Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Just moved here. The furnace is only a few years old.

It's dead. Thank goodness it's above negative digits here.

We have two space heaters for now. Some tech is supposed to come this afternoon to look at it and if they need to order parts , they won't get here until early next week.
It's supposed to drop in temp and snow on Sunday.

I do not like the idea of running two space heaters here. One of them is kinda old and makes noises. The other one is only a few months old.

son of a ......

Cannabis plants should be ok with the heating mats. I hope my houseplants will be ok. I may have to snug them all together in the closet.
If it gets below 50°f my goldfish will go into hibernation.
Glad it was an easy (and hopefully cheap) fix, VG!
My drip hose was clogged.
He showed us how to fix it in case it happens again.
I've had to un-clog the condensate drain on mine 3 or 4 times over the years- the first clog was there so long, that the little inducer blower was almost underwater...

It's a little quirk that is limited to energy efficient condensing furnaces..

Easy fix if you know what you're looking for- just check that drain every few months to keep it open- some critters like to build nests in that pipe during the summer, when you're not using the the beginning of winter is a good time to clear it out...
Glad it was an easy (and hopefully cheap) fix, VG!

I've had to un-clog the condensate drain on mine 3 or 4 times over the years- the first clog was there so long, that the little inducer blower was almost underwater...

It's a little quirk that is limited to energy efficient condensing furnaces..

Easy fix if you know what you're looking for- just check that drain every few months to keep it open- some critters like to build nests in that pipe during the summer, when you're not using the the beginning of winter is a good time to clear it out...
Damn, I'll consult you next time.

We'll be proactive about checking the drain etc. It helps that we know what we're looking for now.

Proof that I'm a hopeless human being.

I took a nap before the HVAC guy came. Bf woke me up and told me to get ready for company.
I hid my chillum and used some air freshener and thought it would be good.

I may have missed putting a few things away in my groggy state.

Can you spot the illicit/ suspect objects?


Hopefully he didn't notice much. He for sure noticed the tent but obviously didn't look in it.
The bright light under the door? That's no 60 watt closet bulb,honey.
The obvious clones.
His face was 12" from them when he was checking my heat register.
Crossing my fingers that the sheer number of plants and messy chaos distracted him. It's plant and fish tank day and I have all my gear strewn across the floor.
Totally missed putting the two foot bong away but made sure to hide my tiny chillum.

🤦‍♀️ Oopsiedoodle
He was probably thinking " damn, I was hoping she'd offer me some weed!" 🤪
He was probably thinking " damn, I was hoping she'd offer me some weed!" 🤪
Maybe. He looked the type to imbibe on occasion but you never know, do you. He may be totally anti - cannabis.
We have plans to use him again this spring regardless. He's going to leak test and fill out AC as well as fix our ducting issue in my bedroom and bathroom.
Cannabis may very well be legalized by then. Governor Walz is pushing for May.
Our former Governor Jesse "The Body" Ventura has been giving testimony to the Minnesota House and Senate. He was the first Governor to try to legalize in MN.
Walz has invited him to the signing ceremony for all his work towards legalization.
Sounds like they are pretty certain about the bill passing.
Just starting your spring veggies early and that's a very nice jade vase!

Hopefully he isn't familiar with the type of veggies I grow.

How are you doing, 🍯!?!?
Feeling any better?
Kinda outgrew that half of the closet.

I did finally clean out the other half.
Just need to figure out a light. I kinda need one for a 3x3 space. I have everything else but that size. Go figure.

Going to get my extraction fans, pots and blackout curtain this afternoon.
We're supposed to get another 10" of snow by Friday afternoon. I'll need some projects to keep me busy here.

I figured out which auto is which. The tall one that I thought may be the Wookiee is actually the Bloody Skunk. She started to show color.

Gotta do something with her tomorrow and I'm not sure what that something is quite yet. Bigger pot for sure.
The Wookiee looks really good and I was able to do the bare minimum towards training. She'll get a larger pot tomorrow as well.
No signs of sex on her yet. Good time for a transplant.

They all look pretty good. Frickin verdant yo!

Hope y'all are well.
Cannabis may very well be legalized by then. Governor Walz is pushing for May.
Our former Governor Jesse "The Body" Ventura has been giving testimony to the Minnesota House and Senate. He was the first Governor to try to legalize in MN.
He can full nelson y'alls path to legal if any Body can! Nyk Nyk Nyk

Sweet furry balls on bloody skunk pistols huh?

You never do know about folks. My plow guy for 30+ years didn't know I grew. Well my llama poop guy let the cat out of the bag! It's all good here and now plowing gets tallied differently which is one for the good guys! But it could have gone differently if he was a weirdo.
Whoa that's looking lush, and really cool purple calyxes early in flower! I don't think you'll be bored if you get snow.
Lots of color on that girl.
May be a stunner, albeit petite.
Feeling much better, thanks! Just a stuffed head at this point, and I even got back a tiny bit of smell and taste. :)
So glad to hear it.
I knew you'd be a quick recovery and I'm thankful for it! I know I'm not the only one that thinks that way.
Looking lush and healthy VG!

Things in the closet have been going great. Plants seem to really like it in there.

Just have to put in the finishing touches now.
He can full nelson y'alls path to legal if any Body can! Nyk Nyk Nyk
That guy...such a character.
Sweet furry balls on bloody skunk pistols huh?
Hells yes!!
Just wish that I was a bit more on top of things. She could have used a transplant a few weeks ago tbh.
You never do know about folks. My plow guy for 30+ years didn't know I grew. Well my llama poop guy let the cat out of the bag! It's all good here and now plowing gets tallied differently which is one for the good guys! But it could have gone differently if he was a weirdo.
What is up with people outing each other?

When we bought this new place , the daughter of the owner told seemingly everyone that we are smokers.

The new neighbor was yelling out her window at me. Telling me she could hook me up with the dealer across the street.!?!?

Wasn't pleased about that at all.
Plants,plants,plants...hold on to your pants.

Transplanted the two autos. I'll be moving them to the 2x2 for flower.

All the kids...

Forum has some sweet variegation.

And the Super Skunk x2 look amazing .

Forgot about the GG4 clone.

I think I'm going to scrap the mom. She is so willowy that I can't see flowering her out. I have rooted clones now so I don't really need her.

May still transplant the other Forum.
She's a bit behind but I can at least see getting a good amount from her.

Only problem is that I can't find all of my GeoPots. They must be out in my small garden shed all snowed in.

I may have to improvise with a fabric grocery bag.
One big happy family!

I see a very crowded closet in your future...👍
just like the good ol' days..😁
I'm a little concerned about the space.

I think the Super Skunk have outgrown their three gallons already.

I could always pot them up into seven gallon pots and just run those two along with the single Forum.
They'd probably fill the room pretty good.

The autos will be going into the 2x2.

Thanks for your input yesterday.
I'm going to go ahead and commit.
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