Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Kinda outgrew that half of the closet.

I did finally clean out the other half.
Just need to figure out a light. I kinda need one for a 3x3 space. I have everything else but that size. Go figure.

I have a blurple Mars-Hydro Pro II Epistar 320 LED you're welcome to if you want to pay for shipping. I have a 3x3 tent with the same condition if needed.

They all look pretty good. Frickin verdant yo!

Hope y'all are well.

Nice to see you back. :hug: Your plants look nice and healthy.
I have a blurple Mars-Hydro Pro II Epistar 320 LED you're welcome to if you want to pay for shipping. I have a 3x3 tent with the same condition if needed.

Nice to see you back. :hug: Your plants look nice and healthy.

Thanks HG.

I'm kinda in the works for something already but the offer is greatly appreciated.

I'm trying to find the time to get on here a little more. It's still not as much as I'd like though.
Busy with the family and new house mostly. Gotta get things ready for spring now so I can't imagine that things will slow down for a bit.

I have all sorts of things that have to get accomplished this spring. Moving sheds and building a deck and garden/landscaping are at the top of my list.

Secondary things include building a bird sanctuary in my yard and taming the resident squirrels and crows.
87 grams of popcorn + 2 cups of evoo=
Greened out VG.

Those brownies kicked my ass.
I had the chills and ocular hallucinations. Fully passed out by hour four.

Maybe I'll just eat half next time.... I may need a few days to recover though.

Moving the autos to the 2x2 tomorrow.
I culled the other Forum and GG4.
Realized that my Super Skunk have indeed outgrown their 3 gallons pots and I'm gonna have to transplant to put them into flower. They are drinking themselves dry after 48 hrs.

I'm running out of space quick.

Hope y'all are well.
I'm so impressed how quickly and neatly you got your grow back on VG. The greens sound mighty unpleasant. I hope your recovery is swift. The Bloody Skunk is quite something to behold and your plants look awesome altogether.
87 grams of popcorn + 2 cups of evoo=
Greened out VG.

Those brownies kicked my ass.
I had the chills and ocular hallucinations. Fully passed out by hour four.

Maybe I'll just eat half next time.... I may need a few days to recover though.

Lightweight! :laughtwo: That's my normal ratios with non-popcorn bud.

I really love that last pic that looks like a heart. You should enter it in the PhoTM contest.
I'm so impressed how quickly and neatly you got your grow back on VG. The greens sound mighty unpleasant. I hope your recovery is swift. The Bloody Skunk is quite something to behold and your plants look awesome altogether.
Thanks Carmen.

I think it took a little longer than planned but came out pretty nice.

Plants seem to like it fine.
Lightweight! :laughtwo: That's my normal ratios with non-popcorn bud.
The problem is that I made giant brownies. They have 3-4 doses in them and I haven't had edibles in months.

I used the strongest stuff I've grown to date and they came out hella strong.
I really love that last pic that looks like a heart. You should enter it in the PhoTM contest.
I've had a few people mention that. I may try next month.
Maybe I'll try to get a better pic too.
I think it's that casual here. Your location may be on the way?
Lovely heart :love: ! Great start!
We have about two months before the bill is through all the House and Senate committees and then it goes to a vote.

Fingers crossed!

Everyday it's a getting closer...going faster than a rollercoaster...🎶
The heart is fabulous. Definitively agree with HG, enter it in photo of the month :love:
I thought it was cute when I found it.
I may try later.

We'll see if I remember.
Thanks Carmen.

I think it took a little longer than planned but came out pretty nice.

Plants seem to like it fine.

The problem is that I made giant brownies. They have 3-4 doses in them and I haven't had edibles in months.

I used the strongest stuff I've grown to date and they came out hella strong.

I've had a few people mention that. I may try next month.
Maybe I'll try to get a better pic too.

We have about two months before the bill is through all the House and Senate committees and then it goes to a vote.

Fingers crossed!

Everyday it's a getting closer...going faster than a rollercoaster...🎶

I thought it was cute when I found it.
I may try later.

We'll see if I remember.
I'm crossing my fingers for you! Keep writing notes to get this done!
Hey y'all.

Everyone is doing ok over here.

The chickies in the 2x2 are acclimating to a different light and environment...

Super Skunk are doing great. Gotta figure out if I'm really going to transplant them or not. Right now I'm leaning towards transplanting.

They are all (except the Forum) due for a feeding today. Autos get bumped up to 4.5 g/gallon MC and the Super Skunk stay at 5.3 g/gallon.
Like riding a bike for you! 🍀 Those plants are gorgeous!
Lol. I haven't forgotten totally.
They do look pretty nice.
Plants are looking great VG, I like the purple breaking out on the bloody skunk!
I do too, Stunger.
Wish she was a bit bigger but that can't be helped now.
Hopefully she'll be fantastic and I can search out some more seeds.

I'm really wanting to get more Skunk varieties. They seem to be my constant favorite for old school smoke flavors.

My project manager visited the garden earlier...
And what a lovely project manager you have to keep you on track!
He's such a good boy.
Brings so much joy to our lives.
Can't believe that he's eight already.
Still looks like a pup.
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