Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

That's a tough one. I can't relate it to any type of deficiency, so maybe it's more environmental. Lighting, roots, pH, temps, etc.
It may be from cool temps. It's been chilly at night. Not cold enough to turn the furnace on quite yet.
Some DDAs eat their leaves pretty early, so it could be the start of that as well. I'm sure it will survive long enough to serve it's porpoise.
I guess I wouldn't know. I've only grown the two before this. I don't remember having this issue. I am using a different version of MC though. Could be that or temps I think.

I'll try to slow it down. If it keeps getting cooler I'll start the furnace. Last night it was 55° out.

I'm having a humidity spike here. The DDA tent is at 72%.
This morning I found a fuzzy white spot on one of my STS DDA flower spikes.
It was slightly smaller than a dime. I got my fingers wet and removed the flowers there.
Not sure what to do other than that.
I upped the circulation fan speed and have my dehumidifier on.
Keep that dehuey a'runnin because the pollen needs to stay dry.

I have a feeling that I'm gonna need that luck.
I'd be so crushed if I don't end up with anything.
I can handle not being able to harvest much pollen. Wouldn't handle losing the seeds very well.

Hate mold so much.
I'm good! How the heck are you?!? Ladies look good! A few pistils in the male parts. Hope it'll generate some pollen!! Happy Smokin'
Just and Skunk are looking great, and DDA2 looks terrific! No sign of pollen yet on 1? Hows the cold and RH these days?
No visible pollen.
Chris said that I may not get any but should still end up with seeds.
I was hoping to pollinate the #2.
Haven't seen anymore fuzzy mold since I removed the patch I found.
Rh is at 67% and temp is at 68°.
Not ideal.
I'm good! How the heck are you?!? Ladies look good! A few pistils in the male parts. Hope it'll generate some pollen!! Happy Smokin'
I hope it will generate anything.

I'm still tired but my cough is 90% gone.
Screwed up my neck a few days ago. Haven't been able to move it since.
Waiting for the big pop that happens when it settles back into place.
I decided that I can't drive safely if I can't move my head at a reasonable speed so I've taken myself off the road.

It's forcing the bf to drive me around and spend time with me against his will.
I'm loving that part.
You can always do it my way with the tweezers and the drying box. Only without the flour!

I certainly have enough that I can grab a bunch and give it a go.
Think I need to cook rice. I read that you're supposed to do it at 150° for 12 hrs. Does that sound right to you?
Don't think my oven goes that low. I think 170° is the limit.
I certainly have enough that I can grab a bunch and give it a go.
I would wait another week or so.
Think I need to cook rice. I read that you're supposed to do it at 150° for 12 hrs. Does that sound right to you?
Don't think my oven goes that low. I think 170° is the limit.
I don't bake it anywhere near that long. In my rice ball thread I went with:
I spread the rice on a cookie sheet and put it in the oven at 200° for about 45 minutes.
But now I do about 15-20 minutes in the toaster oven. 170ºF should be fine. It's just rice.

The most important part is to cool it without it re-absorbing the moisture from the air. I put the rice in a little tin foil and then into a ziploc and stick it in the fridge straight from the oven. The foil keeps it from melting the ziploc!
I would wait another week or so.

I don't bake it anywhere near that long. In my rice ball thread I went with:

But now I do about 15-20 minutes in the toaster oven. 170ºF should be fine. It's just rice.

The most important part is to cool it without it re-absorbing the moisture from the air. I put the rice in a little tin foil and then into a ziploc and stick it in the fridge straight from the oven. The foil keeps it from melting the ziploc!
That's a lot more reasonable.
Thanks for sharing.

Edit: forgot to hit the reply button yesterday.

After about a month of waiting to see some action on the BBx Nachos, the least desirable one(#1) is growing.
Gives me hope for the other two.
I have a mixed bag today.

First up is the revegging plants. These were BB x Nacho crosses that I'd like to make some seeds with.

BB x Nacho #1 is the only one that's done anything so far. At least I have that.
Hope the rest catch up and give me some good cloning material.

DDA#2 is looking pretty nice.

DDA#1 hadn't shown any sign of pollen yet. She has shown me other things though....

I clipped it off and tossed it. I didn't want to disturb the mold anymore than I already had.

Hope the rest don't pull that crap.
I also found some diodes had burned out on one of my LED strips.

Not the best of mornings...
Highya VG,

That is a bad morning. Will they replace the diodes for you? Do you have another light to put in it's place? I hope you start having a much better day!! Your ladies look good. And your reveg project is working! Hoping for a nice day of relieving stress for you!! Happy Smokin'
Highya VG,

That is a bad morning. Will they replace the diodes for you? Do you have another light to put in it's place? I hope you start having a much better day!! Your ladies look good. And your reveg project is working! Hoping for a nice day of relieving stress for you!! Happy Smokin'
I sent the company a message this morning and I'm just waiting to hear back.
I would be really surprised if they don't send a replacement strip. I haven't had this light for very long.
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