Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Learn how to keep bonsai moms. That way you can always take cuttings of her later. It's pretty easy to hide small plants like that. You can simply seal them up in a cardboard box or hide them in a cupboard until the family has gone.
I didn't realize that you could keep them that well hidden. Do you know if anyone has done a good tutorial on making bonsai moms?
Like this time... I guesstimate that I will run out of weed before my next harvest.
Bummer 👎
I have more starins that I can probably grow in my lifetime. I guess that my goal is to search through as many as I can and find my top ten strains.
After that it's just keeping those strains in stock through reversal and hunting within seeds produced for my ideal phenotype.
Any in the list yet?
I didn't realize that you could keep them that well hidden.
I've had to hide them once or twice.
Had to move them to a new place as well. They seemed to do just fine being in a box for most of a day.
Not something I'd do a lot though.
You may find yourself with a plant in flower that could possibly hermie if you aren't careful.
That is if plants are really stress induced to herm. I haven't seen any papers written on it and have only heard it mentioned as a universal truth. A bit bro-sciency until I read something contrary.
I usually go with genetic predisposition.
Thai plants are know to have this issue.

Any in the list yet?
Forum,Skunk, GG4, Wookiee Auto, Dark Devil and one that I can't name without getting spanked by a mod.

Having issues hanging the closet light. No good studs it would seem. They are all in weird places so we have that to figure out.

Wish us luck. I need this done so I can take cuttings and start new seeds.
I've had to hide them once or twice.
Had to move them to a new place as well. They seemed to do just fine being in a box for most of a day.
Not something I'd do a lot though.
You may find yourself with a plant in flower that could possibly hermie if you aren't careful.
That is if plants are really stress induced to herm. I haven't seen any papers written on it and have only heard it mentioned as a universal truth. A bit bro-sciency until I read something contrary.
I usually go with genetic predisposition.
Thai plants are know to have this issue.

Forum,Skunk, GG4, Wookiee Auto, Dark Devil and one that I can't name without getting spanked by a mod.

Having issues hanging the closet light. No good studs it would seem. They are all in weird places so we have that to figure out.

Wish us luck. I need this done so I can take cuttings and start new seeds.
Firstly, good luck with the closet light! And, I've almost decided for certain that I am going to construct a more user friendly tent using panda film (is film the right word), in four panels that I can surround the plants with and throw a cover over the top. Concertina. And then do the same winter / spring photo grow that I did last year. I think it fits better with all the other annual events. Thank you VG because I will at some point need to learn how to make bonsais.
I've had to hide them once or twice.
Had to move them to a new place as well. They seemed to do just fine being in a box for most of a day.
Not something I'd do a lot though.
You may find yourself with a plant in flower that could possibly hermie if you aren't careful.
That is if plants are really stress induced to herm. I haven't seen any papers written on it and have only heard it mentioned as a universal truth. A bit bro-sciency until I read something contrary.
I usually go with genetic predisposition.
Thai plants are know to have this issue.

Forum,Skunk, GG4, Wookiee Auto, Dark Devil and one that I can't name without getting spanked by a mod.

Having issues hanging the closet light. No good studs it would seem. They are all in weird places so we have that to figure out.

Wish us luck. I need this done so I can take cuttings and start new seeds.
You'll find one!
Firstly, good luck with the closet light! And, I've almost decided for certain that I am going to construct a more user friendly tent using panda film (is film the right word), in four panels that I can surround the plants with and throw a cover over the top. Concertina. And then do the same winter / spring photo grow that I did last year. I think it fits better with all the other annual events. Thank you VG because I will at some point need to learn how to make bonsais.
Best tip I can give for bonsai and keeping the small is to get/use an underpowered light. A 20-30 full spectrum watt led would work fine.

You'll find one!
I think I dreamed up an answer.
I don't want to spend any money and reuse what I have.

So, what's the answer then??

Perfect! Very productive dream.
It was.
Bf is going out to find ours now.
It's around here somewhere.
I have six , 6'x1.5" diameter poles sitting in our shed.

Going to hopefully reuse the purple heavy duty curtain that I used in my smaller closet at the old place. That should work great to keep the light out.

My GG4 was finally putting out some nice looking clone candidates so she got a haircut.
Sitting with my houseplant cuttings for the meantime. They all seem to do well there.

Gotta get my Forum and Super Skunk greened up. I think I'm changing course.
Seems senseless to cull them when i can take cuttings,trim and flower them out. I'll just stick some of them into some three gallons and flip ASAP.

Two of them can fit in the 2x2. The others can go into the closet with the autos....or I can stick the two autos into the 2x2 and flower out all four of the moms....undecided as of yet.
About damn time......

Still have to come up with another light.
I have some options that I have to think about. I have a few weeks to get things in motion.

I also need to add another circulation fan and and extraction fan as well light proofing the door.

I'll get all that jazz done and then I'll transplant and get everyone where they need to be.

Take this baby out for a test drive!!

I think the new space will work out well. Vinyl flooring and walls for a easy cleanups. Nice overhead space for taller plants.
Should be able to grow some nice shit in there.
Excellent sorting out! Custom built...nice. :welldone:

Yeah, nice space! You grow V!

Looking good for a great grow room VG!

Sweet grow space, VG!

And worth the wait...hey, quality takes time...
Thanks, y'all.
It turned out pretty nice.
I have big plans for that little grow room.
Happy Valentines Day V :love: :love:
Happy belated VD!!!
I ate way too much chocolate...gave myself a tummy ache. Perhaps all the Crown Royale didn't help either...

How y'all doing!?!?

Weather has been kinda crazy around these parts. It's been keeping us busy shoveling. Have I mentioned that I hate shoveling?
Yes, I hate shoveling but love watching my neighbors try to shovel their car out of a two foot snow berm using only a rake and a small kitchen broom.

We were "Minnesota Nice" and loaned them ours. Then I had nothing to entertain me so I worked on my plants.
Wait, I spoke too soon. The squirrels have been eating our fermented crab apples and getting wasted. That's always a good time and top tier entertainment imo.

The closet is doing ok. I finally got some plants transplanted and settled in. Two Super Skunk so far.
I have the GG4 and the two autos in with them until I find three gallon pots for the two Forum plants.
Those two are still in the 2x2. I kinda got held up with the bad weather. Some of my gardening stuff is at a different location and driving wasn't advised. I'll get them done soon as I can.

The new digs.....

As you can see, I decided to top the two autos. I'm hoping to slow them down a little bit. The larger one had it's firt primordial pistil and I panicked. 👍

Not today!!

Still a fair amount of work left. I still have to lightproof before I flip the Skunk and Forum. Gotta get the circulation system up and running.
I still have to clean out the other half of the closet. You know, the side I've avoided showing y'all. It's just a stack of boxes and crap I need to find a place for.

Still have to figure out a light for that half. I wish that I had my other Atreum still. I sent it off to a friend that needed a light. I was at the old place and at that time had no plans to move. I just had too much equipment laying around. I wanted it to go to someone who needed it.

I mean.... it was still the right decision. I just need to think now. That's never good.
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