Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Looks like some nice classes on the forgotten two. It's gotta feel nice to restock the Forum jars.

Oh yeah...right.
Mixed those and another delivery up.

Those we're stepped on by my son or ex-husband.
:woohoo:I'm about 1/3 of the way in on the DDA#2.
I have this so far...
I'm gonna finish this up today and get to the STS plant later.

They look good and mature.
Nice looking seeds! :high-five:
Congrats on the seeds, VG!

Highya VG,

You've been a busy girl! It's fun to have a seed stash like that!! I've been growing regulars and have a seed stash. Makes me feel more secure. Congratulations to you and you're only 1/3rd of the way through!! How nice. Happy Smokin'
:high-five: :slide:
Nice looking seeds! :high-five:
Thanks Beez.
I still have to look for seeds the STS plant. Since I am smoking the DDA#2 I figured that I should harvest her first.
No big deal if the STS plant gets over dry.

Congrats on the seeds, VG!

Thanks HG.
Next step is to let them dry for a few weeks and then do a small germination test.
It's gonna be hard to cull the sprouts when I'm done. I don't have the room for a bunch of DDA babies right now.
Highya VG,

You've been a busy girl! It's fun to have a seed stash like that!! I've been growing regulars and have a seed stash. Makes me feel more secure. Congratulations to you and you're only 1/3rd of the way through!! How nice. Happy Smokin'
I've been stupid busy.
Haven't had much time for myself.

Most of the seeds I found on that plant were near the bottom. I haven't counted them yet but I think I got somewhere between 70-90.

Congrats on the seeds! :bravo::slide::party:
Hey you!
Glad to see you back making rounds again.
Here's a big ol' hug from me!
Hope you're well, darlin'.

Yes they are indeed!:drool:
I think I did ok, Nev.
The seeds that I sprouted to grow these plants were from teenie seeds. These look to be about twice the size.
Not sure if that is good, bad or makes little difference.

Now I have to get the inclination to reverse every plant I see out of my head.
I dropped a Peppermint Kush and a Blueberry yesterday....

The Dutch Passion Frisian Duck failed to sprout. Really Disappointed about that one.
Hope my streak is over now and I can get some sprouts.
Now I have to get the inclination to reverse every plant I see out of my head.

I may approach you next year about seed making. But, I think I'm going to try cloning first.

I dropped a Peppermint Kush and a Blueberry yesterday....

I wish I had more Blueberry. The one I grew I only got 21 grams from but I really liked the high. I normally stay away from indicas but the Blueberry made me feel happy and relaxed.

I was thinking about trying Herbie's Seeds Blueberry Hill as I believe it has the same genetics as Blueberry does.

Peppermint Kush sounds interesting.

The Dutch Passion Frisian Duck failed to sprout. Really Disappointed about that one.
Hope my streak is over now and I can get some sprouts.

That is disappointing about the Frisian Duck. It's got such a cool name.

I hope your streak is over now, too. And, here's a :hug: too, just because. :battingeyelashes:
I may approach you next year about seed making. But, I think I'm going to try cloning first.
No problem. It gives me some time to practice.
I normally stay away from indicas but the Blueberry made me feel happy and relaxed.
Pretty much all of the indica leaners that I grew were sedative and pleasant.
You letting your indicas get ripe enough?
Peppermint Kush sounds interesting.
It's discontinued too. Hope it cracks for me.
That is disappointing about the Frisian Duck. It's got such a cool name.

I hope your streak is over now, too. And, here's a :hug: too, just because. :battingeyelashes:
It's a gorgeous plant with purple buds and green duck foot shaped leaves.
So disappointed about it.

I wanted her for my future breeding projects. Not sure if it will come back in stock.
I wonder if @Dutch Passion Seeds ships to the US?
I know the one man who sold me the seed is out of stock.
I just did a Google search on Frisian Duck seeds and a bunch of seed sellers popped up. Maybe you could find the seeds somewhere else?
I just did a Google search on Frisian Duck seeds and a bunch of seed sellers popped up. Maybe you could find the seeds somewhere else?
I looked again and they are back in stock at the man who sells seeds.
I won't be able to buy seeds for quite awhile though. I still don't have my house completely sorted out.
I have two weeks to come up with about $800.
Hopefully they will still be selling them next year and not discontinue the strain.
Hopefully I'll still be growing...
Looks like two of my four kids are in quarantine for the next 10 days. Things just keep getting better.:rolleyes:

Slapped together a bubble cloner with some stuff I had laying around.
All that I had to purchase was a bubble bar for $1.78. it was a tiny bit too big but I was able to cut down the connection points to make it useable.
All I have to do is test it out now.

I'll probably take a cutting from my GG4 since she is the hardest to clone.
See how well it does.
I may need to replace the foam later on. It's just some AC insulation foam I had left over.
Hopefully it works for now.
I think the bubbles are supposed to pop just below the stems.
I’ve made a couple very primitive clone bubblers. And they worked just fine. I kept the water level just high enough that when the bubbles reached the surface and pop they kinda spritz water up on the stems. I never took tall cuts so I could always use a clear solo type cup with pin holes in it for a humidity dome.
I’ve made a couple very primitive clone bubblers. And they worked just fine. I kept the water level just high enough that when the bubbles reached the surface and pop they kinda spritz water up on the stems. I never took tall cuts so I could always use a clear solo type cup with pin holes in it for a humidity dome.
Thanks Nev! From my days researching and cloning in the cloninator, cuttings in hydro don't need (and shouldn't have) domes. You want the stems to create roots to search for water, and they don't do that when they can get it through their leaves. I think only cuttings in soil/peat/coco get domes.
cuttings in hydro don't need (and shouldn't have) domes. You want the stems to create roots to search for water
Your research and knowledge is much appreciated. So much has changed from my beginnings in growing and that’s why I like it here I keep learning every day.
Nice mini cloner! As I recall, bubble cloners need more water in them than aero cloners. I think the bubbles are supposed to pop just below the stems.


Sorry about the children. I hope they recover quickly!
That was a test to see if the bubbler would work. I had issues with the tubing pinching off. I added a lot more water after I modified the airstone.

I’ve made a couple very primitive clone bubblers. And they worked just fine. I kept the water level just high enough that when the bubbles reached the surface and pop they kinda spritz water up on the stems. I never took tall cuts so I could always use a clear solo type cup with pin holes in it for a humidity dome.
Hey Nev.
I have mine set so the water is 1" away from the cutting. It's dripping wet so it should work fine.

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