Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

:happy-birthday: to your new babies!
:happy-birthday: to your new babies!
Thanks HG!
My son helped me plant these. Chemdawg was his first official planting of a cannabis seed.

:yahoo: on the sprouts! And it looks like you dropped a pistachio shell in with the Bubba. Hope it wasn't salted. ;)

She had a helmet early this morning but by the time I posted it was off by itself.
It will be my first time for both of these strains. Looking equally forward to trying them.
Happy Monday y'all.

I've moved a bunch of stuff around and shut down the closet for now.

I have the two DDA in the 2.5x2.5 MH tent.
DDA#2 looks to be a green pheno so far.

DDA#1 is the reversal plant. She looks a bit pale to me so her next feed will be at 5.5 gr/gal MC. May add a little cal-mag. She looks like she could use a shot.

Love how deep purple the calyx are.
Somehow I picked the right plant to reverse. Dumb luck or intuition?
You be the judge.

The rest of my plants (minus GG4 clones and moms) are all in the 2x4 MH tent. I dialed the lux in the best that I could to make everyone happy. Hopefully I won't get any light stress issues.

I know these plants look like they are just about ready to be sent into flower but I've decided to top them late and train a bit I'll be putting them into bigger pots a bit later. I really would like to maximize my yield on the JSP.

The new @Weed Seeds Express bebes look good.
Just waiting to hear back from a nutrient company before I start that journal.

That's the quick and the dirty in the bud-oir.
I have a busy day today. Hopefully I'll have a few moments to catch up with y'all later on.
I planted 4 DDAs this morning. :battingeyelashes:
Highya VG,

Love the purple reveg DDa#1!! That color of purple is gorgeous, contrasted with the white pistils! You picked the right one to reveg, alright! When I do something like that, it's always dumb luck. I try to be so careful, and the outcome isn't close to what I intended. But, it's most always acceptable. So I vote dumb luck. :love: Happy Smokin'
I planted 4 DDAs this morning. :battingeyelashes:
It'll be fun to see them run side by side. Hope they all sprouted for you.
Highya VG,

Love the purple reveg DDa#1!! That color of purple is gorgeous, contrasted with the white pistils! You picked the right one to reveg, alright! When I do something like that, it's always dumb luck. I try to be so careful, and the outcome isn't close to what I intended. But, it's most always acceptable. So I vote dumb luck. :love: Happy Smokin'
Hey Bode.
The DDA #1 is for reversal. The Nachos are being revegged. They aren't doing anything yet. Just sitting in moist pro mix and looking kinda unhappy.

I lucked out on which DDA I sprayed. It was strange how I had the DDA#2 slotted for reversal but at the last minute, spray in hand I did the #1 instead.

Hope you and Julie are well.
What a fact-filled update! You're smart enough to have luckily picked the correct DDA to reverse, so that's good. And the reveg B'naches look like they'll do just fine. In terms of the nutes, I know this won't be your choice, but I just read some news that many folks might have liked to know months ago!

Grow bebes grow... :cheer:
That post is bunk. They told me that I'm not supposed to do just that.

No way José.

Good thing that I figured it out on my own....

I'll just drop these pics of the two DDA from this evening.
I just got done with spray #4.

Hey Bode.
The DDA #1 is for reversal. The Nachos are being revegged. They aren't doing anything yet. Just sitting in moist pro mix and looking kinda unhappy.

What does this mean exactly? What is reversing and what is the point?
What does this mean exactly? What is reversing and what is the point?
The point of reversing is to make seeds by self-pollination.
I'm using a Silver Thiosulfate mix for the DDA.
It suppresses the female hormone and allows the plant to make male flowers.
I left the other DDA in there with her in hopes that she would pollinate DDA#2 as well.
I'll keep the seeds separate as DDA #2 is still showing herself to be a green pheno but that can change as she gets older. I may end up with a pink plant in the end.

Look what I found this morning....
Sorry that it isn't a clearer pic. You'll probably have to enlarge the image to see them but I do indeed have flowers forming! :slide: F&$# yeah!!!!!

They are older and wiser now?
Anything is possible I guess.

Still waiting to hear back from BPlanet about their Elite Three. If they don't get back to me soon I may contact PBlend.
I need to start the new bebes on a nute regimen soon and get my journal rolling. I also have to finish up the current journal but that may have to wait until next week.
My kids are gone for the weekend. They are going with their grandparents to the cabin up north until Monday.
I have plans with the bf so I may not be on very much.
We'll see....
The point of reversing is to make seeds by self-pollination.
I'm using a Silver Thiosulfate mix for the DDA.
It suppresses the female hormone and allows the plant to make male flowers.
I left the other DDA in there with her in hopes that she would pollinate DDA#2 as well.
I'll keep the seeds separate as DDA #2 is still showing herself to be a green pheno but that can change as she gets older. I may end up with a pink plant in the end.

Thank you for this explanation, VG. Are the seeds made this way male seeds or female seeds?

My kids are gone for the weekend. They are going with their grandparents to the cabin up north until Monday.
I have plans with the bf so I may not be on very much.
We'll see....

A weekend without kids. Have fun with the boyfriend! :woohoo:
Congrats on the incoming pollen sacs! :yahoo:
I checked this morning and they are everywhere!!!
I have some pics that are a little bit clearer.

Hah, finally a name for those! :p
No idea where or when it started but I saw the term being used on a trimming vid I watched three years ago. I've seen a lot of folks use it since.
Sounds good to me.
Thank you for this explanation, VG. Are the seeds made this way male seeds or female seeds?
These seeds will be auto flower fems.
The plant is being chemically manipulated to produce male flowers and pollen.
These types of seeds are called S1,S2 etc. S- meaning self pollinated. The number refers to which generation it is.
If you have pollen from a male plant you are introducing male genetics and these seeds are referred to as F1,F2...
This is a first, second etc. generation cross from two parents that are male and female. These seeds are from regular stock and yield regular seeds.
To get fems you would have to reverse the plant after finding a good,stable pheno.
weekend without kids. Have fun with the boyfriend! :woohoo:
It's been really quiet around here.
I've been doing some cooking/baking and lots of relaxing. It's really our last good long weekend before the kids start school for the year.

I made Guinness beef stew and beer bread for dinner last night. Haven't had that in ages.
Gonna hang with the bf and finish our game today. Maybe pick up a new one this afternoon. The next game in the series is located in ancient Greece (431 BCE) and the one after that is Viking era Norway. It's pretty easy to lose myself for hours at a time.
Helps to mitigate my stress though.
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