Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Hot damn what a pain that plant has become. :( No pollen for you...just mold!
Just found this....

-Keep the humidity as low as possible; this will increase the amount of airborne pollen. This also helps minimize mold, which can be more prevalent in reversed female flowers.
I did mention low RH for the pollen, but interesting news on the mold in reversed plants. Now go teach Buttercup something!
That old dog?

Not bloody likely. :laughtwo:
Highya VG,

Have you seen any pollen? I'm still hoping!! Happy Smokin'
That poor plant gets so many name changes... I hope it doesn't forget that it's female and CBD. :laughtwo:
I highly recommend that strain for migraine relief. She deserves a brief mention.
She isn't high CBD though. I can't find any info saying it contains any measurable CBD.

Oh yeah, those flowering plants!

One of the nice things about no visible pollen on the DDA is those are in less danger. :thumb:
Yeah, those ones. :laughtwo:
Buttercup had me excited for a Forum x DDA love child.
Don't think it's gonna happen though.
She isn't high CBD though. I can't find any info saying it contains any measurable CBD.
Ahh... for some reason I was thinking it was that high CBD variety that I can't mention. I went back through your journal - cuz I'm really curious that way - and figured out where I went wrong. I must have been high on peyote or something. ;)
Ahh... for some reason I was thinking it was that high CBD variety that I can't mention. I went back through your journal - cuz I'm really curious that way - and figured out where I went wrong. I must have been high on peyote or something. ;)

The only high CBD plant that I've grown is the Charlotte's Web....I guess maybe the Blue Shark too?

I'm gonna do a slurry. I think I'll end up flushing and resetting nutes.
It's either nute burn,funky pH or K def.
Right now I'm leaning towards nute burn.
They are at 5.5 gr/gal MC currently. Last group I flowered had similar issues.
Oh yeah.

My revegging BB x Nacho #1 is doing well. I cut off her older leaves and stalks. She looked like she was big enough to take it.

I also took some cutting for Buttercup. I'm gonna try to get some GG4 clones to him before the end of October. His mother plant died when he was on vacation. Good thing that he sent me a cutting.
I cut down my oldest clone after I made some smaller ones for myself.
These cuttings are from the new clones. They are pretty big so they should root quickly.
I have no doubt you will sort out your yellow-edged leaf issue.

What he said! ↑
I know,I know.
I need to grab flowers.
I'll do it soon. I've just had a killer headache for the past two days and
I need a lot of light to see what I'm doing when I take them.
Hopefully I'll feel better by tomorrow morning.
Sorry your head is still bothering you. :( On the plus side the B'nach reveg looks on point! I'm sure the other one will come around soon.

It's nice that the GG4 can travel halfway across the country, grow a few clones, and make it back. Murica!

Is that Grandpa's cut?
No movement at all on the other BB x Nachos. This was the plant that I didn't want. I wanted #3 much more.
I'll make seeds and strain hunt for my pheno later on if I can't get the others to produce any cloning material.
I have my concerns about making seeds with the #1. She was the one that ended up molding on me. I can only imagine how badly her flowers could mold.

That is Grandpa's cut.
Here are the clones that I have now.
I trimmed the two smaller ones this morning. They were taller than the bigger GG4.
They have a few yellow leaves but nothing major. They were just extra dry when I watered them yesterday.
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