Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

I have an intestinal track issue as well, and it may very well be caused by something different from IBS, but my condition is greatly improved with a small bit of LAB. I don't digest certain foods very well and the LAB works wonders for me.
I have an intestinal track issue as well, and it may very well be caused by something different from IBS, but my condition is greatly improved with a small bit of LAB. I don't digest certain foods very well and the LAB works wonders for me.
Azi thanks for that. How do you administer it and in what dosages?

Bloody Skunk looks bloody beautiful!

Sorry to hear about yours (and Carmen's) IBS. I found this when I searched CBG IBS:

Nano-processed CBG/CBD effect on pain, adult attention deficit hyperactive disorder, irritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome
"IBS: Forty-six of the respondents (20.9%) reported that they suffered from IBS. Of these, 56.5% (p=0.058) reported their
condition was improved (47.8%) or much improved (8.7%) with this product"

And this from 2013(!)
"In conclusion, CBG attenuated murine colitis, reduced nitric oxide production in macrophages (effect being modulated by the CB2 receptor) and reduced ROS formation in intestinal epithelial cells. CBG could be considered for clinical experimentation in IBD patients."

Thank you for these references Shed. I get a bit lost in the science, but the fact that the science is there is a good thing. There seems certainly enough anecdotal evidence to suggest it is worth trying to grow and ingest CBG. I am going to concentrate more on the CBG findings going forward.
Azi thanks for that. How do you administer it and in what dosages?
Mine is shelf stabilized with an equal amount of molasses and I just add a small splash of it to a small glass of water. Too much can be constipating so I go really light, less than 1/16th of a teaspoon light.
Get better quickly VG. My IBS is screaming at me at the mo too. It's horrible pain :(
Are you doing any better?Mine is here and there right now.
I've had a few calmer days lately.
Bloody Skunk looks bloody beautiful!

Sorry to hear about yours (and Carmen's) IBS. I found this when I searched CBG IBS:

Nano-processed CBG/CBD effect on pain, adult attention deficit hyperactive disorder, irritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome
"IBS: Forty-six of the respondents (20.9%) reported that they suffered from IBS. Of these, 56.5% (p=0.058) reported their
condition was improved (47.8%) or much improved (8.7%) with this product"

And this from 2013(!)
"In conclusion, CBG attenuated murine colitis, reduced nitric oxide production in macrophages (effect being modulated by the CB2 receptor) and reduced ROS formation in intestinal epithelial cells. CBG could be considered for clinical experimentation in IBD patients."

Thanks for all the info and for the care package. You are a dear.
The garden looks like it doesn't know V!
I'm sorry to hear you and @Carmen Ray are having a time of it. Maybe Sheds' idea can throw some light on it!
He sent me some to try out. I have the same seeds but he actually grew them and had some stock when I need it. Such a good friend.
I have an intestinal track issue as well, and it may very well be caused by something different from IBS, but my condition is greatly improved with a small bit of LAB. I don't digest certain foods very well and the LAB works wonders for me.
What is LAB? Is that lactobacillus or something like that?!?!
Are you doing any better?Mine is here and there right now.
I've had a few calmer days lately.
I am, thanks for asking. I have been taking Ibuprofen three times a day, which relieves my back, which in turn releases some of my gut muscle spasm and the Aloe keeps me regular. It's been sore so I've been taking paracetamol. Weed doesn't touch the pain, at least I haven't found a way of using it that does. I also got back to a couple of yoga sessions. The exercise helps hugely.

I'm glad you are feeling better too.
Weird weekend.

Saw my BFF. Haven't seen her in about 7 years or so. She called me and wanted to meet at our friend's record store. It was national record store day and also the store's 30 th anniversary celebration.
Got to see her kiddo and catch up a bit. She did give me some bad news though. Guess that's why she wanted to see me in person.
A friend of ours from our wild child days has passed on due to cancer.
He was such an incredible human being. He had love for everyone and the purest heart.

I needed a few days to process and I'm not sure that I'm quite there yet.

Thought about him today. He was an advocate and medical user. Wish that he could have been there to watch the MN cannabis bill vote. The House version passed. Just waiting on the Senate version now.

I remember debating with him ( when we were younger)about how long it would be before MN legalized. He said it would never happen in his lifetime. I said that it definitely would be in mine.
I guess we were both right, unfortunately.
I'm sorry about your old mate VG. That's got to be tough, particularly at your age to lose someone like that. But I'm glad you got to see your BFF in the process.
:circle-of-love: and :hug: from SoCal.
Thanks,love. :hug:

This put me in a funk and I almost killed all my veggies. I'm repotting them all tonight in an attempt to salvage them.

They don't look good though.
Oh phewf! That's better than losing the closet.

But spectacular spears for days. :eek:
Seems that I can grow cannabis and houseplants fine. Veggies... not as good.🤷‍♀️
That works for me, this being a cannabis site. Veggies you can get at Lunds & Byerlys!
They were doing ok. Think that they are over watered now though.
The leaves have oedema. They also look way underfed.

I'll try to fix them up but ,yes,I can buy starts at the greenhouse if I have to.
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