Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

:idea:Stock up on Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis), start a ladybug habitat and fight back lol
Omg. That's so funny. I do have a ton of BT.
Hey, if they stay at his house fantastic. They come near me or my plants all bets are off. Need some Safer dust too....
Is there such a thing as an outdoor ladybug house where I can breed them by the millions?? This thought intrigues me.

Not the little birdhouse looking ones. Those don't work. At least they never have for me.
If you build it they will come.....

Or just buy a Shit load from the zon lol

mom says some plants attract them .. cause they attract what they eat. sooo ... 50/50 if you wanna have them.
i'll ask if she can remember what they are this wkend. :)
My moral dilemma is the they are Monarchs. With a dwindling population how can I be selfish?
It does make the butterflies in my stomach throw up just thinking about it.
What can I do??
Love my neighbor too. He's the coolest guy ever.
I would certainly hate to disappoint him.
I think I need a shrink for this.
scented geraniums and marigolds, they also like nasturtiums and lavenders. Another benefit is a herb garden that includes dill, parsley and thyme.
I have the lavender, parsley and thyme.
Love the giant vanilla white marigolds. Maybe I'll try to get my hands on some.

Now what are some plants that repel caterpillars? Lol
Little info for you that might keep the crawlies out of your yard VG

Certain types of plants will naturally repel caterpillars, and can easily be incorporated into your garden or flower bed to keep caterpillars
Peppermint, lavender, mugwort, and sage are the most potent plants that will repel caterpillars.
Lol. I just looked. Basil and mint and chives and all of the things that I plant anyway. Rosemary is another one. Says clover too. Probably why I hardly ever aee them. My whole yard turns to clover in early summer.

Seems as though I've been protecting myself against them without knowing it.

My moral dilemma is the they are Monarchs. With a dwindling population how can I be selfish?
It does make the butterflies in my stomach throw up just thinking about it.
What can I do??
Love my neighbor too. He's the coolest guy ever.
I would certainly hate to disappoint him.
I think I need a shrink for this.

monarchs are beautiful and endangered. they are near revered in my country.
they been doing ok recent. fingers crossed.
and it is a rather unusual phobia .... :p

scented geraniums and marigolds, they also like nasturtiums and lavenders. Another benefit is a herb garden that includes dill, parsley and thyme.

ding ! thanks lap ..

i remember now she said to grow herbs. she used to grow herbs of all sorts at the edges or in particular places.
dill, parsley and thyme are staples for our growing zone. sage and prairie sage too.
Thanks for removing that. Real caterpillars are not welcome here.

I should explain my phobia. It probably seems rediculous to some of you. This may help you understand.
When I was a little girl my older brothers weren't very nice to me. They loved to taunt and bully.
Amongst other varieties of sibling torture they liked to put caterpillars in my hair and squish them. I was pretty young, about 5 when they started. It was ongoing for years. They would chase me down, if I hid they always found me.
Having really curly hair made it so much worse. Imagine trying to get half dead writhing gooey caterpillars out of your hair..
Seeing them provokes a physical response from me, even photos.
I scream, run if I can and then shake and cry. Same thing happened this time except I also threw my phone across the room.

I had to go and find HH to save me from my monster. Thanks HH:hug::love:
My moral dilemma is the they are Monarchs. With a dwindling population how can I be selfish?
It does make the butterflies in my stomach throw up just thinking about it.
What can I do??
Love my neighbor too. He's the coolest guy ever.
I would certainly hate to disappoint him.
I think I need a shrink for this.
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