Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic

I just had to delete everything I just wrote
....Nice try Rico but you won't get me in trouble this time...I won't take the bait :)


Thanks for the laugh!!! I now find myself deleting (harmless vernacular) as well. It's not easy, I find bait irrestible, I like your comment, can I blame the (brilliant) Italian for all the feathers I recently ruffled?

I'm Spantalian :ciao:

I had my ruler out, ready and waiting! :riskybusiness:
(I'm just teasing. I like funny stuff too - even the naughty bits! :angel:)

The naughty bits are the best bits :dreamy:

LOL ...I've been a bad, bad boy :)

Yes you have, Jay :laughtwo:

You ARE naughty! :blalol:


That's an understatement Dres
...but your the one with the ruler:ciao:


Very nice rico:thumb:

Thanxx Dusty :high-five:

Touché. *thwack*


Is that all you've got?:)
Hi Rico :ciao:


Hi Jay :ciao:

Where are all the S&M 'motacons when you need them? :goof:

Hi, Rico :battingeyelashes:

Hi Dres :battingeyelashes:

That is an SM 'motacon. It's called "kicking onesself in the bollocks with both feet" aka "goof" :goof:

I found a few... but I have the tendency to go overboard...so I will refrain

But feel free to spank me anyway...I like rulers:)

:goof: ouch ouch argh ow!

On that note I'm out....nite 420 friends :)

Night Jay :ciao:

I hope that ruler is not Metric!

It's a cubit long and 4 fingers wide

Dres & Jay, The two of you together are just too much! LOL

Too much but never enough.

Hi Reg :ciao:

1 HC FTW to all in the wardrobe
back to blighty it feels real strange to be back in this country But I am sure as hell looking to do another grw s soon as I awake from the jet lag
Srila Ricorico I was looking in while away an I saw the old lady plant you have looking very wonderful is she still around or has she been harvested
I cant wait to start catching up although at the moment it looks a big mission:love:

Hi Jaga :ciao:

She is in the wardrobe now, Jaga.

Good job too.

Bad storm last night.

Wecome back :)

You crack me up :yahoo:

Hi Dennise :ciao:

Hey my friend Rico, hope all is green and pleasant in your land of magnificent Marijuana machinations. Hey Jaga great to have you back with us in the UK. I cant wait for all your stories pics etc. Also it is going to be nice to have you about on here regularly again. The place just aint been the same without you my friend!

Hello My friend :high-five:

:ciao: Rico just popping around and getting caught up. I was rather unavailable a couple of days, all done now. I can continue my fun stuff. Hope you are well!

Hi Canna :ciao:


:ciao: Hi Rico
Hows the Tinfunnel extravaganza? I hope the branch has given you some proper medicine sir. :)

TTT (The Tinfunnel Technique) is being perfected as we speak :tokin:

Hi Rico :ciao:

Hope all is well my friend

Hi Jay :ciao: Thank's for checking in buddy :)
Hi BB :ciao: Hi Dres :battingeyelashes:

I found an aphid cure :)

This one had aphids

Not any more :eyebrowsmile:

Sampling tunnel here we come (after a quick rinse and pluck)

:cheer:HC FTW TTT KC :cheer:
Hi BB :ciao: Hi Dres :battingeyelashes:

I found an aphid cure :)

This one had aphids

Not any more :eyebrowsmile:

Sampling tunnel here we come (after a quick rinse and pluck)

:cheer:HC FTW TTT KC :cheer:

jeez you crack me me up dude :rofl:
Re: Ub 801 hc ftw kc 3.0 uv


Poor Non-Pointless is fading away...


I took some pollen from one of her lady sausages and rubbed it upon a "lower down" bud from juanita.


3 pics of the same plant



A previous sampling victim, now recovering well.

And the NeverEndingHarvest Continues!!!
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