Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

My kids start hybrid learning tomorrow. They attend class Tue/Thur and are virtual Wed/Fri. I'm self employed and work from home but I can't run my business and make sure they are doing what there supposed to at the same time. Not to mention we don't have access to unlimited internet here in the boondocks. Tethering our phones is how we get online and @ 25gig they slow us down to where you can't even check email. Its going to be a joke....Still okay to go to football practice everyday and pile them on a bus together to haul them to the games though...WTF
None of our systems were prepared for anything of this magnitude. They have had to scale up fast. Sounds like you have done well in raising him, he didn’t buy into the hype. That’s a free thinker for you - stand proud and encourage him to pursue those dreams. I can’t imagine what hoops everyone is jumping thru to supplement schooling
He's a thoughtful kid. Im really lucky at how he is turning out. I was pretty young and very irresponsible when I had him. We kinda grew up together.
I feel bad for the folks that have to work and can't find good child care right now. Some schools are completely closed and it has to be very difficult for them.
My kids start hybrid learning tomorrow. They attend class Tue/Thur and are virtual Wed/Fri. I'm self employed and work from home but I can't run my business and make sure they are doing what there supposed to at the same time. Not to mention we don't have access to unlimited internet here in the boondocks. Tethering our phones is how we get online and @ 25gig they slow us down to where you can't even check email. Its going to be a joke....Still okay to go to football practice everyday and pile them on a bus together to haul them to the games though...WTF
Nothing makes sense right now. The distancing rules are bologna. 6' does nothing. We had a choice here to distance learn, do a hybrid or go to school. We decided to start at home and if things change for the better we will reassess. A school half an hour from here was open for 5 days and it closed down and a couple others have since as well. We don't expect that our elementary school will be open for much longer now that we are considered a hotspot for Covid.
Good luck with the kids and their schooling. We all need a touch of luck right now.
So you're the perfect one to be leader of the pack. You understand what needs to be done. ? :)
I do and I don't. I know how it feels and can relate certain tricks that helped me to focus. Will they work for her though??
Bf and I are both against putting our kids on pharmaceuticals and would consider it a last resort.
Joints and frisbee in the park! :D oh wait - joints for you, frisbee for them :surf: mad times!
I can frisbee and be stoned because I'm a crazy multitasker.
Think we are going on a nature walk today. I need to grab some leaves for an art project that we have to do tomorrow.
I'll teach them how to identify some of the easier trees and get some good exercise. The trails have different degrees of difficulty. I can get them good and winded.
Hope you are well m'dear.
I concur... :passitleft:
Trimming always makes my back sore. I ate two cookies. Shouldn't feel anything in about 45 min.
Hope you are well CraZ
Chop Chop!
Damn straight! :laughtwo: :love:
GZ always grows fat and dense nugs. Haven't seen any other case yet. My plants had a nutty flavour on smoke and smelled pretty dank. Just that dank weed smell but in a more intense way. Enjoy your harvest VG :passitleft:
She is so dank...oof. The buds turned out much nicer than on the first run of her. Nice and compact.:yummy:
Sugary goodness! Congrats on the takedown :).
Thanks darlin'. I'm done...

Seems that it's time to drop some seeds once again. Have some Peyote strains that I have to run.

@MrSauga you still wanna do the Kalashnikov??

Prepping 1/2 gallon geopots with BTI.
Seems that it's time to drop some seeds once again. Have some Peyote strains that I have to run.

@MrSauga you still wanna do the Kalashnikov??

Prepping 1/2 gallon geopots with BTI.
I sure do. When do you plan on dropping?
Wait. So you want me to cut back!?! :laughtwo:
Ha! No! You do you girl! :love:
I haven't had coffee all week
:thedoubletake: Um, whyyyyy?..
My oldest decided to take some time off at college. He wants the distance learning to be stable so he isn't wasting his time.
Yeahhhh. My daughter works at a major university here and they opened up on time and within two weeks they shut down. The online learning is NOT fully established and it’s a cluster. Lots of University personnel will be losing their jobs...its unfortunate.
Bf and I are both against putting our kids on pharmaceuticals and would consider it a last resort.
My son is ADD (low impulse) and it wasn’t until he was a Junior in HS that we had him tested and found out. Back when he was in elementary school a lots of kids were on Ritalin and there was such a stigma with having to go take drugs at the nurses office - kids notice! Anyway, he is night and day on Concerta. The psychologist explained that “he has a filing cabinet in his brain but everything is crammed in the bottom drawer so he can’t get answers or responses out as quickly as others”. When he is on the meds he Is snappy with responses and focused.
Big GZ is done.
Yay! :woohoo: Your big gals inspire me! And that pick depicts a beauty of a GZ bud. Yum!

@MrSauga you still wanna do the Kalashnikov??
And the Kalashnikov dance begins! :goof:
Trimming always makes my back sore. I ate two cookies. Shouldn't feel anything in about 45 min.
Hope you are well CraZ

Same story with me but mostly my neck get a beating from it, funny with pain its hard to feel pain more than one place at a time and if one pain goes away another gets stronger. Keep eating those cookies, and keep em' doggies roll'n. :laughtwo:

Harvest looks awesome! :)

The psychologist explained that “he has a filing cabinet in his brain but everything is crammed in the bottom drawer so he can’t get answers or responses out as quickly as others”. When he is on the meds he Is snappy with responses and focused.

LoL that sounds like my brain exactly... had an appointment with my handler yesterday at the cuckoo's nest, so she found out how long before my screening process starts and its set for November due to their workload. Feels good to have a time frame for it though still a long time.... Crashed totally after that meet and I was supposed to go to work in the afternoon. Well it is what it is, I cant do much about it.

How often do your son take Rital/Concerta? Here they usually recommend 3-4 times a day due to the low duration of the effects. This "new" med I tried for my condition is called Elvanse and it give effects over 12h after taking it, I think you have a XT version of Adderal that's like a depot version with longer duration. Many who take these meds hate the slap effect they get between taking doses of Rital and Concerta.
I sure do. When do you plan on dropping?
A week from now work for ya? Not sure which nute line I'm going to run yet or which medium for that matter.
Need to read a bit.
Ha! No! You do you girl! :love:

:thedoubletake: Um, whyyyyy?..

Yeahhhh. My daughter works at a major university here and they opened up on time and within two weeks they shut down. The online learning is NOT fully established and it’s a cluster. Lots of University personnel will be losing their jobs...its unfortunate.

My son is ADD (low impulse) and it wasn’t until he was a Junior in HS that we had him tested and found out. Back when he was in elementary school a lots of kids were on Ritalin and there was such a stigma with having to go take drugs at the nurses office - kids notice! Anyway, he is night and day on Concerta. The psychologist explained that “he has a filing cabinet in his brain but everything is crammed in the bottom drawer so he can’t get answers or responses out as quickly as others”. When he is on the meds he Is snappy with responses and focused.

Yay! :woohoo: Your big gals inspire me! And that pick depicts a beauty of a GZ bud. Yum!

And the Kalashnikov dance begins! :goof:
I'm taking a break from coffee.The problem lies in how I enjoy it.
I like my coffee how I like my men....full of whiskey. You can see the problems that can come with consuming Irish (in this case Canadian whiskey) coffee in the early hours.
Was also feeling dehydrated lately and thought a break may be beneficial. I was drinking 6 cups in the morning.

I'm sure there are many new options for ADD drugs. My oldest was on Adderall. It changed his personality and not always for the better. Bf and I will have to look at options if it comes down to it. I'm not a fan of pharma and only use it when required. I'm not an anti-vaxxer and don't doubt that there are effective pharmaceuticals.
I'm still trying to gauge my daughter at this point. Not 100% sure that there is anything to really worry about yet. She is merely unfocused at this stage.
Same story with me but mostly my neck get a beating from it, funny with pain its hard to feel pain more than one place at a time and if one pain goes away another gets stronger. Keep eating those cookies, and keep em' doggies roll'n. :laughtwo:

Harvest looks awesome! :)
The buds did turn out ok. A bit on the small size. It is to be expected though. It wasn't a trouble-free run by any means.

Looks like it should be a quick succession of harvests. Will be nice to have variety once again.
Your beautiful GZ hangs so chunkily V! Gonna be Yummy!
Chunkily!?! :laughtwo:
Yes they are.
Good morning Stone:hug::love:
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