Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

No flour here.

I’ve tried the flour method, and yes, I believe I used rice flour. Not at all a fan. I just did it cause I couldn’t get enough to actually see a quantifiable amount inside a vial. Second time around I’ve captured only pollen.. and nothing else.
I just folded a bindle out of parchment paper. Seemed to work ok for me. I stored the bindle in a ziploc baggie.
Your DDAs are gorgeous ma dear. I wish I could type on a keypad the growl that came to my mind (and my throat) looking at those ladies. Noicely done! :p
Lol. Thank you Boo.
I should send some seeds to you. See what kind of monster you can coax out of them.
I've gone no flour and put a dry pack like we find in everything in the jars. That won't work for you if you go with the great idea of the snuff bottles though. Makeup jars here. They're a bit big. I'm liking your idea!
Right after they were ordered I found something else that was cheaper. Go figure. These are guaranteed to be waterproof though. Hopefully I can get enough pollen to where the spoon will come in handy. If not I can use them for something else and get some mini test tubes for pollen a bit later on.
I just folded a bindle out of parchment paper. Seemed to work ok for me. I stored the bindle in a ziploc baggie.
That would totally work if it weren't for the fact that I share a freezer with a bunch of pre teens/teenagers. They are rough on everything. Something like that would probably be destroyed or lost in no time.

Love that you used the term bindle.
I don't see that term used enough anymore. Lol
So right! Here's what the a dictionary says about it.
"A bindle is the bag, sack, or carrying device stereotypically used by the American sub-culture of hobos"
Great word that I never knowingly heard but knew what was, but not the hobo reference.
I learned it from watching Emmett Kelly with my pa.
There was a hobo thing going on then huh? Red Skelton was one in character too. I remember some of Emmett.
We watched Red as well.
Then it was time to turn on the Westerns.
I was raised on a steady diet of Wayne, Bonanza and Gunsmoke.
After that it was Hogan's Heroes and M*A*S*H.
How many days from first spray to get here? And how many days apart? And How many times? Nice man parts!
I'm on my fifth spraying at four days apart so I've been spraying for around three weeks now. I did spray a day late this time. Shouldn't be an issue though.
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