Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

That's pretty cool info about the 2000-year old seeds. It made me wonder why we care so much about the environment we store seeds if 2000-year old seeds were buried and survived.

I'm on Day 6 of my latest round of seeds planted. This is getting really annoying and it's making me want to give up, TBH. Just grow out the Clementines and Gelatos and give up on the Blue Dream and Pineapple Express for now. :(

Enjoy your rest today. I'm sure you earned it.
The environment of the Judean desert was precisely why these seeds remained viable for over 2000 years. It has the proper rh and temperature for long term storage. I believe the seed store was found in a desert cave but I'm not 100% on that.

What are your soil temps at HG?
That is the issue I'm having as winter rolls in and I try to sprout seeds. You're in Canada so our seasons are very similar.

I know what I need to do. I just lack funds to do it right now.
What are your soil temps at HG?
That is the issue I'm having as winter rolls in and I try to sprout seeds. You're in Canada so our seasons are very similar.

No idea. Would an infrared thermometer be able to tell me?

I know what I need to do. I just lack funds to do it right now.

Would doming mine help? And, if the medium is cold, should I use a heat mat? And, how cold is too cold?
No idea. Would an infrared thermometer be able to tell me?

Would doming mine help? And, if the medium is cold, should I use a heat mat? And, how cold is too cold?
It could work. Depends on the size of the sprouting pot. A smaller one would have a more consistent temp throughout due to low thermal mass.
I can see the difference being minimal though. We don't typically sprout seeds in big pots.
See what it says..

Too cold would be 22°C (72°F).
You'll want it closer to 26°C (80°F).
It could work. Depends on the size of the sprouting pot. A smaller one would have a more consistent temp throughout due to low thermal mass.
I can see the difference being minimal though. We don't typically sprout seeds in big pots.
See what it says..

Too cold would be 22°C (72°F).
You'll want it closer to 26°C (80°F).
There was a time when I would have argued your temps right there. But now I know how right you are. My Chocolope is in the outdoor rig and it's a bit chilly for her. She's taking longer to develop than when I do it in the tent at 80 ish. Absolute gospel right there.
There was a time when I would have argued your temps right there. But now I know how right you are. My Chocolope is in the outdoor rig and it's a bit chilly for her. She's taking longer to develop than when I do it in the tent at 80 ish. Absolute gospel right there.
Depending on how temperature tolerant the strain is ,I like to keep my indicas in the mid 70s once they get into flower. The sativa leaners should typically be a bit warmer.
Once you go above 78° in mid to late flower you start to volatilize the plant esters and flavonoids.
Is that air temp or leaf temp? If it's leaf temp then no one should be growing outside!
Ambient air temp.
There are a bunch of different plant alcohols that have different volatilization temps. Some don't breakdown until 80°+ while others do so at a much lower temp.
I woke up to a crying and bleeding dog.
He ripped his toenail off so we had to take him to the vet. $140 that I can't afford.
Stepped in dog poop and lost my purse.
Stubbed my toe.
Started trimming my Forum up.
She's moldy. Not sure how much I'll lose but the entire top cola is trashed.
And mom is back at the hospital...

I think I'll take a capsule and check out for a bit. My anxiety is pretty bad today.
I woke up to a crying and bleeding dog.
He ripped his toenail off so we had to take him to the vet. $140 that I can't afford.
Stepped in dog poop and lost my purse.
Stubbed my toe.
Started trimming my Forum up.
She's moldy. Not sure how much I'll lose but the entire top cola is trashed.
And mom is back at the hospital...

I think I'll take a capsule and check out for a bit. My anxiety is pretty bad today.
Ouch. Hang in there VG. Nowhere but up from here.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I got up early. Fed my girls that required it, planted a new Blueberry seed. This one has a good taproot on her. I cut and hung the Super Skunk and Forum and then I finally went through my STS DDA looking for seeds.

:slide:Not a ton of them but I'm pretty happy for my first attempt at reversing a plant. I still have to do a germination test. I think the DDA#2 seeds look better formed and are larger and darker than the ones from the reversal plant.

Peppermint Kush is still alive...
She's a fighter! Go lil chickie,go!

And some pics of the other veg area plants...

I have to clean some equipment and my closet out. We'll see if I actually get to it today. Then I can move my Varin and my sprouts from the veg area and into a warmer space with much better lighting.

I worked my butt off for the last week and a half. I may take the day off and just rest.

Hope y'all had a great day yesterday.
I sure did!
Beautiful seed making V!
I woke up to a crying and bleeding dog.
He ripped his toenail off so we had to take him to the vet. $140 that I can't afford.
Stepped in dog poop and lost my purse.
Stubbed my toe.
Started trimming my Forum up.
She's moldy. Not sure how much I'll lose but the entire top cola is trashed.
And mom is back at the hospital...

I think I'll take a capsule and check out for a bit. My anxiety is pretty bad today.
That's too much! One thing at a time please. Prayers for your mom's wellness.
Ouch. Hang in there VG. Nowhere but up from here.
Doing my best to keep it all together.
It's been tough lately.
I'm not close to giving up though.
Thanks for all the loves HG.
Need them today.
Beautiful seed making V!

That's too much! One thing at a time please. Prayers for your mom's wellness.
It is too much.
I'm tired Stone.
Talking to my mother today and yesterday has worn me out.
I really could use a break but don't think one is coming. I see storm clouds on the horizon.
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