Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Do I want to put holes in my ceiling and walls though???
Damn indecisiveness

I have a 3x3 tent that you're welcome to if you pay for shipping.
Only way to know is to measure the RH with the door open, and then keep it closed for a few hours and see where it settles. Even if it's a desiccant it seems like it would need to be absolutely airtight in there not to maintain the same RH as ambient in the house.
Ya know....

It is a small room. If I have to knock down the popcorn ceilings, I can certainly do that.

I just don't want to have it fall on my girls if it should fail. That would be one hell of a mess.

Plants can bring up the rh a bit but I'm not certain how much in this particular circumstance.
I may just have to try it and find out for myself.

Was looking at my @Atreum Lighting Hydra. Not sure if it's going to be big enough for the space on its own.

Hopefully one of the reps can advise me? It's a 5'5" x 3'8" space. I can hang it 8' in the air.
If I'm remembering correctly it covers 5'x3' in veg and 2x4 in flower??

Need to find my book or get back on their site.
Is is a closet for clothes or a closet bathroom? Sometimes the words have different meanings in different places. If it is a bathroom the ceiling will be used to steamy baths / showers wouldn't it? Perhaps you could mount the light from brackets on the walls rather, if concerned about the ceiling. I got interested in this and did some googleing. Here is a link to a conversation about hanging a grow light from a popcorn acoustic ceiling. I hope the link is ok to put in here from site admin perspective. I'm excited for you, VG!

I actually found the same conversation as you did.

It's a closet for clothes but we have the same ceiling throughout the house. It seems to hold up ok in the bathrooms.

I'm not worried about hanging it from the ceiling. I can find rafter studs. Just worried that the acoustic part of the ceiling will fail and fall down if it is saturated from high rh.

Every day closer! I can tell!
It's been a long road, Stone.
Almost done.

I have a 3x3 tent that you're welcome to if you pay for shipping.

Thanks Sweetie. I appreciate that.

My issue lies in trying to build a tent while standing in a small enclosed area. Not sure that I can do a smaller 2x4. Can't see a way that a 3x3 would be any easier.

I'll figure it out, eventually.
Who is your dumbest friend??

Bet that it's me.

Seems that I had my lights set to 4/20 instead of 16/8. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
They are all in flower.
Think I'm gonna up pot two of them and reveg the others back into bonsai moms. I'll eventually try for seeds.
I have two Super Skunk and two Peyote Forum. May as well flower two of them out. I harvested my last run in early Oct. Wouldn't hurt to have a small harvest to keep my stock up.

The uggo in the middle is the GG4. She's been through the ringer. She's had mites on and off since August now. Haven't seen any for almost a month though. I'm continuing to treat her anyway. She finally had some new growth coming in. Thought she was a goner for sure.

Funny thing.... Buttercup's GG4 has had mites too. Seems like she's a magnet for the little suckers. I think Van had some on his as well.

That's about all I have going on for cannabis right now. Gotta get my other space going soon so I can sprout some new, fun strains.

Hope y'all are doing well. :green_heart:
Hi, VG...:ciao:
If you paint that popcorn ceiling with semi gloss, or gloss paint, it won't absorb moisture.
Flat paint won't do it, it's got to be a little bit glossy...but, Shed's right- if it holds up in the bathroom, it's not going to fall off in the plant room- but it may absorb some moisture.
Doesn't  seem like it would hurt anything, but I don't really know..
Good luck, whatever you end up doing:thumb:
If the steam from the shower doesn't affect it it should be okay with whatever the plants put out.

Stress will do that to the brain. It's just another adventure in growing!
Gonna go for it, I think.
I should be able to grow some big plants in there. I'll have an extra two feet of overhead space as well as a larger footprint overall.
Just gotta get the foam to make it lightproof, a sweep for the bottom of the door and a round grate for the wall exhaust.

Maybe another light to help fill the space??
Hi, VG...:ciao:
If you paint that popcorn ceiling with semi gloss, or gloss paint, it won't absorb moisture.
Flat paint won't do it, it's got to be a little bit glossy...but, Shed's right- if it holds up in the bathroom, it's not going to fall off in the plant room- but it may absorb some moisture.
Doesn't  seem like it would hurt anything, but I don't really know..
Good luck, whatever you end up doing:thumb:
Highya Mr.C!
I plan to have it as my main flowering area. It shouldn't get that moist in there.

It certainly isn't a problem in the winter. We run the furnace all day and the rh has been really low. Not sure what the spring will bring.

I'm actually cleaning my humidifier today. It's uncomfortable for me much less my plants.

Just a little midlife brain damage. We all have it.
Lol. True be dat!

I have the selective memory issue. I think Buttercup calls it 'sometimers'.
If you have five three one somewhere in a box...
I do have some extra lights but they won't work in such an oddly shaped space.
I pretty much need one that's the same dimensions as my Hydra -3200.

You sick too? Thought that I saw you were.

I've been bedridden....

Coughing up bloody chunks and experiencing more syncope than usual. My face is chapped from wiping my nose so much. Came up negative for Covid though.

Work between here and the old place has ceased since I've been down and out. Really behind now. I expect that I'll be moving during the holiday as a result.

No time or money for Xmas here.
Hope that the kiddos understand. They seem to. They see the stress we are under.

Something wrong with my clones. Crappy leaves popping up all of a sudden. Could be that I'm at the end of a jar of MC so it's not in the right proportions. Can't seem to find the new jar. It's packed away from moving and I haven't come across it yet.

May have to use something else...
I hope you're feeling much improved soon VG!
Thanks Stunger.

I hope the same. I'm terribly weak right now. I got hit with a stomach bug and went straight into whatever the hell I have now.

I'm sick of being sick.
Pro tip:

Have sticky resin hands?

My previous method for getting the stuff off was olive oil and then dish soap. It worked great but left me with much less olive oil for cooking.

My new method...

Dawn Power wash.

The alcohol in the stuff works pretty great.

Gonna try it in my bong next. See how well it works.
Sounds awful! I just had a head cold.

Feel better soon've been sick off and on for months. :hug:

I'm sure all the stress has weakened my immune system.

Once we are finally done at the old place I'll be able to recuperate.
Merry Christmas.jpeg

Sorry to hear you're sick again. I can emphasize since I had a sickly fall as well. I hope once you are all moved in and feel well again, you can get back to your growing, which I know is therapeutic for you. :hug:
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