Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Sure do...
View media item 1846148Isn't he handsome??
He's gorgeous. He does look a lot like Molly. In a few years and with the same haircut they'd look like siblings a little bit. Awesome. Just so you know, should by some twist of fate these two dogs ever meet, I'll tell you right now that Ollie's junk is not getting anywhere near Molly. She's a hooker and will screw any dog with a di--. So keep his dirty junk away from my perfect girl.

He's gorgeous. He does look a lot like Molly. In a few years and with the same haircut they'd look like siblings a little bit. Awesome. Just so you know, should by some twist of fate these two dogs ever meet, I'll tell you right now that Ollie's junk is not getting anywhere near Molly. She's a hooker and will screw any dog with a di--. So keep his dirty junk away from my perfect girl.

Not a problem.
He lacks testicles.
Not a problem.
He lacks testicles.
I'm afraid Molly is headed in that direction as soon as she's old enough. I hate doing that, but the alternative is more commitment than I have, lol. My mom used to raise Shih-Tzu's, we had like four consecutive litters. They're amazing little dogs who once guarded the Chinese emperors. Very loyal, very protective, very unaware of the fact that they're basically chicken mcnuggets with legs, just real hairy. She thinks she's 150 pounds and has six inch fangs.
It was a huge ordeal to get it here and now my body hurts.
I'm gonna medicate myself with some Forum.

I'm so happy you have meds to help you with your pain.

And, I love your armoire. Felonious was asking me yesterday how I would change my main room (the TV room) and I said for starters, I would get rid of the half-size bookshelf and the roll top desk and replace them with full size cabinets where we could store stuff like jarred cannabis, which has now taken over 2 shelves in my food pantry.

I can still fit a shelf in there too. It already has the holes for the shelf brackets.
That armoire sure can hold a lot of stuff.
Being organized will help me immensely. It gave me a bunch of my floor space back too.

Best part is that I didn't have to move my fish tank and stand. That would have sucked a lot. I have 1/2" clearance between the two. Slick baby!

If you're getting new furniture, does that mean you don't have to move?

I'm afraid Molly is headed in that direction as soon as she's old enough. I hate doing that, but the alternative is more commitment than I have, lol. My mom used to raise Shih-Tzu's, we had like four consecutive litters. They're amazing little dogs who once guarded the Chinese emperors. Very loyal, very protective, very unaware of the fact that they're basically chicken mcnuggets with legs, just real hairy. She thinks she's 150 pounds and has six inch fangs.

Are Shih-Tzus yappy? I don't care for yappy dogs, personally. And, besides that, I'm allergic to dogs and cats and pollen and dust and ragweed and goldenrod and.... You get the picture. :battingeyelashes:
I'm so happy you have meds to help you with your pain.

And, I love your armoire. Felonious was asking me yesterday how I would change my main room (the TV room) and I said for starters, I would get rid of the half-size bookshelf and the roll top desk and replace them with full size cabinets where we could store stuff like jarred cannabis, which has now taken over 2 shelves in my food pantry.

If you're getting new furniture, does that mean you don't have to move?

Are Shih-Tzus yappy? I don't care for yappy dogs, personally. And, besides that, I'm allergic to dogs and cats and pollen and dust and ragweed and goldenrod and.... You get the picture. :battingeyelashes:
I do get the picture. No she's not yappy at all. Awesome chill lap dog when she's chill. She does have a ton of puppy energy right now but that will fade with time. She's loyal as hell, very protective, loves all people within seconds of meeting them, and thinks she's a huge, vicious Dire Wolf. Lol.
I'm so happy you have meds to help you with your pain.

And, I love your armoire. Felonious was asking me yesterday how I would change my main room (the TV room) and I said for starters, I would get rid of the half-size bookshelf and the roll top desk and replace them with full size cabinets where we could store stuff like jarred cannabis, which has now taken over 2 shelves in my food pantry.

If you're getting new furniture, does that mean you don't have to move?

Are Shih-Tzus yappy? I don't care for yappy dogs, personally. And, besides that, I'm allergic to dogs and cats and pollen and dust and ragweed and goldenrod and.... You get the picture. :battingeyelashes:
That's a perfect size! We have the same talks. More often than I like as we haven't agreed to an end yet. Your armie is just right!
I'm afraid Molly is headed in that direction as soon as she's old enough. I hate doing that, but the alternative is more commitment than I have, lol. My mom used to raise Shih-Tzu's, we had like four consecutive litters. They're amazing little dogs who once guarded the Chinese emperors. Very loyal, very protective, very unaware of the fact that they're basically chicken mcnuggets with legs, just real hairy. She thinks she's 150 pounds and has six inch fangs.
After my Doberman and my Shepard mix died from testicular cancer I look at it as a precaution.
I'm not breeding my dog anyway.
If/when I get another it will be a rescue or a foster.
Mine was attacked and almost died when he was a puppy. He has a hard time getting along with large dogs.
He knows what babies are.
He isn't aggressive but fearful of big dogs and barks at them.

He hates the garbage truck and Billy Joel's piano man. We can't say any combination of those words without him losing his furry mind.
Can't say harmonica either.
Golly I'm Loving on Molly and Ollie! :love:
And SEEDS! :green_heart: :love: :green_heart: Now we're talking!
Molly would probably kick Ollie's ass. He's a lover and quite passive with the little bitches.

I have to remove some more of the bigger tops on that DDA. Getting mold again. I'll dry them in a box and look for seeds later.
I don't think the smaller buds will be as much trouble. They are more open and airy.
I'm so happy you have meds to help you with your pain.

And, I love your armoire. Felonious was asking me yesterday how I would change my main room (the TV room) and I said for starters, I would get rid of the half-size bookshelf and the roll top desk and replace them with full size cabinets where we could store stuff like jarred cannabis, which has now taken over 2 shelves in my food pantry.

If you're getting new furniture, does that mean you don't have to move?

Are Shih-Tzus yappy? I don't care for yappy dogs, personally. And, besides that, I'm allergic to dogs and cats and pollen and dust and ragweed and goldenrod and.... You get the picture. :battingeyelashes:
We are close to having all the cash we need to stay. I'm about a grand short but have a month to come up with it.

My pup is supposed to be hypoallergenic. Whether or not he is..I don't really know.
I do know that he doesn't shed.
May have to try some different seeds. The moonshines are giving me grief.
One cracked and popped completely out of her hull. I found her floating so I planted her. I looked at her hull and it looks like she left some of herself behind. Weirdo.

The other hasn't cracked yet. Losing hope for that one.

I hate deciding. I have too many options. Fooey.
May have to try some different seeds. The moonshines are giving me grief.
One cracked and popped completely out of her hull. I found her floating so I planted her. I looked at
her hull and it looks like she left some of herself behind. Weirdo.

The other hasn't cracked yet. Losing hope for that one.

I hate deciding. I have too many options. Fooey.

I'm having seed issues, too and also have too many to choose from. None of the 5 Purple Kush seeds germinated and now, the Auroras, which both had strong taproots, neither of them have come up either and it's been almost a week and now I have to go back to the seed vault to find a third replacement and in the meantime, my Gelatos are 3 weeks' old. Very frustrating.
Beautiful find on the armoire and the DDA seeds! Not so much on the mold or the floater. :( I'm up for a Thursday drop-in with Doug (in hopes of a Halloween pop?).
I removed those two molding buds. They are drying a little. I'll check them for seeds soon.
I also checked out the main cola on the DDA#2. A lot more dense than the other two that I grew. Could be all the seeds?
I'm having seed issues, too and also have too many to choose from. None of the 5 Purple Kush seeds germinated and now, the Auroras, which both had strong taproots, neither of them have come up either and it's been almost a week and now I have to go back to the seed vault to find a third replacement and in the meantime, my Gelatos are 3 weeks' old. Very frustrating.
I would have gone digging for those Auroras after day 4. They might have needed repositioning.
Do you realize what I just said?

I just found out the other DDA is seeded. Saw quite a few on her.
Up until now it was only the STS that I was certain to get seeds from.
I'm pretty stoked.
Here are some crappy pics to prove it. Have fun finding Waldo.

Wonder what else will show seeds? I have a Forum and Super Skunk in the middle of flower.
I would have gone digging for those Auroras after day 4. They might have needed repositioning.

Thank you, VG. I actually did do that on Day 4. Today is Day 7 so I've officially given up on them.
Hey y'all.
I keep forgetting to post pics of the two closet gals.
The Forum took a hit when I was sick. I think I added cal-mag after the MC and screwed her up. I honestly can't remember but seems vaguely familiar.
Anyway, I flushed and reset her nutes.
She already looked perkier today. She looked awful yesterday. None of her leaves were up.
She'll lose most of her big fans.

The Super Skunk was somehow spared. I did mix the nutes up separately. That's another reason that I think I screwed up the cal-mag addition on the Forum.
She looks fine...

Sorry about the yellow pic.

What else?
Dropped the Varin and a seed from Dutch Passion. The moonshines didn't pan out. The one I planted rotted and the other one never popped.
Too bad. They aren't making them anymore.

I'm seeing lots of seeds coming to the surface of both DDAs.
I may have more than I'll know what to do with. Let's hope.
They are at day #121 since sprout and it looks like they have a few weeks left to go.
Think I'm gonna be happy with them. Both plants are really dark and fragrant.
Just thinking of all my future mutant babies warms my heart.
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