Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Ahhh I figured it out, you’re playing assassins creed.

hey there VG, just came pokin around to see what you’re getting into these days.

I’m curious about some things you’ve got going on here.

Arent you concerned with your bud trimmer bruising your trichome heads? When I process, I take every precaution to not touch any of the actually flowers, because contact can bruise the trichome heads and make them degrade much faster.. just like an apple or a banana.. processing those fruits mechanically leads to a lot more brown spots.. I dunno, just some fruit food for thought.

Also I saw your concerns about the STS. Although it’s a more labor intensive application process, CS is a much safer solution to keep in your fridge as it’s used health supplement. I also paint my CS on like you talked about.. no spraying of chemicals in my house. Again, just something to ponder.

These seeds will be auto flower fems.
The plant is being chemically manipulated to produce male flowers and pollen.
These types of seeds are called S1,S2 etc. S- meaning self pollinated. The number refers to which generation it is.
If you have pollen from a male plant you are introducing male genetics and these seeds are referred to as F1,F2...
This is a first, second etc. generation cross from two parents that are male and female. These seeds are from regular stock and yield regular seeds.
To get fems you would have to reverse the plant after finding a good,stable pheno.
This is mostly correct.

F1, F2 etc doesn’t actually have to do with the seeds being reg or fem. for example your DDAs. The seeds you get off the reverse plant itself will be S1, that is true. But the seeds you get off the other DDA will actually be F2s (assuming you’re growing F1 DDAs).

You can make F2, etc seeds fem. the key here is that you are making a brother to sister cross Regardless of the actual sex of the pollen donor when it sprouted, if you’re pollinating a plant of the same filial generation, you’re going down another generation. Selfed seeds only happen when the pollen donor is also the seed mother.

That said, when working with autos doing F2s is much preferred to making S1s. As we’ve all seen with the DDAs especially, auto S1s are often wildly irregular. You get much more uniform offspring from F2s. Also with an F2 you’ve got breedable stock there. Heck, one DDA S1s I grew wasn’t even an auto.

**brother and sister crosses are only true of F2 and on. F1 seeds are the very first outcrossing of two distinct, uniform strains. Which is why we see more vigor out of F1s than any other filial generation.

Anyhow, sorry for the novel. Your b’naches looked fantastic. I’m sure KH was happy to see the lovely produce from his stock.
Looks like you'll be rolling in pollen VG! Great pics too.
I take every precaution to not touch any of the actually flowers, because contact can bruise the trichome heads and make them degrade much faster
And then we tear up the buds to get them in the grinder, and then we grind them on top of all the tearing! I guess that's closer to when they'll be smoked though so less time to degrade after that. Still makes me think about all the care we take during trimming.
Selfed seeds only happen when the pollen donor is also the seed mother.
If I remember correctly, PW told me that if you pollinate one clone from a reversed clone from the same mother, the seeds would be considered S1.
And then we tear up the buds to get them in the grinder, and then we grind them on top of all the tearing! I guess that's closer to when they'll be smoked though so less time to degrade after that. Still makes me think about all the care we take during trimming.
I think about this all the time too, but I think the biggest factor is that at this point the trichomes are fully dried.. you can’t bruise a dried piece of apple or banana.. only fresh.

If I remember correctly, PW told me that if you pollinate one clone from a reversed clone from the same mother, the seeds would be considered S1.
That’s true, but in that case the seed mother is exactly the same plant as the pollen donor as I mentioned before.. just with two different root systems. In VGs case she’s got two DDAs from seed, so one will have S1s and the other will have F2s.
Love that V! Has the stink of success on it I believe!
Highya Stone.
If I can manage to keep her alive. I don't know if it's the STS or what but that plant is being fed at 5.5gr/gal and is still looking a bit pale. She also isn't as perky as the green pheno.
Ahhh I figured it out, you’re playing assassins creed.
Indeed. Started Odyssey last night.

You play AC?
Arent you concerned with your bud trimmer bruising your trichome heads?
Not at all.
I use everything that ends up in the bowl and I can just top anything that I smoke with kief.
When the trade off is between days of pain and a small amount of trichs being knocked off the buds, the decision is an easy one.

Also I saw your concerns about the STS. Although it’s a more labor intensive application process, CS is a much safer solution to keep in your fridge as it’s used health supplement. I also paint my CS on like you talked about.. no spraying of chemicals in my house. Again, just something to ponder.
I'll definitely keep this in mind.
STS works great. It's just having to do it in my room that bugs me.
Just using a brush would elevate much of my concern. I ran the idea by Buttercup and he shot it down.
He is a bit of a control freak though....
This is mostly correct.
I thought I had it straight in my head but evidently not. Thank you for the correction.
Seems like you pop up exactly when I need you to. How convenient. :love:

One of those concepts that may take some time for me to grasp fully. I think I was further confused by seeing R1 interchanged with F1 in many places.

Looks like you'll be rolling in pollen VG! Great pics too
Thanks Sheddy.
Hope that I'm not allergic to it.

......Opt out now if you don't want to see me rant a tiny bit......

I finally got a response from the nutrient company. I won't say which one.
I have to say that after waiting for a week to hear back from them that the response that I got was not what I was expecting. I'm pretty disappointed.
I was sent a three part system with two additives. One being a cal-mag. No question there. The other additive seemed out of place and I was wondering how and when to use it. Instead of a helpful answer I was met with this simplistic and unhelpful answer....

"You’ll have a really nice grow with just the base nutes. Follow the feed chart but adjust as needed." shit??!? My jaw dropped.

Why would they send something that they don't want me to use ? I genuinely want to know.

Now I'm not sure what to do. I can't wait a week for a worthless response. The support system is lacking and my questions were glossed over. Do I really have time to review/advertise their product (at no compensation to me) when I can't get the most basic assistance? The rep here at 420 has been MIA since the end of July. I asked about that but you saw the email response in it's entirety.

Still better than MB. I tried contacting them three or four separate times over the last two years and never received a single response. The worst support that I've come across since I started growing. This is the reason that I wont be doing an MB demo on my Atreum journal. I was going to close with it but realized that I can't give them a favorable review because of their lack of customer support. I can only speak to what I know.
I guess I've been spoiled by the quick and helpful response times of other sponsors like Atreum and WSE and Mars.

Babies are due to be fed so I'd better pick a nute line. I'm so irritated....

I see that PBlend is around here a lot. Maybe I look at them a bit more closely?

I should add that I was in no way looking for compensation from the company but was going to add them to an already sponsored journal. I saw that nobody has run the system and I wanted to be helpful to other growers and review it as well as satisfy my own curiosities.

You'd think they would be keen to help,right?
Why would they send something that they don't want me to use ? I genuinely want to know.
I can venture a guess here: there is a conflict between the R&D department and sales. R&D knows that bloom boosters aren't actually needed but sales won't let them say that. So they have to fudge in their answer. Otherwise they're on record saying one of their products is useless.

Same reason MC says it's a complete one-part system on one page and then sells all those additives on the other page.
:ciao: Hi VG. Congrats on everything going on here. Nice work! :yahoo: I would whole heartedly recommend using @Prescription Blend on your grow. The rep is on this site often and actually knows what he/she is doing regardless of the type of grow (ie soil, hydro, etc). I moved over to PB from MC during the GSC Comparative grow and I was very pleased with the outcome of my grow as well as the support I received. I believe they have also added a silica component to their kit. You would do an outstanding job representing them and they honestly deserve a grower like you showing off their product. :love: My 2 cents…:cheesygrinsmiley:
The other additive seemed out of place and I was wondering how and when to use
I just assumed that the "other" additive was supposed to be used as a bloom booster (1-2-18) but I could be I've been using it as such for my last couple of plants, and my current plants- while I can't say for sure that it really helped anything, I can say that it definitely didn't hurt anything. I'm currently using 1g/gal.
on my plants, since all 3 are flowering.
It turns the water very black, so you really don't want to spill it in the house....
This is, of course, assuming we're talking about the same granules in a black container, right?
I would whole heartedly recommend using @Prescription Blend on your grow. The rep is on this site often and actually knows what he/she is doing regardless of the type of grow (ie soil, hydro, etc). I moved over to PB from MC during the GSC Comparative grow and I was very pleased with the outcome of my grow as well as the support I received.
@BooWho2 Thanks for the mention, your comp grow plant turned out very nicely..!

I see that PBlend is around here a lot. Maybe I look at them a bit more closely?
I try to check in here as often as possible and I'm happy to do my best to answer questions and help out. I'm only one person though so sometimes it's hard to keep up. Looking at your list of titles, you might already have our nutrient kit from your nug of the year 2020 prize pack.
your comp grow plant turned out very nicely..!
Thank you. I was pleased!
you might already have our nutrient kit from your nug of the year 2020 prize pack.
I’m curious…I believe I won a PB kit either for Photo of the month in Feb or plant of the month in April (which was what I used in the Comparative grow) and it was great. I liked it so much that I bought another kit during a recent sale and it had a pouch of silica with it, but my prize kit did not have silica included. Is it a new addition? :thanks:
Thank you. I was pleased!

I’m curious…I believe I won a PB kit either for Photo of the month in Feb or plant of the month in April (which was what I used in the Comparative grow) and it was great. I liked it so much that I bought another kit during a recent sale and it had a pouch of silica with it, but my prize kit did not have silica included. Is it a new addition? :thanks:
Bio-Si has always been part of the lineup. If you didn’t get that in your first pack then I owe you an apology at minimum! Send me a DM and we can talk more.
If they’re not gonna help you, help themselves.. then save yourself the extra work of showcasing another product. It’s their loss.
It's too bad for them. I haven't seen anyone run their three part at 420.
All I wanted was a few simple answers.
I can venture a guess here: there is a conflict between the R&D department and sales. R&D knows that bloom boosters aren't actually needed but sales won't let them say that. So they have to fudge in their answer. Otherwise they're on record saying one of their products is useless.

Same reason MC says it's a complete one-part system on one page and then sells all those additives on the other page.
They have two systems run with the three part. One is the basic system and only uses the three part. The other is the high yield system. It has the three part plus a bunch of other supplements including the product that I was asking about.
Could be what you're saying is true.
:ciao: Hi VG. Congrats on everything going on here. Nice work! :yahoo: I would whole heartedly recommend using @Prescription Blend on your grow. The rep is on this site often and actually knows what he/she is doing regardless of the type of grow (ie soil, hydro, etc). I moved over to PB from MC during the GSC Comparative grow and I was very pleased with the outcome of my grow as well as the support I received. I believe they have also added a silica component to their kit. You would do an outstanding job representing them and they honestly deserve a grower like you showing off their product. :love: My 2 cents…:cheesygrinsmiley:
My last grow was pretty stressful. I was flying blind and didn't feel the support was there. Too many questions about how to make it work.
I did it but I don't want to have to make guesses about what I'm going to have to do a week or two in advance.
I realize that most grows are not easy but they don't have to be do darn difficult either.
Thanks for the vote of confidence,Boo.

I just assumed that the "other" additive was supposed to be used as a bloom booster (1-2-18) but I could be I've been using it as such for my last couple of plants, and my current plants- while I can't say for sure that it really helped anything, I can say that it definitely didn't hurt anything. I'm currently using 1g/gal.
on my plants, since all 3 are flowering.
It turns the water very black, so you really don't want to spill it in the house....
This is, of course, assuming we're talking about the same granules in a black container, right?
If you look at the high yield PDF it says to use it from the first feed and all throughout the grow.
That's why I was questioning it.
Just wanted to know if I should follow the dosing instructions per the high yield PDF.
You saw their response. Sounds like they don't want me to use it. No real answers. Just a waste of my time.
I try to check in here as often as possible and I'm happy to do my best to answer questions and help out. I'm only one person though so sometimes it's hard to keep up. Looking at your list of titles, you might already have our nutrient kit from your nug of the year 2020 prize pack.
I already have a few grower friends using PB that can help with questions too.

I do have a prize pack and I believe the Si was included.
I would be running your system with Pro Mix. It's buffered so hopefully I won't have to pH my nutes.
Not a big deal if I have to. I would just need to pick up some pH Down.
Just a quick update this evening.
I was looking in at the DDA and thought I'd snap a few pics.

Guess I don't have a green pheno after all. DDA#2 is starting to show some color.

Everyone looks pretty good with the exception of the reveggers. They seem to be in a state of suspended animation. Just a bit sad looking.

Bebes look good....

They should need a feeding in a few days.
Highya VG,

Some chubby calyxes on DDa #1. She looks gorgeous. You'll have a lot going on when those Nachos kick in! New babies look fine , as well! Happy Smokin'
Highya VG,

Some chubby calyxes on DDa #1. She looks gorgeous. You'll have a lot going on when those Nachos kick in! New babies look fine , as well! Happy Smokin'
I hope I can get the #3 nacho to give up a clone. I've been smoking the other two but they don't hit me like #3 does. Not saying that they aren't good in their own right. Just something about that #3.
This DDA#1. She looks pretty good. Nothing like my first but she wasn't doted on as much as the first one either. I didn't transplant this one until she was 40+ days old. The first one I grew was transplanted by day 25, I think? I'd have to go back and look to be sure.
I've seen uglier DDAs. This one should make fine seeds.
I see a plate to cover the roots on the sprayed DDA...excellent idea. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Those B'natches are doing just fine and will do exactly what Bode said soon enough.

Nice babies, so I'd better up my baby game if we're going to do a joint grow soon-ish. ;)
I need a bigger plate. Bet it works perfect for two gallon pots though.

I hardly spray so anything that doesn't go on the plant goes on my glove a small piece of paper towel paper towel that I hold in back of the node I'm spraying. I just use a tiny spritzer bottle and give two spritzes per node. Not a lot of waste. I'm not sure that I've gotten any droplets actually get down onto the plate so it's just a precaution.

She looks good though....

I ordered some snuff vials with telescoping spoons for my pollen. Hope they get here soon.
Won't be long before urine the seed business! It will be longer than that before urine the B'nach #3 clone business, but you'll there eventually.

:laughtwo: Urine sane!

Need to read up on pollen collection.
Did you cook your flour first? What type did you use?
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