Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Sorry about your friend VG.
Shed is right about those spears!
Thanks Carmen.

Feeling better today. I think the shock has worn off.

Carcass' son did a great job breeding that Wookiee auto.
Just a beautiful plant and hella strong smoke.

Lol. I need him to send me more. He's still refining the strain

Totally agree, lovely spears VG!

And you have your priorities right too, no-one can fault perfecting cannabis before moving on to veggies!
I'm not usually so neglectful of my veggies. Just a lot to deal with lately.

I did transplant them two days ago. Hopefully I can get them in good shape within the next three weeks.
It's that time when friends part like that for us V. We're here to remember anyway!

Your Wookee is beautiful!
It would seem so.
It's hard to say goodbye.

The Wookiee is beautiful.

I'll have pics of the new closet soon.
I'm gonna need a lot of bamboo to support those gals. I'm halfway through flower and they are already starting to fall over.
The first poster for page 500.

It only took me 5 years to get there.

Love ya, Sweets!
Minnesota Senate is voting on SF 37 shortly.

We should know in a few hrs if Cannabis will be legal in the North Star State.

Cross your fingers for us!!!
Fingers crossed and thumbs held (as per Carmen) it passes, VG!

Sorry to hear about your friend. :hug:

On the other hand, your Wookie does have beautiful spears. When you take your pics, are they zoomed in a bit or are those spears really that thick? A size reference would be helpful, if you have the time. :battingeyelashes:
So Minnesota might finally step into the 21st century?
That would be sweet!
I hope they pass it..if they've looked at California's cannabis tax revenue since legalization (860 million $ in 2022), it seems like a no brainer...
Passed by one vote!!!!!

I'm just gonna sit and cry for a shock.
Talk to you soon!
What the hell is wrong with those voting against it??!? A bunch of hypocrites as they go home to their glass of wine, bottle of beer or cocktail, and light up a cigarette. But nooo, we have to protect others from something we know nothing about. 😡

NONE of those things offer much of any health benefits. Those people piss me off.
Best news of the year V! You can finally tell folks what sweet body part to kiss if they don't agree with your choice of medicine! I'm using balls lately!

Won't be but a little time now and there'll be a thriving weed industry owned by the retired nay sayers! I love to hear of another state full of safe to grow and use people! :party::party::party::party::party:
Fingers crossed and thumbs held (as per Carmen) it passes, VG!

Sorry to hear about your friend. :hug:

On the other hand, your Wookie does have beautiful spears. When you take your pics, are they zoomed in a bit or are those spears really that thick? A size reference would be helpful, if you have the time. :battingeyelashes:
Thanks HG.

His memorial was today. I couldn't go. I had a migraine last night into this morning and the long drive wasn't something I could handle.

I did talk to some friends and reminisce though. Sad stuff but good to remember.

I did zoom in a little bit on the bud (not full plant) photo. Here is a size reference...
They are only about halfway through flower so they should double in size.
Smells skunkily amazing!!!
🤞Hope it happens!
It's a happenin!!
So Minnesota might finally step into the 21st century?
That would be sweet!
I hope they pass it..if they've looked at California's cannabis tax revenue since legalization (860 million $ in 2022), it seems like a no brainer...
MN is only using the tax revenue to run the cannabis program. It will cover things like drug education and rehabilitation along with expungement and some other program costs. Law enforcement is included as well. They will need to train officers to recognize impaired drivers. It isn't going to be used as a "cash cow" to fund various other things not related to the cannabis programs.

They are going to keep taxes down as much as possible to try to strangle the black market. So far it's going to be set between 8 and 10%.

A true honor indeed! I’m surprised I beat Shed to it ;)

Good luck today sweets, you and your state deserve the freedom!! 🍀
Shed must have been busy. That fella is always up to something.

We do deserve freedom. Everyone does. About damn time.
Such good news!
It really is!!
Not everyone can be as popular as you.

I just pale in comparison.
What the hell is wrong with those voting against it??!? A bunch of hypocrites as they go home to their glass of wine, bottle of beer or cocktail, and light up a cigarette. But nooo, we have to protect others from something we know nothing about. 😡

NONE of those things offer much of any health benefits. Those people piss me off.
They piss me off too. So many disingenuous statements were made during the debates.
There was a bunch of fear mongering and outright lies by the older Republicans.

The Dems came through. Good for them!

Best news of the year V! You can finally tell folks what sweet body part to kiss if they don't agree with your choice of medicine! I'm using balls lately!

Won't be but a little time now and there'll be a thriving weed industry owned by the retired nay sayers! I love to hear of another state full of safe to grow and use people! :party::party::party::party::party:
Lol. "Kiss me where it smells funny!"
- Bloodhound Gang

More freedom to the people. A better future for my beautiful home state.
The spears in that auto are incredible. Wookie huh? Jeez Louise. What an awesome plant. What size pot is she in?
Yeah. Wookiee auto is a cross between GSC and Wedding cake. Not sure what side the auto comes in from. I'll have to ask the breeder about it.

She is just a little gal in a three gallon pot. Running Pro Mix all-purpose with MC.
Next time I run her I'll put her in a five gallon. See how well she does.

You made it to the front page of 420mag!
I feel special. Yay!!!

It's not 100% done but it's gonna happen. I've been watching these bills go through committee after committee for the past four months. It's all on YouTube so I've been watching it before bed. It's really boring so it aids in sleep.

A couple of highlights from the House and Senate vote for ya...

Good points were made...mostly.

The maths just don't math....

So true!

So far it's going to be set between 8 and 10%.
10% is our regular sales tax in Los Angeles! Well done MN. :thumb:
I just pale in comparison.
Only by skin tone my dear, only by skin tone.

So true!

10% is our regular sales tax in Los Angeles! Well done MN. :thumb:

Only by skin tone my dear, only by skin tone.

How long would it take one person to smoke that shit? Would last me over a week I bet. Insane.

They had some crazy shit spewing from their mouths. One guy went full Reefer Madness and sounded like an imbecile.
It's super dangerous,as you already know. Jeez.

FWIW...I'm a beautiful bluish peach color. We haven't seen much sun in the past eight months. Lol
No more fear for you and your family for living life as you see fit! :love: That's a nice low tax rate V! I'd be happy with it! Bet it will put a hurt on the black market if they keep it low! My state blew it. Happy Happy Joy Joy!
Laws written by non-users are weird.
They don't understand the entire process and how weights differ between a freshly cut bud and a dry and cured bud.
They say we can have 1.5 lbs at our residence. What's to stop enforcement from using the wet buds for weight?

Not that I expect them to knock on my door about it.

**For those of you living in legal states, how much can you keep at your residence and also, how many plants can you run at a time?

Just curious to see the differences between the states.

We will be able to have eight plants with four being mature.

Able to gift up to two oz without renumeration.

Still undecided is.....

Between 1.5 lbs and 5 lbs at residence.
If the 5 lbs amount is used we can have up to two lbs coming from another source.

I assume that this amount would have to be delivered? It says we can only have two oz on us when travelling.

Can't remember what the weights were on extracts. 800 ml?
I'll have to look again.

We can't use any volatile propellants etc to extract concentrates.

I assume that alcohol is ok?

These are some murky waters. It should all be clarified shortly.

I harvested the Bloody Skunk auto.
Fluffiest buds I've grown yet and smells caustic.

We'll see but initial reaction is that it's not enough product for the time and work. Maybe I'll change my mind once she's cured.
For those of you living in legal states, how much can you keep at your residence and also, how many plants can you run at a time?
Last I checked we can have 6 plants each, 12 max per household. Of that we can keep all that we grow. But o

nly 5 grams of concentrate. No selling but can give an oz to friends and relatives. They may have certain amounts to keep under, I don't know what they are.

I harvested the Bloody Skunk auto.
Fluffiest buds I've grown yet and smells caustic.

We'll see but initial reaction is that it's not enough product for the time and work. Maybe I'll change my mind once she's cured.
Happy harvest V! First for the new home?
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