Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic

Thanks for the laugh!!! I now find myself deleting (harmless vernacular) as well. It's not easy, I find bait irrestible, I like your comment, can I blame the (brilliant) Italian for all the feathers I recently ruffled?
I just had to delete everything I just wrote :rofl:
....Nice try Rico but you won't get me in trouble this time...I won't take the bait :)
Dres & Jay, The two of you together are just too much! LOL
1 HC FTW to all in the wardrobe
back to blighty it feels real strange to be back in this country But I am sure as hell looking to do another grw s soon as I awake from the jet lag
Srila Ricorico I was looking in while away an I saw the old lady plant you have looking very wonderful is she still around or has she been harvested
I cant wait to start catching up although at the moment it looks a big mission:love:
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