Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

I really don't know that answer...however, I did do a little reading, and found out that MCT oil doesn't need to be digested to be absorbed, whereas refined coconut oil does..
So I think MCT is the better choice, although it's pretty pricey compared to the refined oil.
I'll have to stick with refined for awhile- I've got a half gallon of it in the pantry ..
Never got to it. Kids kept having snow days or I got busy. I don't decarbs when they are around.
Still on the to-do list.

We've gotten tons of snow this year. Farmers Almay said this year should be fantastic for growing in Minnesota.

I hope so. My tomato plants weren't great last year. Peppers were phenomenal though.

As I recall about 50g of 15% flower in 2 cups of oil will get you around 10mg/ml in the MB2. Not near a computer or I'd calculate it for you.
That seems about right. Thanks for getting back to me, even if I didn't get back to you right away. It's still appreciated.
Lol. Hello dear.
What got you going? lol
I know...silly guy.
Heya VG! I hope you're feeling better!

It seems appropriate to set the grow lights to 4/20, IMHO!
Holy smoke.

It's been a hot minute since I've seen you. How you doin!?!

Feeling much better, thanks. It took a long time for that to happen though. This is probably the most ill that I've ever been. It stuck with me for well over a month. It could have been multiple illnesses. Seems like I would get better for a few days and then get something worse.

I put two autos into water this morning and promptly forgot which was which.

Shazzbutt! I'll have to wait until they are in flower to know which is which.
Luckily one of them is supposed to be red.

Bloody Skunk auto and a Wookiee auto. I really need to drop a few more.
I'll get the seeds out today and see what I can find. Be sure to pay better attention to what seed is in which cup.

Feeling like a rookie lately.

My moms look pretty gnarly but I've managed to keep them alive somehow. They are in the middle of revegging so I'm just going to wait until they give me some good new growth that I can clone. I won't have time or space set up for reversing until this spring. I'd like smaller moms until then. I have veggies and flowers to start at the end of Feb so I need as much room as possible for them.

I'll figure my shit out soon. I did manage to get all the hardware for hanging lights and filters in the closet but that's as far as I've gotten, unfortunately. Life has been very busy lately. I was in bed for a few weeks so I'm way behind in just about everything.

Hope y'all are doing well.
:ciao: :love:

I'm glad to hear you're feeling better and dropping seeds (if not labelling them!), and a few rookie mistakes are to be expected after that long a layoff.

Back to growing you go!
Everything is so different here. Much lower rh and drastically different temps.
I got an oil filled space heater to help out. It seems to be working ok. Set up my humidifier but it's struggling to bring up the rh more than 20%.

It's just a learning curve that I'll have to figure out.
Better do it soon or I'll be dankrupt.

Lol. I did actually label the tops of the Tupperware that had the seeds in them. Then I recklessly mixed them up.

Note to self....

Label the bottoms and not the covers.🤦‍♀️
Never got to it. Kids kept having snow days or I got busy. I don't decarbs when they are around.
Still on the to-do list.

We've gotten tons of snow this year. Farmers Almay said this year should be fantastic for growing in Minnesota.

I hope so. My tomato plants weren't great last year. Peppers were phenomenal though.

That seems about right. Thanks for getting back to me, even if I didn't get back to you right away. It's still appreciated.

Lol. Hello dear.

I know...silly guy.

Holy smoke.

It's been a hot minute since I've seen you. How you doin!?!

Feeling much better, thanks. It took a long time for that to happen though. This is probably the most ill that I've ever been. It stuck with me for well over a month. It could have been multiple illnesses. Seems like I would get better for a few days and then get something worse.
Yeah, it's been a little while. I planned a short time away, and then I planned to get back into growing, and then life reared it's head and screwed up my plans! :rofl:

I'm doing fine and glad to hear you're doing better.
Glad you're up and about again VG, and your spirits sound way lifted from before. Happy growing again :)
Highya Carmen.
Still feel a bit weak but that could be that I'm low on Vit D. Not a lot of sunshine here since our winter lasts about 5 months. Maybe a touch of dehydration too. This house is super dry.

Seems as though I feel well enough to complain.😁

Doing pretty well otherwise. Just getting things settled from moving still. We have boxes everywhere and I have yet to set up my grow closet.
I don't have any plants to put in there right now anyway. Working on that though.
Oh boy V! You sound like you're deep down the road of recovery this time! that was a tough one! Glad to hear you're wetting some seeds! It's been too long! :hug:
🥰 Hey Stone.

The seeds....

They are in Pro Mix. Not sure what's going on though. One looked cracked and the other one was hard to tell.
I'll just drop a few more Wookiee seeds if they don't come up. The breeder said he'd send me some more soon.
I really love that strain.

I set up one of my heating mats to help with the germination.
I know I only took a few months off from growing but I feel like I forgot just about everything I knew. I'm sure it will come back to me.
I saw that you're doing SIPs. I was looking them up and there you were. Sorry that I'm so behind on everyone's journals. I feel pretty out of touch..
Was thinking of going the diy route and making my own. I can test it out in my 2x2 and if all goes well I can expand on it.
Yeah, it's been a little while. I planned a short time away, and then I planned to get back into growing, and then life reared it's head and screwed up my plans! :rofl:

I'm doing fine and glad to hear you're doing better.
Such is life, right?
Totally unpredictable at times.

Are you growing again? What's on the menu??

Glad to hear that you're doing well and have some time to stop and say hello.
I am very pleased to hear you're feeling much better VG!
That's Stunger.

It was pretty dire for a little while but I'm bouncing back ok. That was a lot of down time and I have a ton to accomplish on the next few weeks.

I'll be on sporadically. Just really busy lately.
Hi VG..:ciao:
Was thinking of going the diy route and making my own. I can test it out in my 2x2 and if all goes well I can expand on it.

I'm testing a $20.00 diy SIP in my 2x2 right now. 😁 .. I'm only 8 days in, but already I like what I'm seeing..
Such is life, right?
Totally unpredictable at times.

Are you growing again? What's on the menu??

Glad to hear that you're doing well and have some time to stop and say hello.
Yup, such is life!

I've got two Cheeselicous and one White Widow I just started a few weeks ago to try to get the jars refilled quick before I have to take everything down again to have some work done on my house.

Now that I'm back, I'll be keeping an eye on you! ;)
I'm happy to see you posting again. I've missed you. :hug:

As someone who was also sick for far too long, I totally understand how you're feeling. I had a couple of seed oopsies when I was sick last fall. I had one seed sprout upside down and by the time I realized, she was dead.

I also think (and hope) I have 2 Jack Herers growing right now. But, one might be CB Dutch Treat. I might have mislabeled them when they were planted.

Try not to overdo it. Your body needs time to recover. I'm still working on my recovery.
It's like falling off a bicycle, you never forget how!
Lmfao. I seriously almost wrote that myself.
Hey V, same here! I harvested in spring, grew outdoors(not the same) and took a few months off indoors. It does feel like I could forget something. That's me though, not you, your memory is twice mine! 👁️
I dunno... I'm super forgetful lately.

I forgot how to use my heating mat. Had the controller set up but instead of plugging the heat mat into it, I just plugged it into the power strip instead.

Couldn't figure out why my probe said it was 84° when I had the mat set for 75°.

Hi VG..:ciao:

I'm testing a $20.00 diy SIP in my 2x2 right now. 😁 .. I'm only 8 days in, but already I like what I'm seeing..
Oh yeah?

Sounds like I need to get my ass over to your journal soon,eh?

Yup, such is life!

I've got two Cheeselicous and one White Widow I just started a few weeks ago to try to get the jars refilled quick before I have to take everything down again to have some work done on my house.

Now that I'm back, I'll be keeping an eye on you! ;)

I need a refill too. I haven't been growing since October and things are getting dire.

I'll probably be dankrupt before I can harvest. I really need to assess my stash.

Sucks that you have to break down your grow. I really hated taking mine down. Still have to build a flowering closet.
I should really get to that.
Just bad luck with the health issues I've had lately and then being busy with home and family life when I am well.

I'm happy to see you posting again. I've missed you. :hug:

As someone who was also sick for far too long, I totally understand how you're feeling. I had a couple of seed oopsies when I was sick last fall. I had one seed sprout upside down and by the time I realized, she was dead.

I also think (and hope) I have 2 Jack Herers growing right now. But, one might be CB Dutch Treat. I might have mislabeled them when they were planted.

Try not to overdo it. Your body needs time to recover. I'm still working on my recovery.
Hey HG.

I've missed all y'all.

It's been weird taking such a long break from this place.
I'm sure that I've missed a lot. Not sure if I can catch up and probably will have to just jump back in.

I saw a new baby came up yesterday and got pretty excited. I have my fingers crossed that both will make it.

No idea which one is which though. I'm just guessing that the one above ground is a Wookiee but that isn't based on anything other than thinking that fresher seeds germinate faster.
I have the sprout labeled as to what I think it is.
We'll see if I'm right. Lol
It should be pretty obvious when they are in flower.

I still haven't grown Jack Herer. Should probably do that one of these days.
Even if you mixed them up the Dutch Treat should be just fine? Always good to have some CBD around.

I think everyone is on an upswing.
They definitely liked their last feeding.
I couldn't find my jar of MC after I moved so I went ahead and ordered more. Doesn't look like they changed the formula and if they did I can't tell. It's still gray with balls. Good to have some fresh nutes though. Hopefully I'll run across my old jar soon. Just super curious as what happened to it.
My guess is that it's outside in my little plastic shed thingy covered in six feet of snow. Probably got put in there by accident. I'm sure I'll come across it eventually.

Here are the girls.

I'll start with a full tent shot..
The two larger plants on the left are Forum clones/moms , center is the GG4 and the new seed/sprouts and the ladies to the right are Super Skunk.
I'm just trying to get some decent growth now that they are done revegging. Once I get said growth, I'll be cloning for smaller plants to reverse this spring/summer.

Here is a closer look at the GG4..
She only had a few good leaves last week and I had almost given up on her. I stuck it out and she's coming back quite nicely.

New baby...

They other one should be up any day now. If she takes too long , I'll go digging.

That's about it for today. Don't have much more going on with cannabis plants.

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