Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Lol. Wish that I could be more stern but it's his mom. Had lots of 'fun' today.:rolleyes:

Still looking at flooring. We have a few more days before we actually have to make a decision. We had a bunch of unforseen issues so not sure what our budget is anymore. We may have to keep the ugly vinyl in the kitchen but we'll have new flooring everywhere else. We can eventually do something different in the kitchen, it may have to wait a bit though.

Dang, you have big feet Stone!

I'm hurting tonight. I put in a 12 hr day.
I've had a stomach virus or some kind and of garbage gut so I've been puking in-between projects for the last three days. Doesn't matter. I'm under the gun to get shit done.

My afternoon was derailed a bit.
I was supposed to be prepping walls for painters but ended up babysitting his parents. They have zero idea how to paint but they were gung-ho to get shit done. I ended up following them and fixing mistakes. Some I'll have to wait to fix until the paint dries. It just ends up being more work for me in the end. I'm going to go over there really early and finish that room and do the bathroom before they get there. They can spackle.
It was really hard to bite my tongue watching them paint. So many drips. It hurt my soul....ocd....ocd...
Have I mentioned that I have ocd?
We were emptying my inlaws house and cleaning it up for sale a few years ago and I was teaching one of the family to paint ceilings. A mid 30's grownup. I left the room for a moment and when i got back I found more paint on the floor than the ceiling! It's hard to remember back when we learned this skill that we kind of feel is a second nature one. But it isn't! Some of us got it and some just don't I think.

Another paint story. Our first house needed to get painted before the bank gave us the money so Ms O, Myself and for the first day 6 family members and friends got to work on the 3 family. BIG work! 41 gallons worth! Babysitting is certainly the right description of what I was doing and couldn't wait for them all to go away in spite of their good hearts. There was more paint on windows and floors than I could believe and my car got a surprise paint job! HEHE my father in law bless his soul, decided my shitbox white 67 plymouth valiant with rust along the fenders and rocker panels needed all the rust painted with cream trim paint. The funny thing is Both of us were so busy we didn't notice it for days! He was a gem! I miss him! We painted for two solid weeks sunup to sundown on staging and ladders for that place. My hands are like my feet :D They got paint strong during that stint of work and I found myself opening a gallon, hooking my thumb on the can handle and fingers on the bottom and draining them one after the other! I loved gettings things done!
Hang in there girl!
I left the room for a moment and when i got back I found more paint on the floor than the ceiling! It's hard to remember back when we learned this skill that we kind of feel is a second nature one. But it isn't! Some of us got it and some just don't I think.
I spent almost and hour this morning painting trim....gave myself a migraine. My neck doesn't like that position at all.
I asked his parents to leave the trim alone so I could put on a second coat this afternoon. Nope. They rolled it with a high texture roller and left tons of runs. I almost cried.
They were very rude and dismissive of me. I mentioned to them that the boy's room needed a second coat of paint, you could clearly see blue and green spots coming through. I just got the 'harumph' noise and eye roll.

If it's just going to look like shit anyway, then why are we bothering?
Babysitting is certainly the right description of what I was doing and couldn't wait for them all to go away in spite of their good hearts.
Yup. I'm feeling about the same way.

HEHE my father in law bless his soul, decided my shitbox white 67 plymouth valiant with rust along the fenders and rocker panels needed all the rust painted with cream trim paint. The funny thing is Both of us were so busy we didn't notice it for days! He was a gem! I miss him!
Lmao. That is hilarious.
Hang in there girl!
Fuckin trying.
We have two weeks to get moved in and I'm not sure how we are going to do it all. Everything seems like it's going wrong right now and I'm ready to break.
We did get a few rooms painted today.
One room left to paint. Buying carpet tomorrow.
We kinda ran out of cash ( unexpected issues arose) to get all new flooring so we are waiting on the kitchen and master bath for now.
We can update those as we are living there.

We just really need to get in there. It's and extra months rent if we don't. I'd rather have that money go into our place.

I've been on my feet so much that they are swollen....still have to make dinner though.
Rent? I thought you were living in your old place.
Lot rent. We don't own the land.
Paying at both places right now.

congrats on getting close to the finish line!
I've been painting since last weekend.
I'm one sore momma.
Had plenty of headaches from painting trim above head. So glad that I just happened to have some Forum in stock.
Soon the fond memories will start, happening,VG..💚...glad to hear you're close to done with the not- so-fond ones...
Well, ya sure didn't need that right now...:(
Hopefully, it's the last bump in the road for you guys...
Get well soon, VG and family..💚
Sorry you're all sick. Get well soon, VG and fam. :hug:
Hey VG, it's now Thursday and hoping you are all feeling better and starting to get back in the swing of things.💐
Oy! Such virus magnets your family is.

Feel better soon all of you!
One in highschool and two in middle school will do that. Lots of kids sick around here lately.
Well, ya sure didn't need that right now...:(
Hopefully, it's the last bump in the road for you guys...
Get well soon, VG and family..💚
As much as I hate puking...etc...

I still enjoyed the rest.
All the best for a quick recovery VG!
Thanks Stunger.
Yup. Sums it up nicely.
Sorry you're all sick. Get well soon, VG and fam. :hug:
Thanks HG.
Feeling a lot better today. Still a little barfy and tired but I'm on my feet and working.
Hey VG, it's now Thursday and hoping you are all feeling better and starting to get back in the swing of things.💐
I'm keeping hydrated but I'm not terribly hungry. Tender stomach.

Doing my best to accomplish things at the new place. Not pushing myself too much though. I did take a decent nap today.

I haven't had the stomach flu in years.
Sucks as bad as the last time that I had it.
Big day.

My dog's birthday,he's 8 today!!
Voting this afternoon.
Picking up our carpet...finally.

I still have some painting to finish up but I'm really close to being done.

Taking down my tents today or tomorrow. I'll set one up ASAP and get an auto going or something. I have plants that I want to reverse as well.

Hope y'all are doing well.
I miss all the bud porn and camaraderie.
Hey VG
Happy birthday doggy.
Voting... good luck and make it count.
Great news about the carpet and the painting :)
I also miss the camaraderie of growing together!
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