Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

At least your in, now you can do what you need as you can.
Hope everything goes well for you my friend, you deserve it. :thumb:
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Halfway in!
Wish that I had money for a moving service.
The ol' bod is feeling it today.
Things are going ok. We have a week left before we need to be totally out of the other place. Trying to pace ourselves.

Hope you're doing well, Bill!
i hate moving even when it's an upgrade. you deserve the nicer place, congrats on the new digs and sympathies on the move ..
Lol. Thanks. I feel the same way.
I've been stressed out for about five months now. The end is in sight... hopefully.
how do you plant them ? i like cactus but have no clue about them.
Depends upon the cacti. There are desert cacti but there are also jungle varieties.
Generally folks have the desert types. They enjoy sharp, fast draining soil. A mix of soil, sand, perlite/pumice and a little bit of compost like EWC.
Overwatering is the most common killer of cacti and succulents. They really need sufficient light and be able to completely dry out between waterings.
These San Pedro come from the Andes mountains so they can handle cooler temps and a bit more water than most cacti.
now is the time to plan out and install the grow spaces proper. decent set-ups save so much trouble over time. more cost effective too.
I'm actually down a grow space here. I have redundant equipment at this point. I should have everything that I need. I just need to find the time and energy to set it all up.
the mental change is the greatest benefit. beyond that, you'll find it changes nearly nothing day to day.

most folk i know still grow in the same manner as they did pre-legal. it still carries a stigmatism in the workplace, so there are still drug screening and other considerations hanging about. people will talk about it much more openly now though.

the biggest surprise will be nobody cares, and probably didn't previous lol.
I will grow in the same way as well.
I don't want to give anyone a reason to break in here.
I also don't want my neighbors to bother me just because I'm conveniently located.
Thanksgiving in the new place with a side of exhausted happiness? 🦃 :hookah: I like gravy on mine.
Danksgiving!!! We broke with the traditional holiday a long time ago.

Not sure what we are doing for dinner yet. We have to get our kitchen over here today but I'll toss something nice together. It won't be the normal fancy fare but bellies and pie holes will be filled. Lol

Happy Thanksgiving to the entire Ground clan!
Same to you and yours!!

It's going to be a long one here.
Lots of moving until late afternoon/early evening but then we are taking the night off to relax and chow down.

Hope y'all have a great Danksgiving!!
I will grow in the same way as well.
I don't want to give anyone a reason to break in here.
I also don't want my neighbors to bother me just because I'm conveniently located.
I agree with this. Same reason I won't grow outdoors here either.
Happy Danksgiving. You'll have a night you'll always remember. Enjoy it with love 🌼🌺🌸🌷
Halfway in!

it usually takes an avg of 4 months to move physically, 4 to organize, and another 4 to make it mentally home.
it takes a full year to really move lol

Depends upon the cacti. There are desert cacti but there are also jungle varieties.
Generally folks have the desert types. They enjoy sharp, fast draining soil. A mix of soil, sand, perlite/pumice and a little bit of compost like EWC.
Overwatering is the most common killer of cacti and succulents. They really need sufficient light and be able to completely dry out between waterings.
These San Pedro come from the Andes mountains so they can handle cooler temps and a bit more water than most cacti.

question was more about how the hell do you transplant a cutting lol ? :p
you answered a pile of subsequent ones though

also don't they need a fair bit of light as well ?

I'm actually down a grow space here. I have redundant equipment at this point. I should have everything that I need. I just need to find the time and energy to set it all up.

a single bigger grow space is sometime greater than two smaller divided ones if you can swing it. it depends on expectations and needs.

i could cover everything with a single 5x5 or maybe even 4x4. i stopped growing for an 8 month break and we still have piles of jars filled. will get one going soon though.

I will grow in the same way as well.
I don't want to give anyone a reason to break in here.

there should be less reason overall. it will take some time though. it's not overnight. no one gives a shit about relatively conservative home grows here. the increase in access changes the criminal intent.

I also don't want my neighbors to bother me just because I'm conveniently located.

too much to read into that ... you know i'd try make it pay though ... right ? :cheesygrinsmiley:


I hope you're taking care of yourself during the move and the holidays. :hug:
I agree with this. Same reason I won't grow outdoors here either.
Happy Danksgiving. You'll have a night you'll always remember. Enjoy it with love 🌼🌺🌸🌷
We had a pretty good evening. All the kids were here. I didn't go shopping prior to the holiday. I was super lucky and found just enough in stock to make it work.
We had dinner and watched Cunk on Earth. It's pretty darn funny. It's a parody of many of the nature/ history shows. I think it was originally aired on BBC but we found it on YouTube.

it usually takes an avg of 4 months to move physically, 4 to organize, and another 4 to make it mentally home.
it takes a full year to really move lol
So far it's been four months to wait to buy this place. About two months worth of renovating this place and moving in. We still aren't done by a long shot and we are running out of time.
We moved our deck yesterday and today. Pretty sore after that.
The ol' bod isn't cooperating at all. I think I'm just flat out exhausted.
question was more about how the hell do you transplant a cutting lol ? :p
you answered a pile of subsequent ones though

also don't they need a fair bit of light as well ?
Oh, sorry.

First a fresh cutting has to dry out for a few weeks. You really want the end to be calloused over well. After that you just stick it in some appropriate soil a few inches. It needs to be able to stand on its own. Don't water the soil though. You should keep it in there for another week or so. Then you start watering.

Light needs depend upon the type of cacti. Jungle cacti need less than arid types but something you need to also keep in mind is what stage of growth they are in. These San Pedro are pretty young and can't handle full sun yet.

I'll be potting them up soon. I can post pics on my Junk Drawer journal and leave a link here.
I also plan to start some cactus seeds within the next four months. Those need to be in really high humidity with indirect bright light when they are seedlings. After a few months they will slowly be acclimated to the room.

a single bigger grow space is sometime greater than two smaller divided ones if you can swing it. it depends on expectations and needs.

i could cover everything with a single 5x5 or maybe even 4x4. i stopped growing for an 8 month break and we still have piles of jars filled. will get one going soon though.
I've been thinking about just making it into a big closet grow room. I am rather tempted right now. Need to mull it over some more.
there should be less reason overall. it will take some time though. it's not overnight. no one gives a shit about relatively conservative home grows here. the increase in access changes the criminal intent.
Every time we go outside there is a guy asking for a few bucks from us. Imagine if he knew that I grew?
I'd never be rid of him.
He really is getting annoying tho....

I hope you're taking care of yourself during the move and the holidays. :hug:
Hi HG!
I'm doing my best to just drag my ass out of bed every morning. Lol.
I think that I'm just a bit exhausted.

Hope you are doing well. :green_heart:
We had dinner and watched Cunk on Earth. It's pretty darn funny. It's a parody of many of the nature/ history shows. I think it was originally aired on BBC but we found it on YouTube.
Found and book marked, thanks for the recommendation! It looks like it's going to be a goodie.

First a fresh cutting has to dry out for a few weeks.
Really? I had no idea. How do you achieve this and preserve life at the same time?....... Omg I read on and realized you were referring to the cactus, not weed :rofl:

I'm doing my best to just drag my ass out of bed every morning. Lol.
I think that I'm just a bit exhausted.
"Keep on keeping on"... "not long now", and "this too shall pass" ....... but seriously, don't over do it VG! It sounds pretty hectic hard work :love:
Found and book marked, thanks for the recommendation! It looks like it's going to be a goodie.
Hope you like it.
It got good reviews.
Really? I had no idea. How do you achieve this and preserve life at the same time?....... Omg I read on and realized you were referring to the cactus, not weed :rofl:
Lmao. Sorry for the confusion.
"Keep on keeping on"... "not long now", and "this too shall pass" ....... but seriously, don't over do it VG! It sounds pretty hectic hard work :love:
We paid an extra months rent. The anxiety and physical demand was too high. We should be in good shape now.
The kids had a bit of a hoarding situation going on. That can't/won't happen here so we needed to slow down and actually go through everything instead of bringing it all here, otherwise we'd just be in the same situation. They are older now and are willing to part ways with some of their stuff. They can also clean up after themselves now.
This place is going to be well organized with a place for everything.

I think this has been the most physically and mentally demanding thing I've ever been through as well as producing the most anxiety.

An extra month means that I can finally take a day off. Doing that today.
Lots of shit has happened.
I did get a few days off with a couple of naps included.
Being well rested certainly helps the spirits.

Today I'm finally setting up my 2x2.
I know that I said I'd have it up by now but things around here rarely go as planned.
No idea what I'm doing with the closet area yet.
It may be better as just one larger grow space.
I think the Atreum Hydra-3200 will do just fine in that space as long as I hang it higher. I had only been running it at 75% prior. My space in there is about 5'5" x 3'8".
I'll have to get some light blocking materials to convert it but it shouldn't be too difficult. I know my 2x4 is about five years old now and it's getting pretty holey. It may just be time to retire it.
Inside the closet? Absolutely! Naptime's over...get drilling woman. 🛠️
One thought popped into my head that may make it a bad idea.

I have that popcorn acoustic ceiling in there. I'd have to be very careful about how high my rh gets. That stuff sucks up moisture but I'm uncertain as to what degree.
Not sure if it would cause an issue or not.
I would be using the area for flower. I wouldn't want high rh anyway.

So far it's super dry in here. My hygrometer has been staying right around 30%. Not sure what this place is like in the spring through early fall.
Really cool on this side of the house as well. It's been down to 62° but is usually 65-68. Both clones and houseplants seem fine so far.
That stuff sucks up moisture but I'm uncertain as to what degree. So far it's super dry in here. My hygrometer has been staying right around 30%.
Only way to know is to measure the RH with the door open, and then keep it closed for a few hours and see where it settles. Even if it's a desiccant it seems like it would need to be absolutely airtight in there not to maintain the same RH as ambient in the house.
Do I want to put holes in my ceiling and walls though???
Damn indecisiveness

get drilling woman. 🛠️

I have that popcorn acoustic ceiling in there. I'd have to be very careful about how high my rh gets. That stuff sucks up moisture but I'm uncertain as to what degree.
Not sure if it would cause an issue or not.
Is is a closet for clothes or a closet bathroom? Sometimes the words have different meanings in different places. If it is a bathroom the ceiling will be used to steamy baths / showers wouldn't it? Perhaps you could mount the light from brackets on the walls rather, if concerned about the ceiling. I got interested in this and did some googleing. Here is a link to a conversation about hanging a grow light from a popcorn acoustic ceiling. I hope the link is ok to put in here from site admin perspective. I'm excited for you, VG!
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