Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

I definitely would have stopped spraying before that last photo.. you’ve got plenty of well formed pollen sacs, no reason to waste the chemicals and potentially damage the pollen.
A bit. Makes em not so pretty.
When I first sprayed her she looked a bit pale. I didn't try to correct it since she didn't have any damage on her leaves. I just kept with the same feed amounts and she seems to have come out of it on her own.
Got some Hogans Heros in the other day. Yep, that's the lineup! Me too.
When I try to watch TV these days, I just fall asleep. Not a lot of downtime lately.
I definitely would have stopped spraying before that last photo.. you’ve got plenty of well formed pollen sacs, no reason to waste the chemicals and potentially damage the pollen.
That's kinda what I thought too.
They were all still closed when I checked this morning.
Just need to wrap my head around harvesting pollen without getting it everywhere.
I have two plants in the closet next to the DDAs and they were just flipped to flower a few days ago. No pistils yet.
Greetings grow fam.

Another day closer to pollen...I hope.

DDAs are looking good but I'm getting more nervous by the day. I don't want to contaminate my entire grow room with pollen.

The JSP and Super Skunk have been in flower for about a week or so. No pistils yet.
I thought that I had some better pics but they came up really blurry. Probably due to me coughing my ass off.
The look really good though. Just hope they don't get pollinated by DDA spunk.

Both tents are on the same dosage of 5.5gr/gal of MC. Nothing else added so far. Looks like it's doing a fine job on its own for now.
Highya VG,

Each lady is looking great. DDa looks like pollen could come bustin' out anytime! Could you separate "it" out from the rest, even in a window for awhile? Happy Smokin'
Highya VG,

Each lady is looking great. DDa looks like pollen could come bustin' out anytime! Could you separate "it" out from the rest, even in a window for awhile? Happy Smokin'
I really don't have another space available to me. I thought about putting her in the shower but the bathroom door gets opened and closed constantly, so there is a lot of air movement.
Maybe I can stick it in my shed? It's getting pretty cool here at night though. It's been down to the mid 50s this week.
I'll brainstorm this evening. Maybe I can make it a cardboard box for with an led panel inside to keep it warm enough.

Here is what the DDA#1 looks like today...
No visible pollen yet.
Box in the shed sounds best for safety, and if you still have an incandescent bulb around, that will keep it a lot warmer than any LED.

Looking good!
I have a large incandescent plant light with brood reflector. Not what I'd consider safe by any means. Everything else I have is LED.
Even a curly CFL will put out more heat than most LEDs and it takes up less room. Just a thought if you still have one of those!
I'm not sure that I have a lamp that would work. I'll ask my kid if he still has his reading lamp. It's a lightweight clip on.
No clip on lamp.
Not sure if there actually is room in my shed. Turns out that the bf has been packing it to the rafters.
I also don't have a long enough extension cord to span the distance to the outdoor socket.
It's more complicated than I thought. I'm still brainstorming.
They haven't dropped pollen as of an hour ago when these pics were taken. She has one bad leaf developing at the top of the canopy. Looks like k def almost. Not quite sure yet. I noticed it right before lights out so I didn't get to assess.

DDA#2 looks good. She turned out mostly normal. She does have two mains. One is a bit smaller than the other. I'm honestly ok with this.

They were both a little weird from sprout.
I wonder what their babies will look like? Will they be ugly !?!? :laughtwo:

I also have a few pics of the JSP and the Super Skunk.

They look pretty good.
That's about all I have going on aside from the other plants on the Atreum/WSE journal.
Everyone looks happy minus one bad leaf. I'll address that ASAP.
They look great, VG!

For the DDA you're not trying to get seeds from, the one with 2 tops? Did you top her or are you just letting her grow naturally?
They look great, VG!

For the DDA you're not trying to get seeds from, the one with 2 tops? Did you top her or are you just letting her grow naturally?
I actually do want to get seeds from her. Hope that I can to get some pollen in time to do it. I'll just do a branch or two.

DDA#2 had not been topped. She split into two mains by herself. All of the DDA I've grown have been little funky mutants but turn out kinda nice by the end.
The STS DDA#1 was accidentally topped when I dropped her and snapped off her main.
I wouldn't have topped her if I wouldn't have had that accident.
It can really slow them down if you need to do that sort of thing though. DDA#1 had shown her sex first but the topping made her stall and DDA#2 ended up flowering much sooner. I think it added a week to 10ish days for her to show pistils.
Do the pollen sacs look much different from a few days ago? Mine seemed to stall at that stage and didn't cough up pollen until I plucked and dried them.

JSP and the Super Skunk look terrific! Are they on the grey stuff?
They look a little more open.
Lights will be on in about five hours. I'll take a few pics then.

As far as the nutes being used on the JSP and SS..
Yeah, that's the newest version.
I grew the Nachos with it and they turned out fantastic.
I need a few painless grows under my belt. I'm in recovery ;)
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