Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

I'm glad the video was helpful.:)

Cleaning the unit is kind of a PITA. I tried dish soap first - that was a waste of time. I ultimately ended up just using isopropyl and paper towels on everything. Then a wash in the sink with dish soap. If I've had a large harvest (my plants usually yield about a pound each) over a couple days of trimming, the bowl and blade can get pretty caked up with resin, so I try to carefully scrape as much off as possible before the iso treatment. I helps to trim the buds while they are still wet from the wash - less resin build up.

My unit came with just one blade type (with a spare blade). I only do "wet trims" so I didn't focus on the "dry trim" options. I'm still using the first blade after several pounds of harvests. It still seems pretty dang sharp. Oh, and that little squeak you hear in the video was just the plastic handle squeaking. One shot of WD40 and it went away. :)

A nice thing about all that trim in the bottom of the bowl... it doesn't go to waste. With the dry ice kief method, you can get this:

Ok. Evidently mine (iPower 16") comes with a serrated blade and a straight blade.

I'll have to find a few bottles of ISO before I do this then. It's kinda hard to find around here still. Perhaps if I can't find that I can use some really cheap vodka? Seems like it should work too.
Evidently mine (iPower 16") comes with a serrated blade and a straight blade.
I also have the iPower 16" (iPower GLTRIMBOWL16M 16-Inch Leaf Bowl Trimmer). Bought it back in Sept of 2019. It came with two blades, the one pre-installed in the unit is straight. The spare blade is in a protective sleeve, and to be honest, I haven't taken it out to inspect it. I guess it could be serrated, I just assumed it was a spare of the same one that was pre-installed.
Another question for ya.

Did you process straight from the plant or did you hang them for a day or two first before running them through the Trim Bowl?
Did you process straight from the plant or did you hang them for a day or two first before running them through the Trim Bowl?
I chopped the branches off the plant, washed them, and immediately clipped the buds off the branches and into the timmer bowl (after a rough trim of the larger fan leaves).
Good morning, VG.

I had no idea this journal was still active and am happy to have found it.

Quick question: What does JSP stand for?

Your plants look good.
Good morning, VG.

I had no idea this journal was still active and am happy to have found it.

Quick question: What does JSP stand for?

Your plants look good.
Thanks HG. This is my main journal. I'll have this one until my time here comes to an end.
If I may: Just Some Plant (for a variety that shall can not be named).
Thanks for the assist.
Got my salad spinner today.

Took about a half hour to break down my BB x Nacho #3.

I'm pretty happy with it. Good enough to cut for me. Came with a huge drying rack and a few pairs of hand trimmers for $130. Not a bad deal.

I'll do the rest in the middle of the night. My oldest said he could smell it outside.

Or...I could make chili and use that as cover?
So much sugar on that nacho! Looks amazing. Congrats on the new salad spinner, it looks great! :thumb:
Works better than I thought it would.
So glad for that.
I watched some vids and was still kinda skeptical until I saw Beez's vid. That helped to put me at ease.

This is a game changer for me.

I came really close to chopping the whole plant. Almost forgot that I'm revegging the Nachos for clones and reversal.
Congrats on the harvest and the inaugural use of the new toy! I may have to get something like that when arthritis bothers my hands. Fortunately, they're pretty good most of the time. My knees are where most of the arthritis is.
Highya VG,

Gorgeous camera work with that BB X Nacho lady. Love the pics with the stickey ooey gooey buds and trichomes! Yeah, I tried one of those one time. You're better than I am!! Glad for you. I'm glad you can relieve some future ailments with that machine. Happy Smokin'
Congrats on the harvest and the inaugural use of the new toy! I may have to get something like that when arthritis bothers my hands. Fortunately, they're pretty good most of the time. My knees are where most of the arthritis is.
Thanks HG.
Glad to have some more ladies over the finishline.
I'm finally starting to feel like I know what I'm doing.
Like I'm not such a noob anymore.

Hope the knee feels better HG.
You have any strains with limonene or myrcene to help with the inflammation?
Highya VG,

Gorgeous camera work with that BB X Nacho lady. Love the pics with the stickey ooey gooey buds and trichomes! Yeah, I tried one of those one time. You're better than I am!! Glad for you. I'm glad you can relieve some future ailments with that machine. Happy Smokin'
Holy Terps!
Those Nachos are nice.

This is the upgraded machine. It may be different than the one you use?
I jumped in with both feet and even used it trim up the terminal colas.
Looks like I'll have very little trimming to clean up any buds. Super happy with it so far.
The only issue I have with it is trying to find a place to store it. So glad that I didn't get the 19" version. The 16" is plenty big for me.

I'll be in trim jail today again. Still have a few plants to finish.
jealous of the bowl trimmer. i'm getting to the point i may have to look in to one of those.

for cleaning canna related tools i've found a mix of the 70% alc hand cleaner and some iso or a little vodka works wonders. i mix it all in a little bottle and keep it on hand. a simple wipe with wet cloth of the stuff will remove most easily.

discovered it worked when iso was impossible to find during covid and alc hand cleaner was everywhere. make sure to leave what you were cleaning out to dry for some time, or rinse well. there is enough residual alcohol left that you could flame it if you tried.
Thanks HG.
Glad to have some more ladies over the finishline.
I'm finally starting to feel like I know what I'm doing.
Like I'm not such a noob anymore.

Hope the knee feels better HG.
You have any strains with limonene or myrcene to help with the inflammation?

The Alpine Star CBD has both. We're still using Candida capsules for our CBD but I could smoke or vape some to see if it helps somewhat. I'm okay as long as I'm not on my feet for more than half an hour at a time.

And, my daily pain meds (CB Dutch Treat and Hash Plant) both have myrcene as a dominant terpene while the Hash Plant also has limonene as a major terpene.

I'm happy the new trimmer worked out well for you.
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