Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

It doesn't look light-proof and I had trouble getting roots in my bucket until I light-proofed it. Can you just stick it in a GeoPot to block the light?

Just making sure.:thanks:
I looked up diy coffee can cloner and there were a few like mine. One was actually here on 420 mag.
They seemed to produce roots ok.
I'll give this a whirl as is and make any more changes later on if I have to.

Buttercup said he adds cal-mag to his.
Did you add anything to yours?
Very pretty buds, seeds and all. :thumb:

I got 30 seeds from this tiny thing. Here's to hoping you get pleasantly surprised when you go seed hunting.
Auto clone? How in the hell does one clone an auto? I didn't think that was even possible.
Auto clone? How in the hell does one clone an auto? I didn't think that was even possible.
Probably mostly accidental. My Zamaldelica auto was a pretty good grower so I decided to prune it a little just after it started to flower. I just dipped the end of one of the shoots in some rooting hormone and stuck it in a solo cup with some seedling starter mix. I put a dome over the top and forgot about it for 3 or 4 weeks. It eventually sprouted some buds and on a whim, I decided to pollinate it.
I finally got two seeds to crack for me. About time. I was starting to get discouraged.

I dropped a Blueberry and a Peppermint Kush. The Kush took an extra day or two to crack. I almost dropped a second one last night.
Glad I waited.
They should be up in a day or two.

I haven't had Blueberry since I was in my early 20s and I've never tried the Peppermint Kush. Should be a fun grow for me. Hope I get a colorful Blueberry pheno.
Hope you get a Kush pheno that smells like a candy cane! Tis the season (almost). :)

Congrats on the new cracks!
Ya know. I didn't even think of that. How fitting?
My seeds have stalled.
They should be up by now.
I went digging and they look almost the same as they did when I planted them.
I'm pretty irritated
Sounds like the beginning of most of my grows... :straightface:
It sure doesn't do one's confidence any good-
even though non-viable seeds are beyond our control...
Your S Skunk and Peyote will definitely add to the ambience of your Thanksgiving day. Nice

Speechless on non-sprouting seeds. :(
Howdy Nev
It always feels good to chop a fully matured plant. Two is even better.
The seeds both cracked but they are kinda "old". They are both three years plus and the Blueberry came from someone that refuses to store his seeds properly.

Those forum cuts sure look sweet. Stalled seeds suck.
Good morning Jon
Forum is my go-to pain reliever as well as my son's. He said it knocked out his IBS pain in minutes.
I'll be really happy once I have it in jars curing. It's just one of those plants that I'll always have in my garden.
Guess I'd better get to making some seeds,eh?
Damn seeds! On the plus side the Thanksgiving day harvest pair are looking good, and you gotta be thankful for jars filled with Forum.

:hug: Very thankful, indeed.

Its funny. I didn't like the smell of the Forum when I first tried it. Now I love weird.

Sounds like the beginning of most of my grows... :straightface:
It sure doesn't do one's confidence any good-
even though non-viable seeds are beyond our control...
Gah! I'm so frustrated.
I've been trying to sprout seeds for three weeks.
I did finally get one of my stalled seeds to come up. I put them in my warm little hall closet that shares a wall with our furnace. Peppermint Kush came up the next day.
I really need to order a heating mat and controller for my veg area. Those plants sit on the floor while all of my other growing areas are raised.
I should have bought one a long time ago.

Blueberry rotted in the Pro Mix. She didn't get a tap longer than 1/4". She couldn't crack the seed hull fully either.
I know those seeds were pretty old though. I dropped the other one I had. If those don't work I do have three more that I think are a lot newer.

The Peppermint Kush looks all jacked up. She's finally turning greenish.
It looks like one of her cotyledon is deformed. I thought I'd wake up the a dampened off plant. She has a brown spot on her that I though was rot. Now I'm not so sure.
If she manages to keep growing, she's gonna be a slow one.

Sorry to hear about the seeds. I've been having seed issues, too. It's really hard to run a grow when only half of the seeds germinate and half don't and then I have two 40+ day old plants and no companions because they didn't germinate. So frustrating.

I currently have 2 Gelatos that are almost 60 days old and 2 Clementines that were supposed to be in the same tent as the Gelatos aren't even 20 days old yet. How do I plan when I flip when this happens?

If I don't talk to you again this week, VG:

Happy Danksgiving.jpeg
Sorry to hear about the seeds. I've been having seed issues, too. It's really hard to run a grow when only half of the seeds germinate and half don't and then I have two 40+ day old plants and no companions because they didn't germinate. So frustrating.

I currently have 2 Gelatos that are almost 60 days old and 2 Clementines that were supposed to be in the same tent as the Gelatos aren't even 20 days old yet. How do I plan when I flip when this happens?

If I don't talk to you again this week, VG:

Happy Danksgiving.jpeg
Mornin HG!
The ones that aren't cooperating are the ones from Buttercup and the Frisian Duck that I purchased.
He said he wasn't sure how old they were and he just keeps them on his work bench.
I was concerned that my entire vault went to crap. I don't think that's the case though. I always had doubts about the viability of the Frisian Duck. It was just a weird seed imo.
Shape and color were really off.

Well, I have a huge amount of work to get through. I've been up since 3am.
Whiskey-coffee and herb should get me through.
Have a lovely day ,HG.
Bingo! If I didn't have the Shoebox of Light® I don't think I would ever get seeds to germinate. They do love that 80º environment.
This is somewhat related to the topic at hand...
I was watching a show on the resurrection of the Judean date palm. It's a tree that was completely destroyed by the Romans around 2000 years ago,destroying a major food source and much of their revenue.
A bunch of seeds were found among burned food stores. The Judeans thought it best to commit mass suicide than to be in the hands of the Roman where they would become slaves and sources for cruel entertainment. Before the mass suicide the Judeans burned all of their food stores so the Romans would leave empty handed.
One store was left untouched. A seed store.
Hundreds of different types seeds were found, among them seeds for the extinct Judean date palm.
About 15 years ago two women were able to get their hands on some of these seeds. It wasn't easy to convince the people who were charged with storing them but availed no less.
The woman who attempted to resurrect the palm used a baby bottle warmer to sprout them. She doubts that she would have succeeded otherwise.
The palm is now back although in small numbers. They have a solid breeding plan to reintroduce the palm back to it's native land.
I can't imagine the thrill they felt when they got some 2000 year old seeds to germinate and actually grow much less the feelings they felt when tasting the figs from their trees. The first people to do so in over 2000 years.
It was a fascinating (to me) documentary.

TLDR? Baby bottle warmers work great for sprouting difficult seeds.
I got up early. Fed my girls that required it, planted a new Blueberry seed. This one has a good taproot on her. I cut and hung the Super Skunk and Forum and then I finally went through my STS DDA looking for seeds.

:slide:Not a ton of them but I'm pretty happy for my first attempt at reversing a plant. I still have to do a germination test. I think the DDA#2 seeds look better formed and are larger and darker than the ones from the reversal plant.

Peppermint Kush is still alive...
She's a fighter! Go lil chickie,go!

And some pics of the other veg area plants...

I have to clean some equipment and my closet out. We'll see if I actually get to it today. Then I can move my Varin and my sprouts from the veg area and into a warmer space with much better lighting.

I worked my butt off for the last week and a half. I may take the day off and just rest.

Hope y'all had a great day yesterday.
I sure did!
That's pretty cool info about the 2000-year old seeds. It made me wonder why we care so much about the environment we store seeds if 2000-year old seeds were buried and survived.

I'm on Day 6 of my latest round of seeds planted. This is getting really annoying and it's making me want to give up, TBH. Just grow out the Clementines and Gelatos and give up on the Blue Dream and Pineapple Express for now. :(

Enjoy your rest today. I'm sure you earned it.
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