Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic

Morning BB :ciao:

Nothing strange or startling today, don't worry :laughtwo:

There is still one there with too many lady sausages for my liking.

I was there, I thought about it,

but I watered them yeterday,

so I didn't do it.
Re: The End of the Branch.


Thank you Sir :thumb:

I think the off topic forums are a great resource :)

Here is a secret link for members and affiliates of the KayaK CluB

:cheer: HCFTW Secret Link GGGaEA(inc)KC :cheer:
LOL :rofl: That's Top Secret!

& (say it along with me everyone) "THE NEVER ENDING HARVEST CONTINUES"
Goodnight BB


Best Journal ever followed, countless outbursts of laughter! :goof: Lots of code today, I read this quote here, no translation needed "That post is an epic.. and epic, as well." :thumb:

That was a great quote, Trichomes. Thank you for the compliment buddy :high-five:
Hi Dres :battingeyelashes:

I thought I would let it grow more after the watering, before I chopped it.

It didn't stop me though.

I thought about how much it was hermiing, much more than any other,

So I don't want that kind of genetics anyway.

Shortly before lights out,

I removed her from the bunker.


Sampled :bongrip:

:Namaste: ~ excellent looking nugs of joy. Good Job my friend. ~
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