Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Hey Doll, Well that sucks a plenty! In my 20’s thru 40’s I slept well. Now in my 50’s sleep is not restorative. It’s sporadic and I wake at odd times during the night. Maybe slam a couple benadryls an hour before bed, or perhaps melatonin works better for you. I know you probably don’t want to add extra meds but a good nights sleep can make all the difference!

Anyway just checking on you VG, no need to reply!
I think that I need to set a reminder on my phone to tell me when to eat one of my DDA cookies. If I eat one around
10 pm I'll sleep like a log. I sometimes forget and if I eat one any later I will be groggy the next morning.

Thanks for stopping by:ciao:
Wake up in panic during these dreams?
Yes I do. All sweaty and discombobulated.
Hey Amy :love:
I set an alarm but forgot to turn up the volume. Smh.
Didn't hear it and completely forgot. Luckily I smoked a huge J before bed.
I slept well and didn't have any dreams.
Really needed the rest.

Yeah I'll say! Very formidable!
She got her frost! Being half GG, you know she's gonna bring it.:slide:
Highya Dusted.
How are you and Zip today?
He sure is a cutie.
Hi VG! Glad you are feeling better. I remember someone mentioning that they vacuum seal their MC into smaller containers - was that you? If so, what size packages do you make? All your plants are Looking beautiful as usual! :green_heart:
Highya Boo!
That wasn't me. I keep mine in a 2 gallon with a gamma lid and fill an amber mason jar from that. I need some new jar tops. The gaskets go bad after awhile on the masons.
How you doin? I know I need to catch up on your journal,sorry.

I don't vacuum seal, but when I got my 22lb bag I filled up 4 old smaller MC bags I had saved, squeezed the air out, and put the rest in a 2 gallon bucket with a container of DampRid.
I need to pick some DampRid up for mine as well. Do you think that I could stick old , super dried out Bovedas in there?? Should work in theory,right,?
I have a bunch of those sitting around.
I also know them too well.... :rolleyes:

Plants look truly amazing Vg, your skills shine through! :slide:
Hate waking up clammy and covered in sweat but waking up afraid and confused is the worst. Takes a little bit to calm myself. Sometimes the anxiety will persist through the morning.
I have this one recurring dream where I spit all of my teeth out into my hands. I find it really disturbing.
It seems to happen at times of high stress in my life.

Sorry to hear about the stress/sleep/anxiety issues VG.

I imagine the world has rarely been more anxious or sleepless as in 2020.

I second the herb + melatonin combo.
Found a gummy recipe with melatonin in it. Gotta order some molds now . I actually have melatonin on hand. I'll try the supplement this evening.

Setting an alarm right now. Lol
Found a gummy recipe with melatonin in it. Gotta order some molds now . I actually have melatonin on hand. I'll try the supplement this evening.
would love to see that recipe!
That wasn't me. I keep mine in a 2 gallon with a gamma lid and fill an amber mason jar from that. I need some new jar tops. The gaskets go bad after awhile on the masons.
How you doin? I know I need to catch up on your journal,sorry.
maybe it was Emilya. A two gallon with a lid sounds good. I’m tired of opening the huge bags and, well, yeah. New jar tops you say? I’m am a canner and now all the freaking jar tops are sold out everywhere and Amazon is selling them for insane prices. THAT really pisses me off... There, I feel better, sorry! Other than the jar lid thing I’m good! I think I might be able to harvest the two tent Cindys this week an have been thinking about who will go in there next......maybe the outdoor Cindy in bloom right now - speed her up a bit! Not sure yet though.
Hate waking up clammy and covered in sweat but waking up afraid and confused is the worst. Takes a little bit to calm myself. Sometimes the anxiety will persist through the morning.
I have this one recurring dream where I spit all of my teeth out into my hands. I find it really disturbing.
It seems to happen at times of high stress in my life.
I’m an old lady so I wake up clammy and sweaty a lot! Afraid and confused, not fun. That is interesting about the teeth dream. I’ve had similar dreams (Although not spitting them all out), and it IS disturbing. I’ve been lucky to have good teeth all my life, no braces, few cavities, etc. That must tie into the crazy teeth dreams for me. Why do you think you have them?
With a lot of product it will take a lot of Bovedas, but do you really want it to stabilize at 62% RH? I think lower would be better for long (or short even) term storage.
Would be a temporary solution until I can grab some DampRid. Thought a handful of uber dry Bovedas would be better than nothing. I could use a bag of rice for that matter.
As I recall, P made CBD/melatonin gummies for his wife and they worked well.
Yup. That's the recipe.
would love to see that recipe!

maybe it was Emilya. A two gallon with a lid sounds good. I’m tired of opening the huge bags and, well, yeah. New jar tops you say? I’m am a canner and now all the freaking jar tops are sold out everywhere and Amazon is selling them for insane prices. THAT really pisses me off... There, I feel better, sorry! Other than the jar lid thing I’m good! I think I might be able to harvest the two tent Cindys this week an have been thinking about who will go in there next......maybe the outdoor Cindy in bloom right now - speed her up a bit! Not sure yet though.

I’m an old lady so I wake up clammy and sweaty a lot! Afraid and confused, not fun. That is interesting about the teeth dream. I’ve had similar dreams (Although not spitting them all out), and it IS disturbing. I’ve been lucky to have good teeth all my life, no braces, few cavities, etc. That must tie into the crazy teeth dreams for me. Why do you think you have them?
I can't find jar lids either. My usual amber jars are sold out and all the others they have in stock are those really small jelly jars.
Not helpful!

No idea why I have that dream but I've been having it since I was pretty young.

Here is that gummy recipe....

P says that for a batch of 50-60 gummies, you will want 5 mg quick dissolve per gummy so he uses basically the whole bottle per batch.
Hate waking up clammy and covered in sweat but waking up afraid and confused is the worst. Takes a little bit to calm myself. Sometimes the anxiety will persist through the morning.
I have this one recurring dream where I spit all of my teeth out into my hands. I find it really disturbing.
It seems to happen at times of high stress in my life.

This escalated a lot after my accident and I had it every night ever since, have to admit since I started self medicating this Elvanse ADD medicine it's completely gone so I guess it de stresses my nerves a lot. One of the side affects of it gets some disturbing after a while and that is all fiddeling and sorting of things in dissorder... :laughtwo:

I'm sad to say I never felt Cannabis could take this away completely, but I guess there are 1000s of strains to try. The closest I ever got to feeling it helped was with medium strength sativas, so hopefully I can get back to having some spliffs after this screening is finished. Still got no appointment for it or any other dates, vacations still going on here though so it might start rolling soon after they start regular work hours again.

Tomorrow is the Botox treatment, looking forward to it. Will stop at a store and get some PET filament for the printer as well, awesome material to work with. Super strong, withstand acids, easy to print and food approved so I might get some things printed for work with this.

Really hope you are feeling some better now Vg, take care. I'll be back soon! :)
This escalated a lot after my accident and I had it every night ever since, have to admit since I started self medicating this Elvanse ADD medicine it's completely gone so I guess it de stresses my nerves a lot. One of the side affects of it gets some disturbing after a while and that is all fiddeling and sorting of things in dissorder... :laughtwo:

I'm sad to say I never felt Cannabis could take this away completely, but I guess there are 1000s of strains to try. The closest I ever got to feeling it helped was with medium strength sativas, so hopefully I can get back to having some spliffs after this screening is finished. Still got no appointment for it or any other dates, vacations still going on here though so it might start rolling soon after they start regular work hours again.

Tomorrow is the Botox treatment, looking forward to it. Will stop at a store and get some PET filament for the printer as well, awesome material to work with. Super strong, withstand acids, easy to print and food approved so I might get some things printed for work with this.

Really hope you are feeling some better now Vg, take care. I'll be back soon! :)
Yea on the Botox!
Have you ever tried any Diesel strains? I haven't yet but I picked out my Sour D for nerve pain. GDP, Blue Dream are also supposed to be very good.
I will now be on the lookout for a strain called Purple Arrow. I'll be grabbing some of those asap.
Supposed to be amazing for chronic pain and migraines. It isn't soporific but is an appetite stimulant so I will have to watch my munchie intake.
I read some reviews and it seems like it's the real deal. Would be life changing if it is as effective as they say.

Take care. Hope everything goes smoothly for you tomorrow.:love:
Hey y'all. Real short today.
My headaches are back. Jacked up my neck again doing chores.
GGs are doing well in the 2x2. This is a temporary arrangement. They will go back to the clone area once I get around to it. Hopefully it will be this week. Want to try a different light for the set-up.
Really hoping that it will work for me.
Highya VG,

I second sheddie's concerns! I hate when others bear pain so much! Wish I could help! Love your chickies! Happy Smokin'
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