Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

A little light reading....

Here’s the chemistry behind marijuana’s skunky scent...

Newly identified sulfur compounds in cannabis flowers give the plant its telltale funky scent.
A new study reveals the sulfur compounds that give cannabis flowers that unmistakable skunky aroma.

By Ariana Remmel

NOVEMBER 30, 2021 AT 8:00 AM

Scientists have finally sniffed out the molecules behind marijuana’s skunky aroma.

The heady bouquet that wafts off of fresh weed is actually a cocktail of hundreds of fragrant compounds. The most prominent floral, citrusy and piney overtones come from a common class of molecules called terpenes, says analytical chemist Iain Oswald of Abstrax Tech, a private company in Tustin, Calif., that develops terpenes for cannabis products (SN: 4/30/18). But the source of that funky ganja note has been hard to pin down.

Now, an analysis is the first to identify a group of sulfur compounds in cannabis that account for the skunklike scent, researchers report November 12 in ACS Omega.

Oswald and colleagues had a hunch that the culprit may contain sulfur, a stinky element found in hops and skunk spray. So the team started by rating the skunk factor of flowers harvested from more than a dozen varieties of Cannabis sativa on a scale from zero to 10, with 10 being the most pungent. Next, the team created a “chemical fingerprint” of the airborne components that contributed to each cultivar’s unique scent using gas chromatography, mass spectroscopy and a sulfur chemiluminescence detector.

As suspected, the researchers found small amounts of several fragrant sulfur compounds lurking in the olfactory profiles of the smelliest cultivars. The most dominant was a molecule called prenylthiol, or 3-methyl-2-butene-1-thiol, that gives “skunked beer” its notorious flavor.

The sulfur compounds have been found in nature, but never before in cannabis, says Amber Wise, an analytical chemist with Medicine Creek Analytics in Fife, Wash., who was not involved in the study.

Oswald was surprised to find that prenylthiol and many of the other sulfurous suspects in cannabis share structural similarities with molecules found in garlic. And like these alliaceous analogs, a little goes a long way.

These compounds “can be in very low concentrations on the flower, but still make a huge impact on the smell,” Oswald says. The sulfur molecules are most abundant in cannabis flowers when they reach maturity and during the curing process.

Smell psychologist Avery Gilbert of Headspace Sensory, a startup company in Fort Collins, Colo., that specializes in quantifying the many scents of cannabis, is excited to see the molecules added to marijuana’s chemical repertoire. “The spectrum of cannabis odor is just amazing,” he says. “I think it beats the pants off of wine.”

The discovery of prenylthiol in marijuana, Gilbert says, is the first step to masking its nuisance odor — or maximizing its perversely pleasant stink.

Prenylthiol has a “polarizing scent,” Oswald says. While many people think it reeks, some cannabis users will pay top dollar for skunky grass, which some consider an indicator of quality.

I.W.H. Oswald et al. Identification of a new family of prenylated volatile sulfur compounds in cannabis revealed by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography. ACS Omega. Published online November 12, 2021. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.1c04196.
A little light reading....

Here’s the chemistry behind marijuana’s skunky scent...

Newly identified sulfur compounds in cannabis flowers give the plant its telltale funky scent.
A new study reveals the sulfur compounds that give cannabis flowers that unmistakable skunky aroma.

By Ariana Remmel

NOVEMBER 30, 2021 AT 8:00 AM

Scientists have finally sniffed out the molecules behind marijuana’s skunky aroma.

The heady bouquet that wafts off of fresh weed is actually a cocktail of hundreds of fragrant compounds. The most prominent floral, citrusy and piney overtones come from a common class of molecules called terpenes, says analytical chemist Iain Oswald of Abstrax Tech, a private company in Tustin, Calif., that develops terpenes for cannabis products (SN: 4/30/18). But the source of that funky ganja note has been hard to pin down.

Now, an analysis is the first to identify a group of sulfur compounds in cannabis that account for the skunklike scent, researchers report November 12 in ACS Omega.

Oswald and colleagues had a hunch that the culprit may contain sulfur, a stinky element found in hops and skunk spray. So the team started by rating the skunk factor of flowers harvested from more than a dozen varieties of Cannabis sativa on a scale from zero to 10, with 10 being the most pungent. Next, the team created a “chemical fingerprint” of the airborne components that contributed to each cultivar’s unique scent using gas chromatography, mass spectroscopy and a sulfur chemiluminescence detector.

As suspected, the researchers found small amounts of several fragrant sulfur compounds lurking in the olfactory profiles of the smelliest cultivars. The most dominant was a molecule called prenylthiol, or 3-methyl-2-butene-1-thiol, that gives “skunked beer” its notorious flavor.

The sulfur compounds have been found in nature, but never before in cannabis, says Amber Wise, an analytical chemist with Medicine Creek Analytics in Fife, Wash., who was not involved in the study.

Oswald was surprised to find that prenylthiol and many of the other sulfurous suspects in cannabis share structural similarities with molecules found in garlic. And like these alliaceous analogs, a little goes a long way.

These compounds “can be in very low concentrations on the flower, but still make a huge impact on the smell,” Oswald says. The sulfur molecules are most abundant in cannabis flowers when they reach maturity and during the curing process.

Smell psychologist Avery Gilbert of Headspace Sensory, a startup company in Fort Collins, Colo., that specializes in quantifying the many scents of cannabis, is excited to see the molecules added to marijuana’s chemical repertoire. “The spectrum of cannabis odor is just amazing,” he says. “I think it beats the pants off of wine.”

The discovery of prenylthiol in marijuana, Gilbert says, is the first step to masking its nuisance odor — or maximizing its perversely pleasant stink.

Prenylthiol has a “polarizing scent,” Oswald says. While many people think it reeks, some cannabis users will pay top dollar for skunky grass, which some consider an indicator of quality.

I.W.H. Oswald et al. Identification of a new family of prenylated volatile sulfur compounds in cannabis revealed by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography. ACS Omega. Published online November 12, 2021. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.1c04196.
I've been toking on some Black Poison Skunk lately and my migraines have been at somewhat of a low. Wondering all along if it had something to do with it. I kind of feel like the headache threshold is different now. I don't know. Something happened and this is the only thing that changed. Weird too, I don't even have to hit it every day, just most.

This is exactly what I thought/hoped your suggested Peyote Forum would do that's growing now. Hmmm.
It’s why I use sulfuric acid for pH down.

Thanks for the article, VG.
Hope things are looking better for you.
Things are quieter around here.
We have the cash for our house so that's a huge stress relief. We still have to come up with a little extra for title changes etc.
Interesting article and it fills out the picture of the video GDB posted earlier this week. Good find!
I'll have to catch up. I'm not too far behind on his journal.

I saw one at a garage sale and now I feel ridiculous for passing it up. I guess $1 was a fair price.
Bet you could have sold it for at least a fiver on eBay.
What a missed opportunity.
I've been toking on some Black Poison Skunk lately and my migraines have been at somewhat of a low. Wondering all along if it had something to do with it. I kind of feel like the headache threshold is different now. I don't know. Something happened and this is the only thing that changed. Weird too, I don't even have to hit it every day, just most.

This is exactly what I thought/hoped your suggested Peyote Forum would do that's growing now. Hmmm.
What you described as a threshold being different is how the Forum was for me. Glad you found something that makes a significant difference.

Maybe something in Skunk helps?
I've been toking on my Super Skunk and she helps quite a bit. Not as much as the Forum but it definitely is providing some relief.
I moved some things around.
My Blueberry and Peppermint Kush were totally stalled. I moved them into a tent with my Doug's Varin a few days ago. I see growth already.

I'll transplant them as soon as I get my pot laundry done. I've been busy and it's gotten pushed back.

I was having issues with my cloner. Nothing was rooting. I conferred with Shed and realized that my temps were a tad too low. I was getting a reading of 64°. I moved them off the floor and onto my metal cart. Just doing that brought the temp up seven degrees. A few days at 71° and I saw a quick turnaround.

The Nacho had some nice roots and the GG4 has the beginnings of them.

I'll transplant the Nacho when I do the lil babies. Then I can be rid of it's oversized mother and just keep a wee bonsai.
Well done on the cloner roots and it's great to see your babies on the move! What do you think jump started them? More light in the DV tent?
Yes. Also the temp change.
That tent is a lot warmer than the veg area.
Highya VG,

Your cloner looks like a Folger's Coffee container. I gotta say,that's an ingenious idea. Makes very much sense if you only want to clone 3 or less at a time (as I used to). Great call on warming up the cloner! And nice roots dangling there. Looks like you're conquering all that cannabis throws at you!! I loved that part, too! I'm so glad you have the financing for your nouse. Deed transfer fee can't be anywheres near the difficulty as house financing?!? So glad things are working out for you!! Happy Smokin'
Nice cloner V!
I can now say "It does the job!"
Highya VG,

Your cloner looks like a Folger's Coffee container. I gotta say,that's an ingenious idea. Makes very much sense if you only want to clone 3 or less at a time (as I used to). Great call on warming up the cloner! And nice roots dangling there. Looks like you're conquering all that cannabis throws at you!! I loved that part, too! I'm so glad you have the financing for your nouse. Deed transfer fee can't be anywheres near the difficulty as house financing?!? So glad things are working out for you!! Happy Smokin'
It is a Folgers can. The only thing I purchased for my cloner was a bubble bar. I had everything else laying around from fishkeeping.
I can still add another hole to the top if I should need to. I have more net pots and plenty of foam.
I'd like to do a Forum SOG in the future. I figured that I should up my cloning game.

I'm happy about the house issues finally being settled too. I've been stressed for a few months now.
I’m glad to hear that your home situation is secure. I can’t think of anything more stressful than having your happy home threatened.
We had help from some friends. Some of them from here at 420 mag.
I'm so very grateful to all that volunteered their assistance.
We would be absolutely screwed if it wasn't for them.

They really pulled my butt out of the fire.
We had help from some friends. Some of them from here at 420 mag.
I'm so very grateful to all that volunteered their assistance.
We would be absolutely screwed if it wasn't for them.

They really pulled my butt out of the fire.

nice. is it possible to identify them safely so we can pass it along ?

good job fam.
nice. is it possible to identify them safely so we can pass it along ?

good job fam.
I should ask first. Some may not want to be mentioned.

Just trying to be respectful, not secretive.
:woohoo: I am so happy your house issues are mostly done. I wish I could have helped but it all seemed very complicated helping from a different country. :hug:

Glad you figured out your cloning issues and that the Blueberry and PK are doing better with the warmer temps.
we know. that's a given. you're class.
I try to not be a dickhead.
I fail occasionally...
:woohoo: I am so happy your house issues are mostly done. I wish I could have helped but it all seemed very complicated helping from a different country. :hug:

Glad you figured out your cloning issues and that the Blueberry and PK are doing better with the warmer temps.
No problem at all. I appreciate that you tried in the first place, sweetie. That means a lot to me.

Hey. Guess what?

GG4 cutting had roots this morning too! :yahoo:
Now I can kill it.
oh nice. i love gorilla glue. i should grow it again.
Ya know what ,Bluter?

You're right. I just happen to have an extra clone and she just happens to be ready to transplant (after six months..ahem..) into a three gallon.
Toss that baby into flower ASAP.
I'll have some GG4 sometime in February.

If I take something like this...
Clean it up a little bit.
I get something like this...

I think she'll do.
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