Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Disgusting tank is down!!! :slide:
Just need to sterilize everything and pack it away. Then I get to play furniture tetris again.
After that it's tent time!!
We'll see how much I can get done today

Until then...:passitleft:
How did you know!?!?!?
I seriously need some.:passitleft:
My back is toast. I'm done for the night.
Time to medicate heavily and relax in front of a nice fire.
I got 80% of my list done today. That means that I will be able to put my tent up tomorrow if everything goes as planned.
Hubba hubba, yeah I’ll take a slice of that!! So when does she get the axe?
Soon. Was just talking to @Chris Scorpio and he told me at least another week.
All of my plants are starting to foxtails a bit. My last crop did it too.
It’s always nice when someone crazier than you gains the title.
I don't know Penny. I'm crazy but I'm not an asshole . I was trying to have a fire with my kids.
She was drunk and super loud and just about every other word was a swear. She doesn't live there. She was a guest.
BF got the point across. He came outside and started copying her, rather loudly. She got really quiet and left shortly after.
She came within a couple of inches of hitting my neighbors Galaxy. Then she peeled off in a 10 mph zone.

She does it again and she gonna meet me.
We need to have a talk with our neighbor.
Thanks for removing that. Real caterpillars are not welcome here.

I should explain my phobia. It probably seems rediculous to some of you. This may help you understand.
When I was a little girl my older brothers weren't very nice to me. They loved to taunt and bully.
Amongst other varieties of sibling torture they liked to put caterpillars in my hair and squish them. I was pretty young, about 5 when they started. It was ongoing for years. They would chase me down, if I hid they always found me.
Having really curly hair made it so much worse. Imagine trying to get half dead writhing gooey caterpillars out of your hair..
Seeing them provokes a physical response from me, even photos.
I scream, run if I can and then shake and cry. Same thing happened this time except I also threw my phone across the room.

I had to go and find HH to save me from my monster. Thanks HH:hug::love:
I'll bet a solid punch in the nose(or a good head butt) to your brothers could help you feel better. Let me know if you try it. I'll feel better. ;)
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