Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Pheno hunting is fun if you have the room and the time, but given how much Forum you might want to always have on hand, that may have to wait!
They can get in line. Lol
I have around 100 strains now with more coming.
Probably won't get to grow them all but I will sure as hell try.

I should be sprouting new strains right now. Can't do that until I know what's going on with my house.
I have a Diesel Moonshine from Buttercup that I'm super stoked to grow as well as the Varin.

You're right about the Forum though. I need that one. May have to start a mom and do a SOG grow.
Proof that VG is a stupid person...

Anyone remember a few months ago when I talked about this?
I had a mystery jar of weed labeled
'no idea'. I thought it was Sexxpot or something like that.
Well, I opened it today.

Fucking Forum!

No idea why I couldn't identify it last time I opened it. It has been about five months since I opened that jar last.

Really wish I would have figured this out a week or two ago.

I had it marked for making oil. Glad that I forgot about that.
Rescue meds FTW! Can I send you some masking tape and a sharpie for the next harvest?
I have some....somewhere.
I'm reorganizing my bud-oir so I can't find anything right now. Haven't been able to for months now tbh.
I have an armoire that I'm going to add some extra shelves to. It will be my closet o' nutes.
All of my plant paraphernalia will be neatly stowed away.
Hey y'all.

Winter is comin'.
It was 60° in my bud-oir when I got up this morning. I noticed some bronzing and more mag issues on most of the plants.

Bf started the furnace today.
I should be able to keep my temps more comfortable for the ladies.
The rh should also go down pretty quickly. It's been in the high 60s lately.

I'm cleaning and organizing the bud-oir today so I can get my armoire in here this week.
I also pulled out my vault. I realized that I have quite a few strains that I don't have entered into my vault PDF.
I just got done sorting by type. Now I just have to enter them in alphabetical order and list seeds quantities.

I found a seed on the STS DDA plant last night. It makes me hopeful for more.

Thinking about dropping a seed or two soon. The size of my list will make it very difficult to choose.
The Varin will be one of them. Just need to talk to Sheddie about it.

Hope y'all had a good weekend.
Hunting for errors, like last time. I thought you were done with that. I can't imagine you're correcting every typo on this site.

I wasn't hunting for errors. You're a very good speller. I was trying to help you. It wasn't malicious. Honestly, I was just trying out the acronym FTFY that you and others are so fond of. Next time I won't bother. Sorry to interrupt your day.
Cheers! you have seeds!! Happy Smokin'
Cheers! you have seeds!! Happy Smokin'
:yahoo:I know. I have seeds!!!

Hope there are more than 2.
Too many nanners. I can't see anymore without dissecting the buds.
A present from Buttercup....
It's a discontinued strain. He sent the only two seeds that he had.
I'll be taking a clone and reversing it.
Just found out from Buttercup that those are reg seeds.

I have to decide whether or not to drop both now or not.
I'm leaning towards dropping both.
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