Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Merry Christmas to the ever-contagious Groundlings! I hope your kids are happy with a new home and plenty of love this year, and for you here is a Christmas AK-47 spog® all decked out for the season:
Happy belated Xmas, y'all.

May not be on for a bit....
Looks like I have the rsv. Thought I was getting better.
If I'm worse tomorrow, I'm going to the hospital.
I definitely have a lung infection. Hopefully it won't become pneumonia.
Happy belated Xmas, y'all.

May not be on for a bit....
Looks like I have the rsv. Thought I was getting better.
If I'm worse tomorrow, I'm going to the hospital.
I definitely have a lung infection. Hopefully it won't become pneumonia.
Get to the doctor no matter what. :Namaste:
Please don't take a chance with your health. :love:
Get checked just incase.
Take care.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
Happy belated Xmas, y'all.

May not be on for a bit....
Looks like I have the rsv. Thought I was getting better.
If I'm worse tomorrow, I'm going to the hospital.
I definitely have a lung infection. Hopefully it won't become pneumonia.

I'm sorry to hear you're sick again. I hope it doesn't turn into pneumonia. Have you been to the doctor yet? :hug:
Hey y'all.
Much love to you guys. Thanks for thinking of me.

I'm still here. On antibiotics and resting.

I haven't been smoking for good reason. My lungs are pretty trashed.

I should make some oil today since I'm stuck at home and really want some edibles to help me through my discomfort.

The only thing is....

My brain is broken. I'm gonna need some help here. Can't remember shit and can't concentrate for crap.

How much popcorn would y'all put into 3 cups of evoo!?!?

I'll be using the MB2.
Hey y'all.
Much love to you guys. Thanks for thinking of me.

I'm still here. On antibiotics and resting.

I haven't been smoking for good reason. My lungs are pretty trashed.

I should make some oil today since I'm stuck at home and really want some edibles to help me through my discomfort.

The only thing is....

My brain is broken. I'm gonna need some help here. Can't remember shit and can't concentrate for crap.

How much popcorn would y'all put into 3 cups of evoo!?!?

I'll be using the MB2.
Hi VG, I hope the antibiotics work fast. When I make oil I decarb and crush the weed and pour enough oil to cover the weed and no more.
Glad you're resting up VG, I hope you soon feeling to be on the mend!

The few times I have made oil, like Carmen I have only put enough in to cover the buds because at the end of the day I want it to be as 'punchy' as possible, as one can always take less or dilute if necessary.
How much popcorn would y'all put into 3 cups of evoo!?!?
I do an ounce per cup of oil- makes for some very potent gummies...
I use refined coconut oil, but I'd think it'd be the same for evoo.

Don't forget to decarb first! (I only say this because your brain is a little broken right now..) :high-five:

I hope you start feeling better soon, VG :love:...being sick is a shitty way to start a new year!
Hi VG, I hope the antibiotics work fast. When I make oil I decarb and crush the weed and pour enough oil to cover the weed and no more.
I'll have to see how much I have. I'm still getting things together. I have some fresh frozen stuff and also some well dried popcorn. I may have to do two separate decarbs.

I'm using an MB2 machine to make the oil. I'll have to use at least the two cups of material/oil required to run the machine. If I don't have that I'll have to use my Instant Pot pressure cooker or stovetop method.
The MB2 is a lot easier for me right now.
Hi V! So nice to hear from you! Sounds like you're on the mend! Sorry can't help you with the recipe. Well, I'd just fill it up but that's me.
My brain is so foggy. I can't remember how much cannabis I have. I know I have some frozen stuff but not sure how much.
I have popcorn left over from a MAC plant that's dried on the stems yet. No idea how much of that either....

Just gonna throw the whole mess into the MB2 with whatever else I have that's laying around.

Just have to be sure to keep enough smoke around for everyone else.

I don't have anything going right now. My mother's almost died when I got sick. They look awful.

I may just start a few autos. Gotta get something going.
Glad you're resting up VG, I hope you soon feeling to be on the mend!

The few times I have made oil, like Carmen I have only put enough in to cover the buds because at the end of the day I want it to be as 'punchy' as possible, as one can always take less or dilute if necessary.
I'll be trying to get something as potent as possible. I'll try my best and hope whatever I have is enough to make a decent oil. I'll be leaving all the plant matter in it this time.
I wasn't impressed with the last stuff that I made. Not sure what went wrong. The only thing I did differently was to use a different oil and to strain it when I was done.
My oil usually turns out pretty good.
I'm going back to the evoo. It seems to work better for me.
I do an ounce per cup of oil- makes for some very potent gummies...
I use refined coconut oil, but I'd think it'd be the same for evoo.

Don't forget to decarb first! (I only say this because your brain is a little broken right now..) :high-five:

I hope you start feeling better soon, VG :love:...being sick is a shitty way to start a new year!
Right on..

What's your thoughts on mixing coconut oil with evoo?

I'm thinking....weirdness...probably wouldn't emulsify well?

I think I'll do all this tomorrow morning. It's getting late here and I'm pretty tired.

I asked Buttercup about ratios. He said that he remembers me using between 50-75 ish grams per two cups of oil in the height of my cookie napping days.
I think that sounds about right.

What's your thoughts on mixing coconut oil with evoo?
I don't really know- the coconut oil is solid at room temp, the evoo isn't, so, if you're making gummies, that may cause a problem with "greasiness"...but if you're making oil to make baked goodies with, or ingest the way it is, I think it'd work fine.
It's getting late here and I'm pretty tired.
If anyone deserves a nap, it's you...pleasant dreams, VG💚
the coconut oil is solid at room temp
The stuff that I'm using is the MCT liquid coconut oil. Maybe the same as fractionated??
If anyone deserves a nap, it's you...pleasant dreams, VG💚
I have to make pancakes first.

It's breakfast for dinner this evening.
Yum! I finally have my appetite back.
Maybe the same as fractionated??
I really don't know that answer...however, I did do a little reading, and found out that MCT oil doesn't need to be digested to be absorbed, whereas refined coconut oil does..
So I think MCT is the better choice, although it's pretty pricey compared to the refined oil.
I'll have to stick with refined for awhile- I've got a half gallon of it in the pantry ..
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