Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Sara clarified the rules on the contest for the FC3000 light....

Looks like a great light. Y'all should enter if you can.
Everyone is welcome because the FC3000 is a very good light
Happy plants VG
They are getting there. A few just need some TLC. It's been hectic around here and a few of them are harder to access right now. They haven't been getting as much attention but seem to be doing ok.
Your indoor garden looks more amazing for each update, Gz is turning in to a real monster under that light. Cant wait to see her finish of now, I hope to I can start growing soon again love it so much. :)
I would be pretty sullen if I couldn't grow. It's just become part of everyday life and not something I'd willingly give up at this point in time.
Big GZ looks like it's waiting to jump out at some unsuspecting closet-opener and then make a run for it!
That may be the case later. Don't know if she will be able to support her own buds later on. I may have to truss her up or she will spill out when I open the door. Lol
Or like it's some kind of looming superintelligence of unknown origin imposing its influence on our world via telepathic waves. Benevolent, of course!

Great looking plants VG :thumb:
I have strange dreams about my plants trying to communicate with me or they try to strangle my with vines. Close enough. :laughtwo:
Sooper dooper VG! Looking good. Enjoy your week!!
I will try. Lots of work to catch up on. I'm behind in everything right now. Laundry mountain is threatening to collapse and don't think I've cooked a real meal in about a week now.
I hope you are feeling a bit better Virgin and no worries! We love to watch your grow :cool:
Hi David. I'm feeling a bit better and I'm starting to get back to my normal schedule. It won't be long now.
I'm working on my intro this evening.
Everyone is welcome because the FC3000 is a very good light
It looks fantastic.

Does FC stand for full coverage??

Thank you for clarifying further,Sara.
Hope you are feeling better.:love:
They're all looking happy again and Big GZ is getting its stretch on big time! My sativas haven't seemed to get that kind of spacing, dunno why though.

Hope you're feeling better today and camping becomes a reality. :Namaste:
I think she is done or almost there. Just enough headroom for flower. Phew.
I can only move the light up another inch and then I'm maxed out.
It looks fantastic.

Does FC stand for full coverage??

Thank you for clarifying further,Sara.
Hope you are feeling better.:love:
FC stands for flexible Commerical led ;)
Looks like you have the room for a couple of supercrops. :thumb:
Don't think I'll have to. I think that she is done stretching. Hasn't gotten any taller in the last 4 days.
That explains that greyish glowing vapor cloud up here in Canada. Nobody could figure it out.
I have one teenager and two preteens. There is always some funky smell around here.
FC stands for flexible Commerical led ;)
Absolutely... feels like some part is missing. :nervous-guy::laughtwo:
Hopefully it won't be long now.:love:
Story of me too! :high-five: :eye-roll: :hug:

hang in there babe! You know you can. :love: Happy garden :)
I'm slowly returning back to 'normal'.
I actually had enough energy to mow the lawn yesterday but that was about it.
Felt good to do something. I've been pretty bored resting.
Hi David. I'm feeling a bit better and I'm starting to get back to my normal schedule. It won't be long now.
I'm working on my intro this evening.
Hey y'all.
Started something.....
Man. That Sour D really needs to quit stretching or I'll have to supercrop her. That would be disappointing.
I put her in the center so she isn't directly under a qb. My light has space for three qbs but I only have two on it.

It's getting harder to pick out the sick plant. GZ is doing a bit better...

Critical is such a squat little thing. She would be great for micro-grows.

Big GZ is bud building. Forgot to snap a pic this morning.
Need to clean up some of the smaller suckers on her that are regrowing.
She looks ok over all.

Hope y'all are safe and happy. :love: :love: :love:
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