Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Highya VG,

I used to love finding seeds. Now, not so much, lol. Buds look stunning in purple, with seeds hanging out! Here's hoping you find as many seeds as you want!! Happy Smokin'
Too bad the nanners don't smoke like banana flavored got enough there for a lot of bowls....Lmao!
Absolutely filled with nanners but I thought I'd get more seeds. I may mess around with STS dilutions later on.
I'll be happy if I get a hundred. This is my first time reversing so any extra seeds are a win. I just hope they are viable now.

Lol. I'll pass on the bananas. I'm not a fan.
Happy hunting!
Thanks HG.
This is like a long journey with a surprise at the end.
My estimation could be way off.

Highya VG,

I used to love finding seeds. Now, not so much, lol. Buds look stunning in purple, with seeds hanging out! Here's hoping you find as many seeds as you want!! Happy Smokin'
Hey Bode.
They are some good looking buds.
Both phenos we're really dark. Once they dry the buds will be nearly black. I'm most curious about the seeds from DDA#2. Foxtails aside she turned out to be a decent plant.
Day 129? Wowza!

:ciao: DDAs and :thanks: for the seeds.
Some kind of record,eh?
I did it Sheddie!
For some reason I expected failure.
Absolutely filled with nanners but I thought I'd get more seeds. I may mess around with STS dilutions later on.
I'll be happy if I get a hundred. This is my first time reversing so any extra seeds are a win. I just hope they are viable now.

Lol. I'll pass on the bananas. I'm not a fan.

Thanks HG.
This is like a long journey with a surprise at the end.
My estimation could be way off.

Hey Bode.
They are some good looking buds.
Both phenos we're really dark. Once they dry the buds will be nearly black. I'm most curious about the seeds from DDA#2. Foxtails aside she turned out to be a decent plant.

Some kind of record,eh?
I did it Sheddie!
For some reason I expected failure.
100 seeds total? That's interesting. When my second grow (first journal here) scrog attempt went hermie I had about that same amount of plants and they didn't look anywhere NEAR as seedy as yours. And I had probably close to 1000 seeds in mine. They were everywhere. Maybe 60-70% were real viable looking and well formed, too. I never tried it intentionally as you are but I bet you dollars to donuts you get WAY more than 100. I hope I'm right for your sake. And please post pics of those almost black buds when they get there. They're going to look super cool. Lol.
100 seeds total? That's interesting. When my second grow (first journal here) scrog attempt went hermie I had about that same amount of plants and they didn't look anywhere NEAR as seedy as yours. And I had probably close to 1000 seeds in mine. They were everywhere. Maybe 60-70% were real viable looking and well formed, too. I never tried it intentionally as you are but I bet you dollars to donuts you get WAY more than 100. I hope I'm right for your sake. And please post pics of those almost black buds when they get there. They're going to look super cool. Lol.
I'm only basing my estimate on what I found in the molded tops that I removed. I pulverized them and didn't find any seeds that weren't already visible.
My estimates may be really low. This is my first attempt so I have zero experience to fall back on.
I'm hoping that I get a lot more.
That's your foolish side. Feh!
Just one of the many facets of my personality.
I'm only basing my estimate on what I found in the molded tops that I removed. I pulverized them and didn't find any seeds that weren't already visible.
My estimates may be really low. This is my first attempt so I have zero experience to fall back on.
I'm hoping that I get a lot more.

Just one of the many facets of my personality.
Did you at least try the bud that was seedless? How was that? Is it possible to salvage any actual buds to smoke from the plant? I found when the seeds made the colas they were everywhere, in every bud. I had one plant it must have hermied a few days later than the others, cuz the seeds on it didn't make the colas too much. I got maybe a half ounce of smokable tops from it. Compromised, yes, early, yes, dissatisfying, yes, but at least I got to try it. The lower part was filled with seeds. Maybe they start forming from the bottom up?
Did you at least try the bud that was seedless? How was that? Is it possible to salvage any actual buds to smoke from the plant? I found when the seeds made the colas they were everywhere, in every bud. I had one plant it must have hermied a few days later than the others, cuz the seeds on it didn't make the colas too much. I got maybe a half ounce of smokable tops from it. Compromised, yes, early, yes, dissatisfying, yes, but at least I got to try it. The lower part was filled with seeds. Maybe they start forming from the bottom up?
I can't smoke anything from the reversed plant. That one is toxic.
The other one is fine to smoke. I just have to watch for seeds.

No telling what I have until they are dried a bit and I start digging in.
I did leave them to mature for what I feel is long enough. The smokable DDA is probably over-ripe but I was in this for the seeds. Any smokeable bud is just a plus.
Very pretty buds, seeds and all. :thumb:

I got 30 seeds from this tiny thing. Here's to hoping you get pleasantly surprised when you go seed hunting.
Very pretty buds, seeds and all. :thumb:

I got 30 seeds from this tiny thing. Here's to hoping you get pleasantly surprised when you go seed hunting.
That's a lot for such a tiny thing.

Here's to hoping that I get a lot more than I think I'm gonna. Just didn't see any pollen. I know some made its way around the tent.
I still haven't chopped the DDAs yet. I'll chop them tonight or tomorrow.
I've been up to my elbows in fish tank water. I have to clean the filter twice a year.
I kinda had to drop everything and get this done so I can shut off my silcock outside. It's freezing at night now and there is freezing rain and snow in the forecast. All my outdoor work needs to get done in the next three days.

I ran into a bit of an issue while cleaning the filter. Seems that my Devil's Ivy has taken over a good amount of my veg/ clone space.
The plant is growing out of the filter of my tank. It's about 10' long and doesn't bend easily. It's a pretty stiff vine.
Not sure what to do with it yet. For now it's still in the tank.

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Very pretty buds, seeds and all. :thumb:

I got 30 seeds from this tiny thing. Here's to hoping you get pleasantly surprised when you go seed hunting.
This is a photo of the month candidate. VERY cool picture. Unusual. You should enter it.
It's a philodendron no? Cut the end and stick it in soil and throw out the rest. Keeping big mother plants around are a pain in the butt!
It's a Pothos.
Same propagation techniques though.

The issue I'm having is deciding if I want to keep it where it is or not. That Pothos is eating a ton of nitrates. If I remove it, it's gonna upset my system.
It's helping to keep the algae amount really low in the aquarium.

Perhaps I can move the vine but keep it in the tank. Maybe move it to the top of my armoire?
I'll need a table lamp to get it some extra light. I don't think my overhead is strong enough for it.
A Philodendron would be happy but Pothos require bright,indirect light.

I could also just cut it back some.

I'll have to deal with it later on. I'm way too busy this week.
Did it do that job at less than 10'? If so, cut it back to there!
I think I can cut her back by half.
I have some netting. Maybe I'll hang it off the back of the stand and train the remaining plant along that.

I forgot to post pics of the two DDA after I cut them down.
This was a few days ago.

I checked them this morning and they look like they have about three days left in the drying tent.

I'm behind. The Dutch Passion seed failed to do anything.
I hope that third time is the charm. Three seeds in a row!?!?
My new record....

I'll drop something later today.
Did you chop off anything moldy before you harvested? I hope so because they look nice upside down.
I inspected them and didn't see anything.
I'm gonna start trimming DDA#2 in a little bit here. I'll definitely find out.

I get to look for seeds too!
I'm actually pretty excited about that.

I expect about three oz off the #2 plant. We'll see how close I am.

I took a few pics of my forgotten duo.
They are almost done. They are at day #119 since sprout and day #66 since flip to flower.

I have a ton of stuff to do today. Storm is coming.
I did start to make a bubble cloner yesterday. I need to find my drill bits and an aquarium stone to finish it.
May be done by this evening.

Still have to drop seeds. I'm really getting behind. I have tried to sprout three in the past two weeks. None of them viable.
Think I'm gonna try a Peppermint Kush or maybe something like a Bop Tang if they didn't get too damaged in the mail. I can look with my scope later on.

Crud...need to transplant my lil Varin sprout today too. much to do..

Catch you cats later....
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