Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Coming along nice, VG! :welldone:
Thanks Krip.
Getting back into the swing of things.

Getting your groove on girl! :woohoo:
That doesn't look half bad, and the other half looks like the light's too far that to slow them down?
They were just transplanted and put into an entirely different space. I'm easing them into the light and allowing them to recover for a few days.

Sounds like Baron Von Blurple's closet, but he needs a place for his Club Trays.
Looks just like the area I'll be hanging my herb dryer in.
Not sure what club trays are but ya gotta put em somewhere.

I'm working on clearing the rest of the closet today. We'll see how far I get.
I checked my par for the closet. The plants are at about 500 right now. That is just fine for veg.

My other project for the day is rehabbing my Forum.

Screwed up and let them get way too dry.
I'll clean them up and transplant the better looking of the two.
Gotta grab some cuttings too.

I know Buttercup just reversed one but I haven't heard how many seeds he actually got. He for sure has at least five.
I'll annoy him later for a better answer.
Would be great if I don't have to hold on to a bunch of moms. I'd like to phenohunt that plant. The feel that the first one I grew was superior to the current one that I have.
Either look pretty good for that! Good Sunday to ya V!
Have a wonderful Sunday.

What's left of it anyway.
Let's see...that was about 4 hours ago. I'm guessing they look fine about now!
They look better.
I don't remember having this much variegation in the Forum.

I think underfed plants show it more.
I'll transplant tomorrow or Tuesday. They need to dry out a little bit.
Starting to look like a grow room now! Carry on...
About time.

Was nice, like walking into a jungle this morning. 81° with 55% rh.
I left the door open all day to bring it down to 76°.
I still need to install the extraction fan. That will help keep the temp in check..

I agree with Shed! :thumb:
Thank Stunger.

It isn't turning out bad at all.
A great new spot to make the magic happen!
like walking into a jungle this morning. 81° with 55% rh.
So, it was perfect, and you cooled it off? :cheesygrinsmiley:

J/k, VG- I try and keep it above 80f in the box, but that's just me...
Love that. Been a while for us too!
You been getting crazy weather? I heard that it snowed near you.
A great new spot to make the magic happen!

So, it was perfect, and you cooled it off? :cheesygrinsmiley:

J/k, VG- I try and keep it above 80f in the box, but that's just me...
Ugh... I know.

For some reason I'm trying to keep my grow at the same parameters as the old place. Old habits!?!?
I'll try to leave things be until I'm in flower. I do like to keep it in the mid-70s for that.
Plants look happy and parameters are good.
I'll start with my most disappointing plant though.
The larger of the two autos is showing pistils despite my best attempts at slowing her down.
Not sure what I'm going to do with her yet. May just scrap her.
Next up is the strong willed GG4. She went from two tiny leaves on a virtually dead plant to an unruly green mess.
Think I'm going to transplant and flip her with the rest. May as well.
No doubt she will need a ton of bamboo for support though. She's willowy.

The Forum did a nice turn around. I think I transplanted her about five days ago. She went from looking like this...
Plant on the right.

To looking like this plant that is also on the right....
The other two on the left and middle are the two Super Skunks.

I took cuttings from the GG4, Skunk and Forum. So far only the GG4 has roots.
The others haven't been there for very long though.

No idea what I'm going to do with the other Forum. She's just hanging out in the 2x2 for now. There is still a chance that I'll transplant and flip her too.
Just haven't gone out to find my other GeoPots yet.

That's about it for now.
:peace: :green_heart: :kiss:
Do you need that spot for something else? Doesn't look like it would be too much trouble if left to do its flowering thing.
I could probably squeeze her in somewhere. The only issue is that I'd want her in a bigger pot so that I don't have to water daily. I just won't have time for her otherwise.
Excellent comeback! GG4 has as well, so it almost looks like you have some sort of green thumb or something. :)
Turns out that they like to be watered or
Another year and my bedroom should look like a jungle.
Looking good VG! So glad you are getting back to growing here!
Thanks Boo.
Feels good to be doing something productive in the garden once more.
Just wish that I would have had the energy to get going a few months sooner.
That move really took it out of me. Being constantly sick didn't help much either.

Top her and yank some limbs down. You may get a couple or 5 ounces from her! She’s a biggie! :cheesygrinsmiley:

I guess that I'll decide when I absolutely have to. Until then she gets to live.
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