Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

i have an apera ec meter. 60 series, the same as my ph meter. can definitely recommend.
comes with solution, but you'll probably never use it. thing has never left calibration, the decent ones rarely do. the ph meters will drift, but it's rare an ec goes out.
My last meter did both (fairly accurate) and was inexpensive. It was made by one of the same Chinese companies that makes the cheap yellow pH meters, but this one was purple IIRC.
I only saw two purple ones that I recall. One was soild purple and the other purple and white.
Sorry to hear about the troubles VG!

Echoing what Mr S (who also witnessed me try this) said, dolomite lime is probably not going to do much to help in the relatively short time your plants have left, and isn't ideal because of the magnesium to calcium ratio. It takes a while to cook and there's a risk of imbalance.

Let's see what the slurry tests tell us about your mix!
More than likely the pH is high and would call for sulfur. I did have a grow where I had low soil pH and had to use fast acting lime. It was further into flower than the Sour D. I wouldn't bother trying to correct the big GZ in the closet though. She looks like she's almost done. So I'm not changing anything on her and just letting her finish. Don't want to screw her up worse. I have slowed the damage from spreading it would seem and that's good enough for her. I'm not worried about harvest weights on her. I have another GZ in my 2x4 and should have plenty.
Can try a slurry tomorrow morning on the Sour D but I think her problem is being underfed from giving her tainted (moist) MC. We shall see.
Sounds delicious! I'm a sucker for sweet strains. :yummy:
I know TDS/EC/PPM can be expensive, after going through 3 of the cheap EC pens which worked great at the time and if looked after you can get a decent amount of use until they start drifting but that is usually due to build up. I invested in a blue labs trucheon, shows EC/PPM500/PPM700 had it for two years now and has been a great investment. :goodluck:
I think I'm going to go with something in the $40 or less range. Still looking for a good deal. I already have a really nice pH pen so if I can go a little cheaper here it would be great.
I'd like to build some platforms for my two Mars tents to get them off of the floor. I need that space underneath to store bales of Pro Mix and various other clutter and that is more $$$. I have to carefully save and plan for everything.
Growing can be such a money pit sometimes.... investment sounds nicer.

Don't be afraid of the cheaper meters, problem with those are generally availability of spare probes and correct calibration. These meters just measure the conductivity of the fluid you are meassuring, ( ionization and free electrons ). The fluid calibrations usually have a unit like ~12880 μS/cm, so this is what they are measuring in and converts it with math to units we can use when adjusting nutes like ppm/ms/Tds.

Really hope we do, and soon.

Btw, got the Botox now and completely wrinkle free in my forehead :laughtwo: Damn this is strong stuff, it really takes the edge of the pain. Today I got some pain around the areas they injected but It's a passing thing I know.

Hope you clear out what's happening with SD and GZ... done any slurry testing?
Sweet. Got your Botox. I wonder if my doc would go for that? I've never asked.
I could use some pain reduction and getting rid of my forehead wrinkles would just be icing on the cake...mmmmmm....cake.
I must either scowl or looked surprised a lot. Those are really my only wrinkles so far. Maybe a slight hint of crows feet.

Mine did too when I checked out the GZ! Mmmmm salivating.
She is a very,very stinky plant. Smells like two skunks in love :love:
Better than a puke or dog shit scent no?
Yes sir! I'll enjoy my pee pee weed. Thank you.

i have an apera ec meter. 60 series, the same as my ph meter. can definitely recommend.
comes with solution, but you'll probably never use it. thing has never left calibration, the decent ones rarely do. the ph meters will drift, but it's rare an ec goes out.
I have their pH60 meter and love it. In two years of ownership I have had to calibrate it twice. It was off by .50.
Love it but $80 is a bit much for me right now. I could justify it more of I was running hydro.
I really don't plan on using it much anyway.
Transplanted the WSE chickies this morning....
Topped Charlotte and I will try to clone the top. It should take a few weeks. The tops always take a bit longer, for me anyway.
Fed the big GZ and looked at the GG clones in perlite. All three of the GGs have taken so I'm gonna have to cull some. I don't need five GGs right now. They seem easy to clone though. That's always a positive.
Waiting on some Geopots....
Transplanted the WSE chickies this morning....
Topped Charlotte and I will try to clone the top. It should take a few weeks. The tops always take a bit longer, for me anyway.
Fed the big GZ and looked at the GG clones in perlite. All three of the GGs have taken so I'm gonna have to cull some. I don't need five GGs right now. They seem easy to clone though. That's always a positive.
Waiting on some Geopots....
Is that a cute little humidifier in there ;)
Looking good, very healthy!
Sweet. Got your Botox. I wonder if my doc would go for that? I've never asked.
I could use some pain reduction and getting rid of my forehead wrinkles would just be icing on the cake...mmmmmm....cake.
I must either scowl or looked surprised a lot. Those are really my only wrinkles so far. Maybe a slight hint of crows feet.

You should talk about Botox with your doctor if you suffer from migraine and pain, here its very common to get that treatment for just migraines. Would clear your supposed wrinkles right out, visited a friend today and she gets the same treatments as me and she is really happy about the anti wrinkle effect of it. :laughtwo:

Cake.... yeah, that was some time since... Mom's birthday is coming up so I might bake a princess cake for her, she loves them. She was rushed to hospital again this Wednesday and she now have another meter shorter small intestine. She was relieved they operated her right away and was very cheerful when I spoke with her yestderday and already wanting to go home.

Transplanted the WSE chickies this morning....

Super green, even greener than froggy...

Any slurry testing of GZ?

Today I managed to get inside my grow room... I need to find a place to store two boxes, a stepladder and two madrases before I can turn power on in there and start growing.
You should talk about Botox with your doctor if you suffer from migraine and pain, here its very common to get that treatment for just migraines. Would clear your supposed wrinkles right out, visited a friend today and she gets the same treatments as me and she is really happy about the anti wrinkle effect of it. :laughtwo:

Cake.... yeah, that was some time since... Mom's birthday is coming up so I might bake a princess cake for her, she loves them. She was rushed to hospital again this Wednesday and she now have another meter shorter small intestine. She was relieved they operated her right away and was very cheerful when I spoke with her yestderday and already wanting to go home.

Super green, even greener than froggy...

Any slurry testing of GZ?

Today I managed to get inside my grow room... I need to find a place to store two boxes, a stepladder and two madrases before I can turn power on in there and start growing.
I hope your Mom gets to feeling better soon CraZ! :love:
Is that a cute little humidifier in there ;)
Looking good, very healthy!
I got Mr.Froggy on clearance. I think that's actually Mr. Alligator on there right now. It has a few different diffusers.
It's worked great so far.
Looks like the transplant took ok. They perked right up this evening.
Hope you are having a lovely evening goody.
Mom's birthday is coming up so I might bake a princess cake for her, she loves them.
That's sweet.
Who doesn't love princess cakes? Happy b-day to your mom.:love:
I should make one for the bf this year. Pink on pink on pink with sprinkles.:laughtwo:

I spoke with her yestderday and already wanting to go home.
Lots of healing love for your mom. Hope she's feeling much better soon.
I personally don't like surgery or hospitals.
Any slurry testing of GZ?
She's too wet right now. Possibly tomorrow.
I'm glad you're up and moving and building and planning and transplanting and cloning again!

I didn't do much today though. My back is sore so all I did was transplant babies,talk to Buttercup for a few hours then chatted with HH and took a long nap with my pooch.
I did find a bunch of jars with various types of weed scattered around my room. I can only identify 3 of 5. :hmmmm:
Finding a nicely cured bud of True OG really put smile on my face and then it knocked me on my ass.
Highya VG,

I had a chuckle at your descriptive phrase upon finding your True OG! Kinda like one who says things without thinking! Thank you for that! I do hope you're feeling better. You're too young to be feeling poorly all the time! Love your chickies pics and the bud pics! Happy Smokin'
Howdy fam.
Just two budshots.

Highya VG,

I had a chuckle at your descriptive phrase upon finding your True OG! Kinda like one who says things without thinking! Thank you for that! I do hope you're feeling better. You're too young to be feeling poorly all the time! Love your chickies pics and the bud pics! Happy Smokin'
Feeling a little underpowered and overworked for the past few days. Haven't gotten much done as far as slurry tests and such. I'm trying to prioritize and the kiddos needs come first. I have to have everything ready for school. It starts in about a week. Still have quite a bit to do.

Aww...thanks CraZ. :love: :love: :love: :love:
Gave me a huge smile. I love duckies.
If I had one his name would be Quackers.
Ugh....gfucking gfungus gnats!
Squished a dozen this morning. I have BT in all of the pots now. And if I can find my sticky traps later I'll put some of those in there too.
I'll dig out my bag of perlite and add some of that along with a little DE.
Oh, they grow up so fast!. ;) Gettin thicc!
I'm about a month into flower right now. The Critical is supposed to be a 7 week. GZ is an 8-9 wk and Sour D is a 10-11 WK.
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