have to fill these boards with something while we wait for our friends across the pond.

What better way than some coarsely ground dry British wit for the morning session, ya dig?

Just nipping to 2056, my earlier self is much funnier than me :cheesygrinsmiley:

No BB, stop it already, you promised remember.
HAHA it means I can't type when I am stoned... But it's MORNING and I have a full day of work and child care ahead of me so this is me stone cold sober and feeling the alertness that only coffee can give. :d means..... :D Some of those buds you posted are outrageously good looking. I am going to take some pics of my ladies if the sun ever come out. Over and out :D
first I have to play Star Wars with my son :D life is hard...

Star Wars is one of my favourite books in the old testament.

It's important to teach children about God and the Force.

Pretending to chop their head off with a light-sabre

can provide a valuable lesson about good and evil.

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