Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic

Hi Spimp, Jay, & Rico Suavay... Who said we have no manners?
Hi Reg :ciao:

Rico I am interested in the baking instructions (time,temp,etc) for the one tiny nug that will accidentally come off my thc bomb in a bit :)

Fan oven set at 110-120 F

No higher.

A4 sized sheet of alufoil 1/2 inch flolds at the edges.

Put gently prised apart sample in the middle in a line.

Form a tunnel with the foil, secure by folding the join at each end.

Fold one side closed.

Set timer for 2 hrs. (small pieces dry quicker, big pieces take longer.)

Place on a rack in the centre of the oven with the tunnel opening facing you.


Smoke :bongrip:
Hi Reg :ciao:

Fan oven set at 110-120 F

No higher.

A4 sized sheet of alufoil 1/2 inch flolds at the edges.

Put gently prised apart sample in the middle in a line.

Form a tunnel with the foil, secure by folding the join at each end.

Fold one side closed.

Set timer for 2 hrs. (small pieces dry quicker, big pieces take longer.)

Place on a rack in the centre of the oven with the tunnel opening facing you.


Smoke :bongrip:

Thank you very much Rico...I will be trying this tonight :thanks:

Oh, so it was your stash that did you in Jay, not the sample?
Successful Sample Saga's Send Spimp Shivers.:bitingnails:
Stay Strong Spimp.

Scouring, Snipping Samples Seems Sudden.:whoa:
Stay Stoic Spimp.

Superstion Stays Sentimental, Secret Snips Seem Sinister.:skeptical:
Stay Solemn Spimp.

Scientific Samples Seem Sophsticated.:scratchinghead:
Sciscors Steady Spimp...

:ciao: Hi Rico. :)

Just a little poem, Im not really against others sampling, I found it a challenge to write the poem so I did. :rofl:

Loved the Level 4 clearance info you gave me. :) +reps.
The End of the Branch.

Today was the day that she started to hang,


the start of a fizzle that ends with a bhang.

Flacid-stemmed fanleaves tell of her tragedy,

droopy, not perky, like just only yesterday.

It's only beginning,

but the line has been drawn.

The end of the branch.

She will see no more dawn.

The End

See what I did there?
Re: The End of the Branch.

What did you do.. What did you DO???
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