Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Hey y'all!

Have an update for ya and I think that I'll start with the DDAs.
I think I transplanted just in time. DDA #2 has begun to stretch and show sex.
DDA #1 had her first STS spraying yesterday. Her top was showing sex but since she lost that she hasn't shown anything. I thought that spraying the plant that isn't showing quite yet would be better than one that's already showing.
I seem to have corrected any health problems in time for this to be a possibility. I wouldn't have sprayed a sickly plant.

The bebes are all doing well. The Skunk and JSP are getting transplanted later today. I just need to clean some GeoPots first.
The GG4 clones need to be transplanted as well. They are in the solo cups.
I have a secret tomato plant. Thought that cell was dead but she came up a week or two ago. The JSP and Skunk have been dripping down into that tray.

What I wanted to show you in this pic isn't the tomato necessarily but the cloning experiment that I started on July 2nd. I put three cuttings into some floral crystals to see if I would get any roots or how long a cutting would stay viable through the mail.
I checked for some time but never saw any roots. I kinda gave up on the possibility of plants rooting in the crystals but still wanted to see how long they would last before they gave up the ghost.
I happened to check them this morning. I was gonna toss them but look....

In the first pic you can see a root nub. You can also see the longer root I must have sheared off when I removed her from the crystals. Sorry for the blurry pics.
if the floral crystals are prone to shearing
I wasn't expecting roots. If I had any clue that they were in there I may have used that same method for removal that I use for perlite. It's really easy to shear them off in that too.
When the crystals dry the kinda resemble perlite a bit. They can be rehydrated.
Was just pleased that the crystals can keep a cutting for so long.
So they float like perlite? That would certainly make it easier.
They don't float as much but they do a little bit and it seems that adding water helps to slide them in/out. I may want to let them sit in the water a few minutes to assist with that.
Something that I'd have to actually mess around with. This is all hypothetical until I have a clone with more root mass to try it on.
Having WiFi issues again. Couldn't stay online for more than a few minutes for the last two days so I just did some stuff around the house. I did try to answer this twice and then gave up.
You know of course that plain water works very well to root cuttings - and they slide right out with no damage to the roots! :laughtwo:
How does it work in plastic baggies tied with Twisties sent through the mail?
I was only testing this out to send cuttings to a few friends.
Perlite is a better and cheaper method to taking clones than the gel crystals.
It seems to work better and faster for me than just a glass of water.
Once again I waited too long to transplant. :eye-roll:

Messed up a few leaves on the Super Skunk. Looks like an easy fix though.
Washing my two gallon pots in some Oxyclean right now.

DDA are getting small increases in light and nutrient strength.
STS DDA will get her second spraying today.

I thought DDA #2 had three tops but I was mistaken. She ended up with two.

Cross your fingers for me. I'm really hoping to get enough seeds (or any for that matter) to make it worthwhile.
Super nervous about it.

Up next.....dropping the @Weed Seeds Express Bubba and Chemdawg.
And :thumb: :thumb: from the northern California bay area!
Thumbs up from the central California coast!

And :thumb: :thumb: from the northern California bay area!

Bring those girls to boys V! Almost there!

Thanks fellas!

She did get her second spraying.
I don't really like spraying in my house though. I was thinking about using a paintbrush instead. I'm sure to raise the ire of Buttercup if I do. He is very stubborn and likes things to go his way. It just seems like the safer option for my home. I don't like having the stuff in my main fridge so I'm looking at both wine and mini fridges for my bedroom.
Maybe I'm a bit paranoid but the stuff is carcinogenic....

The BB x Nachos are done. I'm just waiting for space to hang them.
All done at the same time. Trimming should be fun for me. Lol

Making dry ice kief when I'm done with them. I have a lot of trim that I've been saving up.

I was shaky this morning due to nerve damage. I can't feel my fingers right now. I tried to get some trich pics. Since the buds are still on the plant it was really difficult to capture anything clearly. This is about as good as it gets for today.

They are all pretty close to this stage of ripeness. Quite a bit of amber and all the rest look cloudy.

I'm still planning on revegging them to get clones. Hope I remember that when I chop them and don't go on autopilot..kill them completely.
The BB x Nachos are done. I'm just waiting for space to hang them.
All done at the same time. Trimming should be fun for me. Lol
I hope your hands are feeling better when trim day hits. I know how difficult trimming can be when your hands are not at their best.
Making dry ice kief when I'm done with them. I have a lot of trim that I've been saving up.
In June, I tried the dry ice kief method and was blown away with how much kief I got (about 63g)!
I hope your hands are feeling better when trim day hits. I know how difficult trimming can be when your hands are not at their best.

In June, I tried the dry ice kief method and was blown away with how much kief I got (about 63g)!
My arthritis is getting worse every year.
My son felt bad that he couldn't help trim and that I'm stick doing it all. He ordered me a trim bowl and mesh dryer. It should be here in Monday or Tuesday.
I'm sure it will take some trial and error to learn how to use it but can see it being a massive time saver.
Hope to heck it works for me.

The only thing I need to make kief is dry ice and a big cookie sheet to collect the kief. It seems like a less messy and time consuming option compared to bubble hash. I'll do that too eventually but for now the dry ice kief will do.
I have the beginnings of arthritis in my fingers - mostly my thumb, and have had 6 of my fingers, and my wrist surgically repaired over the past 10 years or so. I love my bowl trimmer. It's saved me countless hours of trimming. Here's a short video of mine in action (be sure to rewind to the beginning - not sure why it starts in the middle):
I have the beginnings of arthritis in my fingers - mostly my thumb, and have had 6 of my fingers, and my wrist surgically repaired over the past 10 years or so. I love my bowl trimmer. It's saved me countless hours of trimming. Here's a short video of mine in action (be sure to rewind to the beginning - not sure why it starts in the middle):
:kisstwo: You earned a smooch!
Thanks so much for sharing that.
I watched a few vids this morning and you get much better results than they did. Some were obvious first timers.
You just saved me hours of wading through vids. I really appreciate that.

I do have two questions.
What do you use to clean the machine and which blade is for wet trimming? I've heard conflicting answers on this. I think that I confused by some of the seller descriptions as well.
I'm glad the video was helpful.:)
What do you use to clean the machine and which blade is for wet trimming?
Cleaning the unit is kind of a PITA. I tried dish soap first - that was a waste of time. I ultimately ended up just using isopropyl and paper towels on everything. Then a wash in the sink with dish soap. If I've had a large harvest (my plants usually yield about a pound each) over a couple days of trimming, the bowl and blade can get pretty caked up with resin, so I try to carefully scrape as much off as possible before the iso treatment. I helps to trim the buds while they are still wet from the wash - less resin build up.

My unit came with just one blade type (with a spare blade). I only do "wet trims" so I didn't focus on the "dry trim" options. I'm still using the first blade after several pounds of harvests. It still seems pretty dang sharp. Oh, and that little squeak you hear in the video was just the plastic handle squeaking. One shot of WD40 and it went away. :)

A nice thing about all that trim in the bottom of the bowl... it doesn't go to waste. With the dry ice kief method, you can get this:

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