Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Congratulations on the B'nach harvest and well-remembered-but-almost-not about the revegging. :welldone: on both. So much sparkle on those buds!

Good enough to cut for me. Came with a huge drying rack and a few pairs of hand trimmers for $130. Not a bad deal.
They look great! What will you do with the trim and do you have a close up pic of it? I'm wondering how much frost is down there.
I'll do the rest in the middle of the night. My oldest said he could smell it outside.
Or...I could make bacon and use that as cover?
jealous of the bowl trimmer. i'm getting to the point i may have to look in to one of those.

for cleaning canna related tools i've found a mix of the 70% alc hand cleaner and some iso or a little vodka works wonders. i mix it all in a little bottle and keep it on hand. a simple wipe with wet cloth of the stuff will remove most easily.

discovered it worked when iso was impossible to find during covid and alc hand cleaner was everywhere. make sure to leave what you were cleaning out to dry for some time, or rinse well. there is enough residual alcohol left that you could flame it if you tried.
I have some hand sanitizer but it smells really funky.
I have some ISO on hand for now. I have used hand sanitizer to clean sun baked tree sap off of a car before. Worked a charm. Makes sense that it would cut through this stuff no problem.
The Alpine Star CBD has both. We're still using Candida capsules for our CBD but I could smoke or vape some to see if it helps somewhat. I'm okay as long as I'm not on my feet for more than half an hour at a time.

And, my daily pain meds (CB Dutch Treat and Hash Plant) both have myrcene as a dominant terpene while the Hash Plant also has limonene as a major terpene.

I'm happy the new trimmer worked out well for you.
Put those feet up lady.
You have any topicals to try?

Glad you have some of the major inflammation fighters at your disposal.

Think it's the myrcene in the JSP that has been a lifesaver for me.
Congratulations on the B'nach harvest and well-remembered-but-almost-not about the revegging. :welldone: on both. So much sparkle on those buds!

They look great! What will you do with the trim and do you have a close up pic of it? I'm wondering how much frost is down there.


Gotta get them chickies back into veg.

I've never revegged before. Have you?
Wondering how much I should be feeding them?
Sorry! Had you mentioned you weren't sure how to reveg I would have posted it earlier. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Evidently I'm one of those cart-before- the-horse types??

My little brain said "Just put them back in veg, you shouldn't need to do anything else, right?"

Wrong!!! Lmao
Put those feet up lady.
You have any topicals to try?

My feet are up today because spending the day cleaning yesterday makes for sore knees today but the sun is shining and the pool is calling so I'll be heading out there soon.

I do have a topical that I use daily. It's made with the Hash Plant and works great!

Glad you have some of the major inflammation fighters at your disposal.

Think it's the myrcene in the JSP that has been a lifesaver for me.

I'm glad that you've found something that works for you. :hug:

Gotta get them chickies back into veg.

I've never revegged before. Have you?
Wondering how much I should be feeding them?

Why are you revegging? What's the purpose/end goal?
Congratulations on your harvest VG!
Works better than I thought it would.
So glad for that.
I watched some vids and was still kinda skeptical until I saw Beez's vid. That helped to put me at ease.
I'm glad you are having good results with it. There is a learning curve, at least for me. Always an argument a discussion between my son and I on how many revolutions is the correct amount. He likes a good tight trim on the buds, I don't want to loose so much frosty sugar leaves to the bottom of the bowl.
What will you do with the trim and do you have a close up pic of it? I'm wondering how much frost is down there.
I found that quite a bit of frosty parts get to the bottom of the bowl. Last season I actually sent the trim to be lab-tested along with the final bud, and found only about 10% THC difference between the two (the bud, of course, had more).
Thanks for all your testing BL! Not sure about the "only" though for a 10% difference, unless that was 10% of the total (18% vs. 20%) as opposed to a 10% drop (10% vs. 20%).
Sorry for the confusion, and thanks for asking to clarify. The THC in the bowl was about 90% of the THC in the bud. It was from my Killer Haze that got harvested too early. I was embarrassed:thedoubletake: by the totals so I didn't want to specify them, but here they are: Bud was 5% THC and the bottom of the bowl trim was 4.5%
Sorry for the confusion, and thanks for asking to clarify. The THC in the bowl was about 90% of the THC in the bud. It was from my Killer Haze that got harvested too early. I was embarrassed:thedoubletake: by the totals so I didn't want to specify them, but here they are: Bud was 5% THC and the bottom of the bowl trim was 4.5%
Thanks for the clarification! To save embarrassment you could have just confirmed my 18/20% numbers. :)
Dang - why didn't I think of that! : palmplantonforehead: :laughtwo:
They look great! What will you do with the trim and do you have a close up pic of it? I'm wondering how much frost is down there.
Sorry that I glossed over this yesterday. Was a bit idea why.
I have a few pics for ya.

Sorry it wasn't in the bowl. I had already stuck it in the freezer by then.
There are a few teenie buds but those are the foxtails. I really didn't care if I lost them. I'll be making kief or hash with this and whatever else is laying around.
My feet are up today because spending the day cleaning yesterday makes for sore knees today but the sun is shining and the pool is calling so I'll be heading out there soon.

I do have a topical that I use daily. It's made with the Hash Plant and works great!

I'm glad that you've found something that works for you. :hug:

Why are you revegging? What's the purpose/end goal?
Have a great day soaking up the sun!

I'm spending the rest of my day in a dark room playing the end of a video game I've put almost 200 hrs in since January. It has a gripping storyline and is placed in the upper Nile delta in the time of Ptolemy and Cleopatra.

I am revegging the Nachos in case I really like them. I didn't take clones like I should have. I put them back on a veg schedule and fed them a reduced nute amount. I should see some new growth in the coming weeks. As soon as I can clone them I can potentially make my own seeds.
I have them all the plants numbered as well as the buds. I'll see which pheno I'm leading towards and reverse that one or possibly more if they are all good.
These seeds were part of a huge multi grower phenohunt that got the plug pulled on it. No chance of buying seeds now.
I'm glad you are having good results with it. There is a learning curve, at least for me. Always an argument a discussion between my son and I on how many revolutions is the correct amount. He likes a good tight trim on the buds, I don't want to loose so much frosty sugar leaves to the bottom of the bowl.
I'll end up using the trimmings so I'm not overly concerned about losing a little bit. That said, I really didn't lose much. It did a great job on the wet Nachos and I just ran my big Skywalker Og through with they dry blade.
Here is how it did on her.....

Looks pretty good if you ask me. Just a few crow's feet to remove when I smoke it.
The dry blade is a bit bent. Just enough that it's hitting the grill. I threw the dry trim away. I could see that there were some contact points between the grill and the blade that looked worn. I assume that there is metal shavings in the trim. Best to err on the side of caution for that.
I'll remove it and try my best to straighten it out.
Frosty trim...excellent idea to freeze!

Sounds like you have this well under control. :thumb:
I need to make some indica oil. Not sure what the Nachos are exactly. Some funky hybrid but I have my Sirius Black trim and some older stuff in the freezer. There should be enough in there to make it work.
I have plenty of sativa oil from the Kalashnikov.

Did I mention that I planted my next round? Bubba and Chemdawg should be up in a few days.
Should probably make a decision about which nutes I'm going to use.
May want to start another journal and close out the other one too.
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