Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic

Don't get me wrong about the new samples.

I'm not disrespecting their memory :lot-o-toke:

They're good, very good.

Very stoney, trippy buzz.

almost as strong as non-pointless,

but less complex, more typical indica.
Hi Spimp:ciao:

We are still steady on 7/8 of a gallon Plus the branch and two final cloneabouts.

Very nice,:goodjob: now put those jars back in the dark! thanks for more smiles, I look forward to the "B.A.R", "S" & "R" journals for my daily comedy that is always fresh! this was good, "non-pointless, but less complex, mega-herm. She-him's,final cloneabouts" no idea what u guys are saying, but it IS funnyilarious!!
That's the final straw! I see liters and gallons in the same sentence above, I hope Suave did that to make me snap, again, if so, it worked and it is hilarious, if not than it is far from funny. chow for now "The big jars are 1 liter and the little ones are half-litre. So a half gallon plus 3/4 of half a gallon." LOL
Thanks Alex :)

The big jars are 1 liter and the little ones are half-litre.

So a half gallon plus 3/4 of half a gallon.

I'm hoping for a gallon because it's easy to count.
Thanks Alex :)

The big jars are 1 liter and the little ones are half-litre.

So a half gallon plus 3/4 of half a gallon.

I'm hoping for a gallon because it's easy to count.

That's the final straw! I see liters and gallons in the same sentence above, I hope Suave did that to make me snap, again, if so, it worked and it is hilarious, if not than it is far from funny. chow for now "The big jars are 1 liter and the little ones are half-litre. So a half gallon plus 3/4 of half a gallon." LOL

I like Spimp's math better...
Lets test that theory...

Ill take 3/4 of your harvest. You keep 3 or 4 bowls.

And yes. It does makes sense Sir Rico. My current stash is 1/10 of a q of corpse bud, 1/2 a Q of extra stinky Blue Mammoth, 1/4 of a Nug jar of Animal Cookies and two secret Nuglets of Blackberry Kush. So I understand exactly what you meant.
Very nice harvest , should be a very merry Christmas at your house this year
Hi BB :ciao:

The litre/er Jars were only £1.50 from the green'n'white retailer :)

Didn't you just harvest? :scratchinghead:

It's not really a "sample" after you harvest :laughtwo:

Harvests are much better than samples :eyebrowsmile:

Very nice,:goodjob: now put those jars back in the dark! thanks for more smiles, I look forward to the "B.A.R", "S" & "R" journals for my daily comedy that is always fresh! this was good, "non-pointless, but less complex, mega-herm. She-him's,final cloneabouts" no idea what u guys are saying, but it IS funnyilarious!!

Don't worry Trichs :ciao:

The Wardrobe is always closed :thumb:

"Non pointless" refers to Non-pointless ex-seedling, aka Pointless seedling.

I was planting an Arjans haze and an Icecream/CH9 hybrid bagseed jumped into the little peat-pot as well.

Arjan never rose, but Pointless seedling did. And how. She could talk while still in veg!

She wanted to be big,

but I kept pushing and pegging her down,

I kept pinching her fanleaves off.

Then I set her twisted stem free in the bunker, to let her worship the sun-god in peace

and she became the most powerful cannabis that I have ever sampled.


:high-five:Lush bounty all squirreled away in them jars Sir Rico. Does Mr Squirrel stash them away for ya? :)

Hi LA :ciao:

No, he doesn't :straightface:

Mr Squirryl is so lazy!

He won't help at all.

He just orders me around,

he's always telling me what to do.

Someday, I'm going to stand up for myself

and say, "No, Mr. Squirryl, wipe your own azz,

I'm going out with my friends."


If I had any friends, I would say that.


That's the final straw! I see liters and gallons in the same sentence above, I hope Suave did that to make me snap, again, if so, it worked and it is hilarious, if not than it is far from funny. chow for now "The big jars are 1 liter and the little ones are half-litre. So a half gallon plus 3/4 of half a gallon." LOL

Thanks for highlighting that, Trichs :laughtwo:

I like to mix metric imperials.

I never know which spelling to use for Litre/er :scratchinghead:

The urban dictionary advises; if in doubt, use both spellings.

I like Spimp's math better...

Me too :)

Math does not like me :straightface:

Very nice harvest , should be a very merry Christmas at your house this year

It should be, Bluefly :xmas: Thank you :high-five:

Lil rico is very excited. We are all wearing our xmas jumpers already :)

congratulations on your harvest!

Thank you kindly, John :thumb:
Is that the large American owned grocery retailer?

A good supply of jars is hard to come by in this country, I don't know why :hmmmm:

There's a dude on they bay selling the Swedish ones and making a profit over retail. go figure !
:laughtwo: *manic laughter*

:hmmmm:Definitely that aphid cure sure aint the best method :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:But undeniably it worked
Looks like you got a lot of nice buddy's there
and a knew baby girl is a sight for sore eyes And a baby girl in your hands is in good hands:straightface:as long as it dont get aphids:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Only being a joker all love an peace to you an the green family
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