Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Forum pics a bit blurry for me and I'm sure it will recover after the reset, but the frost rails on the SSkunk are quite the sight to see!

Mine should be in water by 8pm Pacific Time! :high-five:

Looking forward to either a Halloween, Samhain, or Feast of Mulberries Fricassee sprout date.
Blurry girl= blurry pics.

Sorry about that.
Like I said, they are at day#121 since sprout. They are starting to look pretty rough. They look good enough to get me through to the end though so I'm not gonna worry too much.

I didn't mention which Dutch Passion seed I'm attempting to sprout. Not gonna either.
I'm worried it won't come up or even crack for that matter.
I'd also like to play a game of guess that strain with her if she does end up being viable.
I know, sound like tons of fun, right!?!
Whatever games you like to play are 100% your business!

Both DDAs look good but 2 looks stellar. :drool:
I opened up her buds in hope that she doesn't mold. They are dense and I'm a bit worried. Think the density may come from the seeds?
My first two DDA had the trademark airy buds. This one is solid.
Both DDAs look good but 2 looks stellar. :drool:

Totally agree with the above. DDA2 looks beautiful and DDA and beautiful are not normally found in the same sentence so :welldone:.

:yahoo: on your successful DDA seedmaking! You, dynamo and Rifleman lead the pack with DDAs seedmaking, I believe. Congratulations.

And, just one more thing, are you feeling better? :hug:
Totally agree with the above. DDA2 looks beautiful and DDA and beautiful are not normally found in the same sentence so :welldone:.

:yahoo: on your successful DDA seedmaking! You, dynamo and Rifleman lead the pack with DDAs seedmaking, I believe. Congratulations.

And, just one more thing, are you feeling better? :hug:
Hey HG.
Thanks for the compliment on the DDAs. I'm pretty happy that I'm going to have some seeds from this.
It will be fun to test them out.

I've had another difficult week. We are doing some repairs on our place. We have issues with our roof. If we can stay here we should make sure that it's safe for the snow load this winter.

My mom is back home now but my dad is at the ER. They took him in yesterday after he tested positive for Covid. He is in stage five kidney failure.
He can never go home again. He is going to spend the rest of his time in an assisted living facility. That in itself was a hard pill to swallow.

I'm trying to keep my anxiety in check. So far it hasn't been working too well.
He is going to spend the rest of his time in an assisted living facility. That in itself was a hard pill to swallow.
It is, but it's something you'll both get used choice, really- my mom's been in one for 7 years now with extreme dementia...sorry to hear you'll have to deal with similar circumstances.
She's 98 ,and survived covid last year, hopefully, your Dads case is a mild one like hers was...

Things will get better, VG... :hug:
I've had another difficult week. We are doing some repairs on our place. We have issues with our roof. If we can stay here we should make sure that it's safe for the snow load this winter.

We use electric coils on our roof in the wintertime. Can you hold off on roof repairs for now and use them instead? They're $110 CDN here.

My mom is back home now but my dad is at the ER. They took him in yesterday after he tested positive for Covid. He is in stage five kidney failure.
He can never go home again. He is going to spend the rest of his time in an assisted living facility. That in itself was a hard pill to swallow.

I feel for you on this. I was a mess the week we had to move my mother-in-law into a nursing home but she settled in eventually and like Carcass' mum, she has dementia but she, too had Covid and survived so don't give up hope that he will survive this and live for many more years.

I'm trying to keep my anxiety in check. So far it hasn't been working too well.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

:green_heart:Thanks guys.
I really could use a big hug right now.
2021 has been a real ass kicker.

You're telling me. I sincerely hope 2022 is better for all of us.
Here's to good things in 2022, which can't arrive soon enough! :high-five:
I agree. I'm done with this year. Bring on the next!
It is, but it's something you'll both get used choice, really- my mom's been in one for 7 years now with extreme dementia...sorry to hear you'll have to deal with similar circumstances.
She's 98 ,and survived covid last year, hopefully, your Dads case is a mild one like hers was...

Things will get better, VG... :hug:
It's hard that I can't see him right now due to Covid restrictions at his facility.
When I do get to see him, I have to wear a mask and face shield. He said he can hear me but he can't understand me at all.
It's really frustrating.
He is mostly deaf and half blind now. He relied on reading lips for a long time and now he can't really do that either.
He's back at the facility now and doing ok from what I've heard. He has a cough so he doesn't want to talk right now. I've been doing updates with my mom for now.
We use electric coils on our roof in the wintertime. Can you hold off on roof repairs for now and use them instead? They're $110 CDN here.

I feel for you on this. I was a mess the week we had to move my mother-in-law into a nursing home but she settled in eventually and like Carcass' mum, she has dementia but she, too had Covid and survived so don't give up hope that he will survive this and live for many more years.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

You're telling me. I sincerely hope 2022 is better for all of us.
Thanks for the hugs HG.

We can't use coils because our roof is flat. It just has to be repaired. No way around it.

My dad has been at the assisted living facility for a few months now. I'm used to him being there. I just hoped that he would go home and not end up moving in permanently.

Hope for a better new year....
Shed and I started a joint Doug's Varin journal if y'all want to check it out.
I'm so glad your dad is out of the hospital and back in assisted living...phewf! :love:
Shed and I started a joint Doug's Varin journal if y'all want to check it out.
:hug::hug::hug: Bring on 2022…..
Hey Boo. :love: :love: :love:
Great to see ya.
Hope you and the family are well.

I didn't get the notification for your post.
I think I unwatched my own journal.
Sounds like something I'd do.
I think my seed making experiment has come to an end.
The DDA gals are on day #129 and look like they want to be put out of their misery.

Gonna chop them tomorrow on day #130.

I'll hang them to dry and then the real fun begins. Searching for seeds!
Too bad the nanners don't smoke like banana flavored got enough there for a lot of bowls....Lmao!
Happy hunting!
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