Happy new year!
The girls seem to moving at different paces now. As you'll see, from left to right, far left is growing quickly and multiplying rapidly. Center, who has experienced the most trauma in what I still believe to be a Cal deficiency, has slowed down, but has grown new shoots. She is still showing yellow/brown spotting and some bleaching. It seems to have stunted her development quite a bit. And far right seems to be in between the other two. Growing new tips fairly steadily, but not at the rate as the one on the far left.
Oddly, they are not all showing the same level of symptoms of what should be the same deficiency. The symptoms are the same, but vary in their severity. A note that seems significant and possibly a cause of their differing symptoms: the best growing pot seems to dry quickest, while the most affected plant dries the slowest and the one which falls in between seems to be drying at a rate somewhere in between the other two. The severity of their symptoms correlates with the rate in which they dry. Fastest drying = most healthy. I've been watering them all at the same time, but as I'm learning, they may not need to be watered at the same time. They do not, however, show drooping or what I would see as overwatering.
If anyone has any thoughts, I'd love to know how to get the other two up to speed, or at least the sickest girl to come around. And, should I be trimming some of the fan leaves off of the new branches to allow light to penetrate?
Thanks and all the best this year!